Sustainable Aviation Fuels Update – January 2020
Nordic Energy Research has worked on Sustainable aviation since 2016 when we commissioned a study on Sustainable Jet-fuels for aviation. This report resulted in a series of workshops and conferences co-organized by Nordic Energy Research and Nordic Initiative for Sustainable Aviation. We have experienced an increasing sense of urgency within the aviation industry to find low- to no-carbon solutions. Customers, and especially youth are increasingly opting out of flying. In Sweden, a new phrase – Flygskam – have made its way into English dictionaries.
Sustainable Jet Fuel for Aviation – Nordic perspectives on the use of advanced sustainable jet fuel for aviation– provides an overview of new developments in terms of producing synthetic aviation fuels as well the recent developments on airplanes powered by either electricity or hydrogen. The report demonstrate that ther are a number of sustainable aviation fuel producers planning to start up small-scale production.