Nordic Energy Outlooks – Final report WP2: Increased electrification – electricity generators and consumers
The final report from WP2 addresses electrification in the Nordic countries along with a common comparative study using energy system models.
The research partners in WP2 are SINTEF Energy, IVL, IFE, UiO and DEA. The report concludes with key takeaways, suggestions on areas for further joint research and a response to research questions pursued by each partner, along with results from the common study. The common study presents pathways for the energy system following two scenarios: One with a net-zero emission target in 2050 and one which increases the export from the Nordic countries from 2030, inspired by the REPowerEU plan. Among the addressed topics are electrification of the build environment and heavy industry in the Nordic countries, impact of the European energy crisis on the Norwegian energy transition, societal challenges and implications of increased electrification and a system toolchain for energy system modelling including transport model and power system model.