Sluttrapport Nordisk Energiforskning 1999 – 2002The field of Bioenergy Processes emphasizes basic research related to the biological processes used for the production of ethanol from lignocellulosic raw materials. Areas of research include various aspects of…Norwegian2002-01-12
NORIA (Nordic Research and Innovation Area) Vitbok om forskning och innovationDe nordiska länderna satsar i medeltal över 3 % av BNP på FoU och ligger väl till när det gäller de viktigaste indikatorerna på forskning och innovationSwedish2004-01-12
Muligheter for fornybare energisystemer og hydrogenteknologi i Vest-Norden – Energiplanlegging og systemstudierProjektet er opdelt i to dele. Den første delen – Energiplanlægning omfatter en kortlægning af den eksisterende energisituation i Grønland, Island og Færøerne samt en mere detaljeret kortlægning og vurdering…Norwegian2004-01-12
Nordic Hydrogen Energy Foresight – Building the Nordic Research and Innovation Area in HydrogenThe aim of the foresight is to provide decision support for companies and research institutes in defining R&D priorities and to assist governmental decision-makers in making effective framework policies for the introduction of hydrogen…English2005-01-12
Renewable Energy System Concepts for Nolsoy, The Faroe IslandsThe objective with this interim report is to propose, describe, and evaluate various technical concepts for a renewable energy system suitable for the island of Nólsoy at the Faroe IslandsEnglish2006-01-12
Introduction of Renewable Energy Systems in Remote Communities in the Nordic Region – A Case Study of Nólsoy, The Faroe IslandsThis thesis investigates the setup of a stand-alone energy system where the excess wind power is diverted to and consumed in distributed domestic hot water tanksEnglish2006-01-16
SWOT-analysis on common strategic issues on innovative energy systems for the ERANET INNERThe ERANET INNER has the objective "to establish cooperation between European national research programmes that stimulate innovative energy research". This cooperation will contribute to the coherence and coordination of the…English2006-01-16
Research and Development Activities 2003 – 2006The project portfolio for 2003-2006 consisted of 15 separate but well co-ordinated projects, covering a wide range of topics around new energy technology and efficient marketsEnglish2006-01-16
A study on Complementarities and Gaps between National H2-FC RD&D Programmes and Analysis of New Opportunities (SWOT analysis)The overall aim of this report is to investigate the common strategic issues related to the hydrogen and full cell "community" in EU. The report has its main focus on…English2006-01-16
International Bioenergy Networks – Directory 2007A particular need is recognised for strengthening the co-operation as regards research, development, demonstration and innovation projects in the bioenergy sector between countries in the Baltic Sea region. It is…English2007-01-16
Where did they all go?Nordic Energy Research has financed close to 300 PhDs during the past 20 years. With this publication, we want to show what has happened to the Nordic Energy Research PhDs…English2007-01-16
Energy research for the future – 10 reasons whyWhether or not human activity is the source of climate change is no longer a debate. Now, we must pool our resources to meet the challengeEnglish2007-01-16
A study on Identification of Legal and Other Barriers that Hinder Transnational RD&D Cooperation on the Program level in Hydrogen and Fuel-CellsLack of trans-national coordination and collaboration of R&D programs outside the EU-framework, has been identified as an important barrier to the competitiveness of the European innovation system. To meet such…English2007-01-16
Impacts of Climate Change on Renewable Energy Sources – Their role in the Nordic energy systemA concluding project on energy system analyses describes in a more qualitative way how the different energy sources may play together in the future.English2007-01-16
Energi 07 – Forskning, utvikling og demonstrasjonI denne årsberetning samordner de danske energiforskningsprogrammer fra, Energistyrelsen, Dansk Energi, Det Strategiske Forskningsråds Programkomité for Energi og Miljø og Højteknologifonden for første gang deres ålige afrapporteringerDanish2007-01-16
Energy Technology Industry – A business in growthThe objective of this report is to give an overview of the Nordic energy technology exports to global markets. The report focuses on key export markets, including the emerging markets…English2007-01-16
Energy Solutions for Sustainable Development – Proceedings Risø International Energy Conference 2007The conference focused on the scientific development of new technologies, their market perspectives, and realistic contributions to achieving a low-level stabilization of CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere at, for…English2007-01-16
Norden-North AmericaAs a society, we face serious challenges in posed by rising CO2 emissions, and in ensuring a stable, secure supply of energy. It is evident that any conceivable solution to…English2008-01-19
Renewable energy and hydrogen system concepts for remote communities in the west nordic region – the Nólsoy case studyThe renewable energy system concepts developed and evaluated within the West Nordic project have evolved over time. The feasibility study in Phase I of the project marked the beginning of…English2008-01-19
Preliminary Synthesis ResultsEnglish2008-01-19
eNERGIA – Competitive Policies in the Nordic Energy Research and Innovation AreaEnglish2008-01-19
Opportunities for harmonisation of instruments for the promotion of renewable energy in the Nordic countriesAmbitious targets to increase the she share of renewable energy (RES) technologies in energy production has awoken several level discussions on how and with what measures the targets will be…English2008-01-19
State-of-the-art research: Optimal investment in market-based electric power systemsOptimal investment in market-based electricity systems is one of the most important, complex and challenging problem presently to be faced within the realm of energy economics research, and also with…English2008-01-19
Nordic Collaboration with China in Energy Research and DevelopmentThe study provides an overview and analysis of the Chinese energy sector, its policy and business environment, the associated innovation system, and, finally, international and Nordic activities in relation to…English2008-01-19
Nordiske energiselskaber øger satsning på FoUJournalist Maj Dang Trong har interviewet de fem største energiselskaber i Norden (Vattenfall, DONG Energy, Statkraft, Fortum og E.ON) om deres FoU- prioriteringer og syn på strategisk energiforskningDanish2008-01-19
Nanortalik A prelimnary analysis of the wind measurementsA 50 m measuring tower has been erected at Nanortalik Heliport. The aim is to map the wind resources at Nanortalik as part of the Vest-Norden project. The Vest-Norden project…English2008-01-19
Functioning of the Nordic power marketThis report reviews and evaluates some specifically stated reports concerning the functioning of the Nordic electricity marketEnglish2008-01-19
Nordic energy innovation systems – Patterns of need integration and cooperationThere are large potentials in employing the innovation system perspective to the energy area. Policy building on real insight in the innovation systems is until now seldom. This study gathers…English2008-01-19
Nordic Energy Research – an evaluation of its activitiesNordic and networking are the two keywords when describing the added value Nordic Energy Research provides stakeholders. It is clear that Nordic Energy Research (NER) is a valuable and appreciated…English2008-01-19
Nordic Energy Technologies – Enabling a Sustainable Nordic Energy FutureCombating climate change, increasing energy security of supply and finding new sustainable ways of ensuring economic growth are paramount political objectives worldwide. The Nordic countries are all subject to ambitious…English2009-01-19
Nanortalik A prelimnary analysis of the wind measurments rev – 1A 50 m met mast has been measuring the wind speed at Nanortalik Heliport for two years. The measuring project at Nanortalik is a part of the Vest-Norden project. The…English2009-01-19
Session Report – Investing in the Future (NCS 2008)The Nordic Climate Solutions conference in 2008 took place at the Bella Centre in Copenhagen over the 25th and 26th of November. Over 1000 participants took part in discussing, showcasing…English2009-01-19
Conference report, NORIA-energy workshop, December 2008The NORIA-energy programme aims to bolster the Nordic research and innovation area with regard to energy research and technology development, as well as to provide strategic recommendations for policy development…English2009-01-19
Russian Renewable Energy: The Potential for International CooperationThe aim of this project and this book is to provide an overview of the Russian renewable energy landscape aimed at helping Nordic Energy Research and other Nordic actors formulate…English2009-01-19
Perspectives for R&D in Bioenergy in the Baltic StatesIt can safely be claimed that almost all renewable energy sources (RES) have been known to mankind for millennia. Now with the increasingly obvious drawbacks of energy systems based on…English2009-01-19
Harmonisering av det nordiske elektrisitetsmarkedet 2009Det nordiske elektrisitetsmarkedet har kommet langt i harmoniseringsprosessen. Dette skyldes en kontinuerlig sterk politisk støtte til prosjektet, og et godt samarbeidsklima mellom interessentene i markedet. Fra 1995 og fram til…Norwegian2009-01-19
Status of harmonisation in the Nordic electricity marketThe Nordic electricity marked is the most harmonized cross border electricity market in the world. Through several important milestones, the market has grown from four national markets, to becoming one…English2009-01-19
The Financial Crisis Has Not Perturbed Providers of Clean EnergyNordic Energy Research has interviewed five Nordic manufacturers and providers of clean energy technology about the impact of the financial crisis on their R&D activities. It appears that the crisis…Danish2009-01-19
Session Report – International Technology Collaboration on Intellgent EnergyAs a part of the official programme at Nordic Climate Solutions 2008, Nordic Energy Research hosted a session on international research cooperation in energyEnglish2010-01-12
25 års JubileumsmagasinEtter 25 års virke har Nordisk Energiforskning mye å være stolt av. Resultater og aktiviteter presenteres i dette jubileumsmagasinetNorwegian2010-01-12
Nordic Energy Technology ScoreboardThis is the extended version of the Nordic Energy Technology Scoreboard 2010. This first edition demonstrates and proposes a set of indicators to measure the conditions and performance of clean…English2010-01-12
Foresight Analysis – Nordic Strategies for Renewable TransportThe purpose of this study is to identify options for a long term massive swithch from oil to renewable energy (RE) for transport in all of the Nordic countries and…English2010-01-12
Analysis of the flexible support mechanisms in the Directive on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sourcesThe objective of this project is to evaluate the usefulness and consequences of utilising the Flexible Mechanisms described in the Articles 6-11 of the Directive in Nordic Countries. Moreover, the…English2010-01-12
Nordic Energy Technology Scoreboard (Consise version)This is the concise version of the Nordic Energy Technology Scoreboard 2010. This first edition demonstrates and proposes a set of indicators to measure the conditions and performance of clean…English2010-01-12
Mapping The Baltic Sea Region on Developments – compilation of questionnairesThe aim of this report is to present the status on the following subjects: general aspects of bioenergy bioenergy details (availability and utilization) in the Baltic Sea Region a vision…English2010-01-20
Nordvind final report 16.11.2010NordVind is a working group as a part of the Nordic Council of Ministers. The aim of the group is to assess the planning process and other issues related to…English2010-01-20
Mapping Biogas in the Nordic CountriesThe Nordic Council of Ministers Working Group for Renewable Energy has initiated this study. The focus of the report is to map current activity and use of biogas in the…English2010-01-20
Handlingsprogram for det nordiske energipolitiske samarbejde 2010-2013Det nordiske energisamarbejde har de sidste år bygget på handlingsplanen for det nordiske energisamarbejde for perioden 2006–2009. Der var fokus på det nordiske elmarked, vedvarende energi og energieffektivitet, energi i…Danish2010-11-06
Energisystem i glesbygdRapporten syftar till att ge en översikt av energiförsörjningen i några valda glest befolkade områden i Norden, med fokus på småskalighet och omställning till hållbara energisystem. Rapporten innefattar Grönland och…Swedish2011-01-06
Sammandrag Energisystem i glesbygdRapporten syftar till att ge en översikt av energiförsörjningen i några valda glest befolkade områden i Norden, med fokus på småskalighet och omställning till hållbara energisystemSwedish2011-01-12
Hvidbog – Elementer til en nordisk strategi for energioptimering i skibsfarten i det vestnordiske områdeBelyser over for politiske systemer, interesseorganisationer og skibsfartens egne organer, hvordan den maritime sektor i Nordatlanten kan bidrage til at nedbringe de skadelige udledninger fra fossile brændstofferDanish2011-01-13
Wind power in cold climate – Final ReportThe Scandinavian countries have high national development goals for wind power, and the spatial potential is big. However, cold climate has shown to cause several problems in regions of the…English2011-02-12
Guarantees of origin and eco-labeling of electricity in the Nordic countriesRenewable electricity generation is one of the key alternatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and potentially reduce other harmful impacts of electricity generation to the environment. As an acknowledgement of…English2011-06-13
Sustainable Energy Systems 2050 projects in briefThe programme for Sustainable Energy Systems 2050 is the latest edition of Nordic Energy Research’s main 4-year research programme, and the thematic focus for Nordic Energy Research during 2011-2014. The…English2011-10-10
The Cool 100 BookThe Cool 100 Book is an initiative illustrating how the task of switching to sustainable energy has been approached in a number of countries with isolated communities and/or cold climatesEnglish2011-11-12
Nordic-Chinese Energy Technology Cooperation BrochureThis brochure summarises opportunities for a joint Nordic approach to cooperation with China in the development of low-carbon energy technologies. This topic was also the theme at the Nordic-Chinese Energy…English2011-12-06
Taste! Energy CookbookThe achievements from Nordic Energy Research's main research programme 2007-2010 are presented in “Taste! Energy Cookbook”. The bookgives a collection of “recipes” representing the 16 projects funded by the programme…English2011-12-09
Climate and Energy SystemsA report on impacts, risks and adaptation to climate change in the Nordic and Baltic countriesEnglish2011-12-09
Fælles nordisk studie om pumped storageDenne rapport er tredje del af et fælles nordisk studie om pumped storage. Rapporten indgår i fælles nordisk studie om pumped storage og indeholder scenarier med driftssimuleringer ved forskellige teknologisammensætninger for…Danish2012-03-21
Strategy folderContains a short introduction to Nordic Energy Research's strategy for 2011-2014. The aim of Nordic Energy Research is to fund and promote Nordic cooperation within energy research and make a…English2012-03-22
Profile folderGives a short and informative presentation of Nordic Energy Research and our activities within research funding and policy support.English2012-03-22
Cannord folderDetails the increased collaboration on environmental issues between the Nordic countries and Canada. This development is founded on the many parallels than can be drawn between them, such as similar…English2012-03-29
Nordic Testing Ground for Co-operation Mechanisms of the RES DirectiveThis is a final report of the Nordic Coop-Mex Testing Ground project that was done in 2011-2012 by the Nordic Working Group for Renewable Energy. The Testing Ground project included…English2012-05-14
Evaluation of options to enhance the Nordic cooperation in the field of solid biomass for energy purposesThe objective of the study is to analyse if there are possibilities to strengthen the Nordic cooperation between Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark in the field of solid biomass for…English2012-06-03
Residual mix in the Nordic countriesDisclosing the origin of electricity in the EU In accordance with the Electricity Market Directive1, all suppliers of electricity are required to disclose their electricity portfolio with regard to energy…English2012-06-26
Moving freight transport towards sustainabilityThe Energy & Transport portfolio is an important step towards making the Nordic region the testing ground for sustainable transport solutions. The Nordic countries need to take action to make…English2012-08-09
Erfarenheter av vindkraftutbyggnad i NordenThe Nordic countries have much to gain by cooperating about wind energy and benefit from each other's experiences. For six years, 2006-2012, the Nordvind Working Group under the Nordic Council of Ministers worked…Swedish2013-02-13
Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives 2013Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives 2013 shows how the Nordic region can achieve a carbon-neutral energy and transport system in 2050. It is the first ever regional edition of the International…English2013-02-14
Next generation fuel cell materialsThe main objective of this project has been to develop high-performance ceramic electrolytes and cathodes for low temperature fuel cell operation. The project has shown promise of using chemical solution…English2013-08-03
Cases from Nordic Energy Way ArenaAccording to the International Energy Agency’s and Nordic Energy Research’s joint publication, Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives 2013, Nordic cooperation will play an important role in meeting energy and climate targets for 2050…English2013-10-27
Wind power based pumped storage, Faroe IslandsThe study outlines a pumped storage scheme on the island including waterways and power station with pumps, turbines and related equipment. The idea is to utilise periods of surplus wind power (e.g…English2013-11-05
NORLED – Northern Light Emitting Diode initiativeThe NORLED project initiated a new research field and network related to fluorescent silicon carbide for a new type of white LED in general lighting. The project resulted in recruitment of three…English2014-01-21
HIP NANOMEM – High permeance nano porous tubular zeolite membranes for efficient separation of CO2 and methanol at demanding conditionsZeolite membranes have potential to become important energy saving components in future separation of gases from various industrial processes. Final scientific reportEnglish2014-01-21
Bioenergy Promotion 2: From Strategies to ActivitiesThe overall objective of the Extension stage of Bioenergy Promotion (2012-2014) was to strengthen key outcomes and results of the Main stage. The sustainability principles and criteria, as well as the strategic…English2014-01-24
Land areas and biomass production for current and future use in the Nordic and Baltic countriesThis report was written with the aim to compile information on wood resources in the ENERWOODS-project countries, i.e. Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Estonia and Latvia, with a focus on availability…English2014-04-28
Energy and Transport – Key results and recommendationsThe Energy and Transport programme, spanning from 2010 to 2014, has aimed to contribute to making the Nordic region a leading region in Europe for developing, demonstrating and using new…English2014-07-04
Strategy for a harmonised Nordic retail marketThe Nordic Energy Regulators (NordREG) has worked towards a common harmonised retail market for some time. The work has been funded by the national NRAs until 2011 when the Nordic…English2014-09-09
Demand response in the Nordic electricity marketIn order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from power generation, the power systems in the Nordic countries, as well as in the rest of Europe, are profoundly changing. In parallel with…English2014-10-02
Nordic Added ValueAs individual countries, the five Nordic countries are too small to have a significant influence on . However, together they form the 10th largest economy in the world and comprise…English2014-10-07
Strategy 2015-2018Our strategy for 2015-2018 is based on a series of stakeholder workshops conducted in each of the Nordic countries during the spring of 2014. It highlights four central technology challenges…English2014-11-12
Capacity adequacy in the Nordic electricity marketThis report analyses what market solutions may be used to manage capacity adequacy in the Nord Pool market area, and how an efficient transition to adequate market solutions could be…English2015-08-28
Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives 2016Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives 2016 (NETP 2016) is a Nordic edition of the International Energy Agency's (IEA) global Energy Technology Perspectives 2016. The report offers a detailed scenario-based analysis of how the Nordic…English2016-06-23
Sustainable Jet Fuel for Aviation: Nordic perspectives on the use of advanced sustainable jet fuel for aviationThis report studies the background and current state of the Nordic countries’ effort to develop sustainable jet fuel solutions based on biofuel technologies, as well as assesses to which extent…English2016-09-08
Sustainable Shift: Nordic energy systems towards 2050Sustainable Energy Systems 2050 is the seventh edition of Nordic Energy Research's main research funding programme, spanning from 2011 to 2015. The aim of the programme has been to develop…English2016-09-14
Framework conditions for flexibility in the district heating-electricity interfaceThis report identifies framework conditions, i.e. existing market or regulatory arrangements that act as drivers or barriers for investment in – and the operation of – flexibility resources that can…English2016-10-10
Flex4RES brochureEnglish2016-10-11
New Gameplan – RES Support in the NordicsOn behalf of the Nordic Working Group for Renewable Energy under the Nordic Council of MinistersEnglish2016-10-26
Framework conditions for flexibility in the electricity sectorHow to cope with growing variable energy coming from renewables? Studies show that large flexibility potentials exist to balance variable generation, yet their activation remains limited, suggesting that market or…English2016-12-09
Presentation Slides: Barriers for flexibility in the district heating-electricity interface (International Energy Conference, 1 December 2016)Klaus Skytte, project manager of Flex4RES, presented at the International Energy Conference on Energy Efficiency Directions in the Nordic Countries and Lithuania, on 1 December 2016, in Vilnius, Lithuania. The…English2016-12-12
Renewable energy supply and storage – guide for planners & developers in sparsely populated areasHow to shift to renewable energy systems in sparsely populated areas? This guide provides tools for initiative takers and planners, to explore the potential in local resources and provide sustainable…English2016-12-21
Guide report 3: Economic and financial analysisThis report is a part of the guideline for project developers and planners of renewable energy projects. The guide is specifically aimed at supporting the implementation of 100% renewable energy…English2016-12-22
Guide report 4: The project development processThis guide report is a part of the guideline for project developers and planners of renewable energy projects. The guide is specifically aimed at supporting the implementation of 100% renewable…English2016-12-22
Guide report 2: Technology catalogueThis report presents energy technologies and systems relevant for the supply of renewable electricity and heat production in sparsely populated areas. The first part of the report has some general…English2016-12-22
Renewable energy supply and storage – All reportsAll guides and feasibility tool (.zip) Individual guides: "Feasibility tool"(.xlsx); "Guide report 1 - Heat supply in Leirvík"(PDF); "Guide report 2 -Technology catalogue"(PDF); "Guide report 3 - Economic and financial…English2017-02-02
Framework conditions for flexibility in the individual heating-electricity interfaceThis report identifies framework conditions for flexibility in the heating of individual households in the Nordic and Baltic countries. We find that none of the countries offer ideal conditions for investment…English2017-05-09
The potential for electrofuels production in Sweden utilizing fossil and biogenic CO2 point sources.In this paper we estimate the Swedish technical potential for electrofuels (power-to-gas/fuels) based on domestic carbon capture and utilization. If all the recoverable carbon dioxide (CO2) from all major point…English2017-05-12
The potential role of electrofuels as marine fuel: a cost-effective option for the future shipping sector?Proceedings of the International Conference on Shipping in Changing Climates (SCC) 2016, Newcastle, UK, November 10-11English2017-05-15
Business model innovation for car sharing and sustainable urban mobilityMobility services such as car and ride sharing are increasingly seen as a means to shift towards a more sustainable transport system, and are linked to better urban management; improvements…English2017-05-16
Presentation slides: Smart regulatory framework conditions for smart energy systems?Daniel Møller Sneum (DTU) presented results of the Flex4RES project regarding barriers to flexibility in the district heating system at the HAEE conference, 18-20 May 2017, AthensEnglish2017-05-30
Bilpoolsboom – så går det tillSyftet med denna PM är att öka förståelsen för vilken roll bilpooler kan spela för att nå de nationella och överstatliga hållbarhetsmålen, med fokus på det svenska sektorsmålet för transportsektorn…Swedish2017-05-30
Framework conditions for flexibility in the Gas – Electricity interface of Nordic and Baltic countriesThis report identifies framework conditions for flexibility from power-to-gas technology in the Nordic and Baltic countries. We find that the flexibility potential of power-to-gas applications are currently limited due to barriers such…English2017-06-02
Prospects for renewable marine fuels – A multi-criteria decision analysis of alternative fuels for the maritime sectorIn order to reduce the environmental and climate impact of shipping, in the short and long term, the introduction of alternative fuels is required. The choice of marine fuel warrants…English2017-06-27
Shift Master Thesis: Why electric beats hydrogenIn Norway the number of electric car has increased substantially in recent years, passing 100,000 electric cars by the end of 2016. On the other hand - despite promising technology…English2017-08-30
Shift Master Thesis: Many implications for innovation policy instruments on diffusion of biofuelsThe transition towards sustainable transport using alternative technologies such as biofuels might encounter several challenges in the innovation and diffusion processes. Thus, the implementation of innovation policy instruments is needed…English2017-09-12
Master Thesis: Electric Vehicle Adoption in Sweden and the Impact of Local Policy InstrumentsA transition towards a higher share of electric vehicles has the potential to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The adoption rate of electric vehicles in Sweden is however relatively slow…English2017-10-04
Integrating a business model perspective into transition theory: The example of new mobility servicesBusiness model innovation is increasingly seen as a means to promote sustainable forms of production and consumption, having been linked to technological innovations in electric vehicles and the circular economy…English2017-10-23
Transport biofuels in global energy–economy modelling – a review of comprehensive energy systems assessment approachesThe high oil dependence and the growth of energy use in the transport sector have increased the interest in alternative non-fossil fuels as a measure to mitigate climate change and…English2017-11-23
Nordic data hubs in electricity system: Differences and similaritiesThe Nordic ministries and regulators aim to harmonise the electricity retail markets to reduce market entry barriers for retailers from the other Nordic countries, hence promoting competition and customer choice…English2017-12-13
Demand side flexibility in the Nordic electricity market: From a Distribution System Operator PerspectiveThe organisation for the Nordic energy regulators, NordREG, has ordered this study to explore status of demand side flexibility among Nordic distribution system operators (DSOs). Demand side response is a…English2017-12-21
Flexible demand for electricity and power: Barriers and opportunitiesDemand side flexibility is the ability of power consumers to reduce their demand in periods of peak load, possibly shifting demand to other periods. The organisation for the Nordic energy…English2017-12-21
A Nordic analysis of the proposed EU policy for bioenergy sustainabilityA Nordic analysis of the proposed EU policy for bioenergy sustainability Implications for forest biomass New forest biomass sustainability criteria were proposed in the revised EU Renewable Energy Directive…English2018-01-23
Better Policies Accelerate Clean Energy TransitionPolicy Brief - Focus on energy system flexibility The barriers and hence also policies to energy system flexibility are numerous. In this brief, we focus on policy recommendations for two…English2018-02-16
Nordic EV Outlook 2018English2018-03-08
Baltic Energy Technology Scenarios 2018What would be required for the Baltic states to meet their climate and energy targets in 2030? Baltic Energy Technology Scenarios 2018 (BENTE) is a scenario-based energy system analysis that…English2018-04-23
10 Insights into the Nordic energy system10 key facts about the Nordic energy system, and what makes it unique.English2018-06-14
Energy in the West Nordics and the Artic: Scenario AnalysisThis project explores the energy systems and their development towards 2035 in the West Nordic areas and the Arctic. The objective of the project was to contribute to a knowledge…English2018-09-25
Energy in the West Nordics and the Arctic: Case StudiesThis project explores the energy systems and their development towards 2035 in the West Nordic areas and the Arctic. The objective of the project was to contribute to a knowledge…English2018-09-25
Potential for Bioenergy in the NordicsWhat is the theoretical capacity for bioenergy resources in the Nordic region? Nordic Energy Research has commissioned Pöyry Management Consulting to investigate this question. The report breaks down the potential bioenergy…English2019-01-31
Decarbonising the Nordic transport system: A TIS analysis of transport innovationsOmstilling av transportsystemet er en av de største utfordringene for energi og klima i Norden. Det har vært en sterk vekst i etterspørselen av transporttjenester for folk og gods i…English2019-03-22
Food Waste to BiofuelsThe Nordic countries (Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Iceland) generate around 10 million tons of food waste every year, excluding cereal straw. Most of the food waste is generated in…English2019-04-05
FLEX4RES PUBLICATION OVERVIEWWithin Flex4RES the following papers are available: 33 published journal articles and book chapters, 22 peer reviewed, published conference papers, 11 reports, 15 forthcoming journal articles under review on subjects…English2019-05-01
Alternative marine fuels: Prospects based on multi-criteria decision analysis involving Swedish stakeholdersThis study assesses the prospects for seven alternative fuels for the shipping sector in 2030, including biofuels, by applying a multi-criteria decision analysis approach based on the estimated fuel performance…English2019-05-24
Distributed electricity production and self-consumption in the NordicsEnglish2019-06-20
Act fast and Nordic while paving the way for carbon neutralityFlex4RES summary report - Flexible Nordic Energy Systems The Nordic region is well positioned to meet the carbon neutrality challenge. This Flex4RES summary report sets up a stepwise roadmap with the necessary…English2019-07-27
Flexible Nordic Energy Systems: Policy brief – Key RecommendationsThe Key Recommendations provide a simple overview of a complex problem - and how to solve it: The aspects that must be addresed by policy, to achieve carbon neutral Baltics…English2019-09-12
Tracking Nordic Clean Energy ProgressTracking Nordic Clean Energy Progress 2019 is a brief, illustrative report that charts Nordic progress towards a carbon neutral society by highlighting the most prominent trends and examining scenarios where…English2019-10-01
Transport Statistical Data and Projections in The Baltic StatesTransport Statistical Data and Projections in The Baltic States looks into the historical characterisation of the transport sector in the Baltic States. The report gives an overview of the actual…English2020-02-07
Sustainable Aviation Fuels Update – January 2020Nordic Energy Research has worked on Sustainable aviation since 2016 when we commissioned a study on Sustainable Jet-fuels for aviation. This report resulted in a series of workshops and conferences…2020-02-10
Sustainable use of biomass for heating and transport fuelBioenergy is an important topic in the Nordic countries but the sustainability of biomass for energy is being debated and the issue is complex. Some analysts expect biomass to provide…English2020-02-13
Tracking Nordic Clean Energy Progress 2020Tracking Nordic Clean Energy Progress is a brief, illustrative report that charts Nordic progress towards a carbon neutral society by highlighting the most prominent trends and examining scenarios where Nordic…English2020-04-28
Nordic Power 2X for Sustainable Road TransportThe project – conducted in collaboration between CIT Industriell Energi AB, THEMA Consulting AS and VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland – identified candidate locations in the Nordic countries for…English2020-09-28
Nordic Sustainable AviationThe report "Nordic Sustainable Aviation" is commissioned by the Danish presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers (2020). The report has been prepared by the Institute of Transport Economics (TØI)…English2020-10-28
Navigating Towards Cleaner Maritime Shipping: Lessons from the Nordic regionThis report analyses future energy-use in the shipping sector of the Nordic region. It centres on pathways that could allow the Nordic shipping sector to meet energy and environmental policy…English2020-11-18
Heat Pump Potential in the Baltic StatesIn 2018, the report Baltic Energy Technology Scenarios showed that heat pumps and electric boilers are a very promising option in buildings and in district heat production in a future…English2021-04-09
Market design options for procurement of flexibilityHow to effectively incentivize DSO procurement of flexibility? Distributed flexibility is very much at the center of current debates on electricity markets and how to integrate intermittent renewables. To contribute…English2021-06-25
Gender equality in the Nordic energy sectorThe report "Gender equality in the Nordic energy sector" from Nordic Energy Equality Network (NEEN) has mapped the female representation in the Nordic energy sector. The overall conclusion is that women are…English2021-09-02
Nordic Clean Energy Scenarios – Solutions for carbon neutralityThrough scenario modelling, Nordic Clean Energy Scenarios aims to identify and prioritise necessary actions until 2030 to achieve carbon neutrality in the Nordics. Different technological and societal pathways that illustrate…English2021-09-07
Renewable Energy in the Nordics 2021Renewable Energy in the Nordics 2021 is a statistical report based on the Eurostat SHARES tool, prepared by Nordic Energy Research and funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers. The…English2021-09-15
Accommodating Biodiversity in Nordic Offshore Wind ProjectsThis study recommends actions that public authorities and industry may take, to accommodate biodiversity and engage stakeholders in further Nordic offshore wind farm development. The following recommendations are based on…English2022-01-31
Hydrogen, electrofuels, and CCUS in a Nordic contextThe Nordic countries aim to maintain a leading role in the energy and climate transition towards a low-carbon society. The Nordic region is well positioned for this, but we need…English2022-02-07
Nordic Energy Outlooks – Final report WP1 – Bioenergy and links to agriculture & LULUCF in a Nordic contextThe final report from WP1 addresses the role of bioenergy in the Nordic energy system and the corresponding implementation in energy system models. The research partners in WP1 are SINTEF…English2022-02-21
The regulation of independent aggregators with a focus on compensation mechanismsThis study reviews and compares how independent aggregation is (or will be) regulated in selected European countries, in different markets. Independent aggregator models – uncorrected, central settlement and corrected models – are…English2022-04-07
Baltic-Nordic Roadmap for Co-operation on Clean Energy TechnologiesThis report identifies clean energy technologies (CETs) and actions for Baltic-Nordic research co-operation to decarbonise the energy systems of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, from now to 2030, 2050 and beyond.Six…English2022-06-07
Distributed Flexibility – Lessons learned in the NordicsDistributed Flexibility is a key tool to integrate growing shares of renewable electricity in the electricity system and a complement to costly investment in distribution grids. Accessing distributed flexibility makes…English2022-06-21
Nordic Energy Outlooks – Final report WP2: Increased electrification – electricity generators and consumersThe final report from WP2 addresses electrification in the Nordic countries along with a common comparative study using energy system models. The research partners in WP2 are SINTEF Energy, IVL…English2022-08-29
A comparison of different ways to implement the 70 percent ruleSystem Operators are required to make as much transmission capacity as possible available to the power market for the trading of power between bidding zones. They are assumed to comply…English2022-09-13
Nordic Energy Outlooks – Final report WP3: Energy efficiency and conservationThe final report from WP3 addresses energy efficiency and conservation in the Nordic area. The research partners in WP3 are SINTEF, IVL, IFE, KTH, and DEA. The work carried out…English2023-02-22
The Nordic Energy Trilemma – Security of Supply, Prices and Just TransitionThe report "The Nordic Energy Trilemma - Security of Supply, Prices and Just Transition" reviews factors that drove the most severe energy crisis in recent memory, with an emphasis on…English2023-03-10
Inflation and its social consequences – The case of Nordic and Baltic countriesThe pamphlet focuses on how the rising energy prices have affected households in the Nordic countries and how the Nordic countries have approached consumer protection versus our Baltic and EU…English2023-03-17
Coexistence and nature-inclusive design in Nordic offshore wind farmsThe report focuses on how the energy transition needs to be environmentally and socially viable. While scaling up deployment of renewables, we must minimize climate and nature impacts, or even…English2023-03-22
Nature-safe Energy: Linking energy and nature to tackle the climate and biodiversity crisesThe rapid transition to renewable energy offers opportunities to reset the broken relationship between energy production and nature. In its first major report, CLEANaction confirms that even when the full…English2023-05-22
Overview of Electricity and Energy Capacity for the Establishment of Electric Aviation Routes in the Nordic RegionThe report Overview of Electricity and Energy Capacity for the Establishment of Electric Aviation Routes in the Nordic Region explores which routes in the Nordic Region will be suitable for…English2023-05-25
Techno-economic analysis of a 5th generation district heating system using thermo-hydraulic modelA 5th generation district heating (5GDH) system consists of a low-temperature network used as a heat source for de-centralized heat pumps to serve heating demand. Until now, there is a…English2023-07-31
Impact assessment of emergency market intervention measures to tackle high energy pricesThe Council of the EU introduced emergency intervention measures to address high energy prices in October 2022. The report "Impact assessment of emergency market intervention measures to tackle high energy…English2023-08-16
Nordic Energy Outlooks – Final report WP4: Fossil‐free and resource efficient transportThe final report from WP4 addresses how fossil free and resource efficient transport and transport infrastructure can be implemented in energy system analysis. The research partners of WP4 are IVL Swedish…English2023-08-21
Energy CommunitiesThe establishment of energy communities aligns well with the Nordic Council of Ministers' vision 2030 of a green and inclusive Nordic region, aiming at involving citizen in the Nordic Region…English2023-08-28
Nordic cycling policy: National objectives, mechanisms, and actors in Denmark, Finland, Norway, and SwedenThis working paper is a part of the Nordic Cycling Power Network, a 2-year project running from February 2023 to January 2025. The key aim of the project is to activate…English2023-11-30
Energy Poverty in the Nordic CountriesEnergy Poverty in the Nordic Countries addresses the emergence of energy poverty in the Nordic region due to the recent energy crisis and global challenges like COVID-19 and geopolitical tensions…English2024-03-13
Evaluation of Nordic Electricity Retail MarketsThe report analyses the functioning of the retail electricity markets in the five Nordic countries and Åland by looking at regulatory frameworks, competition, and customer satisfaction. The aim has been…English2024-04-12
Nordic Energy Outlooks – Energy Strategy Reviews: The REPowerEU policy’s impact on the Nordic power systemEnergy system models provide us with scenarios for the future energy system, supporting our understanding of the impact of societal changes and adopted policies. To front-load the EU ’Fit for…English2024-06-20
Energy Savings from Ecodesign and Energy Labelling Policies in the Nordic CountriesThe Nordic countries share a vision of becoming the most sustainable and integrated region in the world. Achieving this vision relies on energy efficiency, technological advancements, and behavioral change. Efficient…English2024-09-11
Nordic Hydrogen Valleys – Value Chain Mapping Across the RegionThe Nordic countries are committed to decarbonising their societies. To achieve our goal of becoming a carbon-neutral region, we must build hydrogen value chains that encompass production, processing, distribution and…English2024-11-14
Energy Efficiency in the NordicsThe Nordic countries are strongly committed to energy efficiency, setting ambitious national targets and pursuing climate goals across various sectors, including buildings and industry. Their objectives include reducing energy consumption…English2025-01-29
Tracking Nordic Clean Energy Progress 2025In 2019, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden signed a joint Declaration on Nordic Carbon Neutrality, committing to make the Nordic countries carbon neutral, in line with the COP21 Paris…English2025-02-12