The role of hard to reach eNergy Users in reaching BAltics+Nordics ClimatE targets – a multidisciplinary analysis (NUANCE) will identify characteristics of ‘Hard to reach consumers’ and how this can impact energy system modelling.

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The role of hard to reach eNergy Users in reaching BAltics+Nordics ClimatE targets

Acronym: NUANCE
Duration: 01.02.2022–31.01.2024
Funding: 1 749 306 NOK
Project owner: Riga Technical University
Project manager: Andra Blumberga
Project partners: Tallinn University of Technology, University of Oslo, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Programme Administration

Ole Aune Ødegård
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Project results


Globally, nations have developed their sustainable goals to achieve a carbon neutral society. Sustainable consumption of energy is one of the SDGs of the United Nations. There have been several policy measures and incentive mechanisms developed to promote energy efficient consumption globally. The evolution of consumers to prosumers have made the passive consumers to active consumers in the network. Hence,…
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