Cooperation Conference on Integrating Renewable EnergyOn Thursday December 2nd and Friday December 3rd the Nordic Working groups for Renewable Energy and the Electricity Market discussed recent developments and future possibilities at a conference in Copenhagen…2010-12-16
Research seminar in Trondheim on Biofuels was a great successThe Nordic Energy Research funded project “New, innovative pre-treatment of Nordic wood for cost-effective fuel-ethanol production” completed its final project seminar at the Paper and Fibre Research Institute (PFI) in…2010-12-17
Nordic-Chinese Energy Technology CooperationA new brochure summarises opportunities for a joint Nordic approach to cooperation with China in the development of low-carbon energy technologies. This topic was also the theme at the Nordic-Chinese…2011-01-05
Finnish presidency of the Nordic region 2011Finland holds the Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers in 2011. The Presidency’s number one theme will be comprehensive management of climate change. The aim is to improve the…2011-03-11
The Swedish Energy Agency’s Nordic Energy Conference 2011On Energy Outlook 2011, participants from the Nordic energy agencies, together with industry players, research institutions and other actors from the Nordic countries will gather in one of northern Europe‘s…2011-03-11
New impetus for the common Nordic end user marketBoth the Prime Ministers and Energy Ministers have during the last years re-peated the political will to develop a common Nordic retail market. The timeline for realising such a market…2011-03-11
Aiming for 2050Nordic Energy Research has particular reason to look to the future right now. We are putting the last four-year period behind us and initiating a new strategy with new projects…2011-03-14
Nordic perspectives at Energy Outlook 2011, March 15-17, GothenburgSwedish Energy Agency‘s new Energy Outlook 2011 conference had a strong Nordic focus, and there was broad consensus that the Nordic countries should further develop their cooperation in the energy…2011-03-18
CanNord 2011 draws 180 high-level delegatesOn Wednesday March 23rd 2011 the CanNord 2011 event took place in Toronto, Canada, presenting sustainable urban solutions from both sides of the Atlantic. Speakers gave presentations on how the…2011-03-29
Successful Kick-off Event for Electric TransportationThe Kick-off Event for the seven projects in the Electric Transportation portfolio was held on April 1st at Gardermoen, Oslo. All invitees attended. The projects presented themselves and addressed the…2011-04-06
BET – Business in E-transportationConference on business opportunities in electric transportation in Horsens, Denmark, 18th and 19th of May. The project owner of the SAFE project in the Electric Transportation portfolio of the Energy…2011-05-03
Co-operation Mechanisms of the RES Directive – implementation possibilitiesThe Working Group for Renewable Energy held a successful workshop in Copenhagen in April 2011 with attendees from across Scandinavia and Europe. Throughout the day there were presentations and workshops…2011-05-09
10 top quality projects to be funded in Sustainable Energy Systems 2050 callThe board of Nordic Energy Research has selected 10 of the 90 applications for funding in the Nordic Energy Research Programme Sustainable Energy Systems 2050. The aim of the programme…2011-05-18
The Nordic Way – in the NetherlandsDirector Anne Cathrine Gjærde held the keynote speech at the kickoff conference for the new united Dutch trade association of electricity companies, June 20th. Entitled ‘How international energy markets impact…2011-06-22
Nordic networks funded within the Top-level Research InitiativeThe call for Nordic networks within the sub-programme “Integration of Large-scale Wind Power” closed April 30th 2011. The Programme Committee received a total of 5 applications, and decided to fund three…2011-08-12
Solar Power at the Arctic CircleSwedish, Norwegian and Finnish researchers are cooperating to prove that solar power in the North is not only possible, but also profitable. ”There are a lot of misconceptions about the…2011-10-18
Kick-off for ”Sustainable Energy Systems 2050”Project managers from the 10 projects attended the kick-off for the new research portfolio Sustainable Energy Systems 2050, a research portfolio managed by Nordic Energy Research.The event was a good…2011-10-18
Anne Cathrine Gjærde speaks at the world‘s largest low carbon conferenceAnne Cathrine Gjærde, director of Nordic Energy Research, is one of the speakers at Low Carbon Earth Summit in China. The conference starts the 19th of October and ends one…2011-10-18
Reducing resistance to wind farmsThe working group under the Nordic Council of Ministers for wind energy held its first workshop this year in Copenhagen on 11. October. The main focus of the workshop was…2011-10-25
Praise for the Top-level Research InitiativeThe Top-level Research Initiative received many words of praise at its annual conference in Oslo on 28-29 November. According to the Norwegian Government, the initiative puts Nordic ideals into practice…2011-10-30
Bioenergy Promotion collaboration extended with two yearsThe project proposal for a Bioenergy Promotion 2 has been approved and the project will continue for two years. In the extension stage the project aims to implement the results…2011-11-18
Cleaner City Freight Transport project on trackThe joint Nordic analysis project SAFE Urban Logistics is now just over halfway through its process, and project manager Jens Christian Lodberg Høj from Insero E-Mobility can therefore make an…2011-11-30
The Nordic Way at COP17 in Durban"The Nordic Way" implies a concrete, goal oriented cooperation towards common objectives that promote sustainable living and benefit society at large. This concept is the principle guiding the participation of…2011-11-30
100 cool solutions – 1 bookThe Cool 100 Book is an initiative illustrating how the task of switching to sustainable energy has been approached in a number of countries with isolated communities and/or cold climates2012-01-03
Sustainable Energy Systems 2050 to include Baltic and Russian researchersIn connection with the research programme “Sustainable Energy Systems 2050”, Nordic Energy Research launched an extension of the programme to include the Baltic countries and North Western Russia in the…2012-03-06
Nordic region to become warmer and wetterA new report indicates mainly beneficial impacts of warmer, wetter climate on renewable energy sources in the Nordic and Baltic countries, although safety aspects will have to be considered further…2012-03-09
A common platform for Nordic Smartgrid implementationDuring a two day workshop experts from Europe and Scandinavia debated how to best implement Smart Grids solutions for operation, monitoring and control of transmission and distribution grids2012-03-28
Testing organic solar cellsA better understanding of the fundamental process taking place when operating an organic solar cell was achieved through cooperation between Northern European partners in the project Morphoso. Organic solar cells…2012-04-13
Solving 3 global challenges in 15 minutesDirector Anne Cathrine Gjærde of Nordic Energy Research gave a presentation during the Technoport Summit. The talk was on solving 3 global challenges. Many of the topics covered at Technoport can…2012-04-23
Norden Energy & Transport goes to Los AngelesThe Energy & Transport Programme is represented at The Electric Vehicle Symposium 26, which is the world’s largest conference on electric vehicles and will take place from 6 to 9…2012-04-30
Great Nordic PotentialThe 23 March 1962 the Helsinki Agreement, the Nordic cooperation "constitution", was signed. Nordic countries drew up a far-sighted agreement which to this day regulates the official Nordic cooperation, and…2012-05-08
Fast and slow charging in one plugThe Energy & Transport programme attended the 26th Electric Vehicle Symposium (EVS26) in Los Angeles 6.-9. May 2012. The goal for the attendance was to showcase the region as a testing…2012-05-28
Presenting 3 solutions in 15 minutesDirector Anne Cathrine Gjærde of Nordic Energy Research gave a presentation during the Technoport Summit. The talk was on solving 3 global challenges. Many of the topics covered at Technoport can…2012-06-04
Nordic researchers cooperate with International Energy AgencyThe International Energy Agency (IEA) is working with Nordic researchers to create a special Nordic edition of their renowned Energy Technology Perspectives (ETP) publication. The Nordic ETP will present technology…2012-06-05
Baltic and Russian participants to join research programmeIn January 2012 Nordic Energy Research launched a call for Russian and Baltic researchers to join the existing Sustainable Energy Systems 2050 research projects. Information about the call was spread…2012-06-18
Renewable Energy: a major player in the European energy marketOn 6th July 2012 the European Commission issued a notification on its policy for renewable energy. The notification describes alternatives for the period after 2020 and confirms the markets integration…2012-06-18
The IEA’s Energy Technology Perspectives launched – Nordic edition nextThe International Energy Agency (IEA) has released its Energy Technology Perspectives publication for 2012, the world’s foremost authority on technology’s role in future energy systems. A recipe for two degrees…2012-06-26
Calculating the cost of electric transport in the Nordic countriesAll of the Nordic countries have taken steps to increase the use of environmentally friendly transport. As part of their policy different incentives have been put in place, however; they…2012-08-01
Urban logistics project presents their final reportsThe SAFE urban logistics project has recently published three final reports. Emission free transportation in Nordic cities As the world’s population grows, and the cities get bigger, more movement of…2012-08-01
Moving freight transport towards sustainabilityThe transport sector accounts for roughly 25 percent of the global energy-related emissions of greenhouse gases. Furthermore, it consumes over half of the world’s oil consumption. The introduction of sustainable…2012-08-15
Sign up for the annual Top-level Research Initiative conferenceThe Top-level Research Initiative on climate, energy and environment is now in its fourth year, and the annual conference for 2012 continues the experience of sharing knowledge and results. This…2012-08-21
Too fast for the future…A speeding ticket for driving an electric vehicle may seem at first a far-fetched possibility, but no. The director of Northern Lights Energy – a company specialising in promoting electric…2012-08-28
High anticipation for Nordic Energy Technology PerspectivesThe Norwegian Minister of Petroleum and Energy and the Executive Director of the International Energy Agency (IEA) both expressed their anticipation for Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives at the ONS conference…2012-09-03
Innovation within renewable energyNordic Energy Research and partners are proud to invite you to a one day seminar on the importance of the energy triangle – research, industry and policy. During inspiring talks…2012-09-03
Nordic electricity system: Net exporter or balancer?Researchers, policy makers and industry met at a workshop in Stockholm this week to discuss possible scenarios for the Nordic electricity system in 2050. Currently Nordic electricity generation is two-thirds…2012-09-13
Promoting renewable energy in the Nordic regionThe promotion of renewable energy has long been on the agenda in the Nordic countries to meet the 2020 goals. And the region has taken a leading role in working…2012-09-20
Bio-energy: a driver for rural and regional developmentAn increased use of bio-energy contributes to a decreased reliance on fossil fuels and thus decreased CO2 emissions and can at the same time provide new business and employment opportunities…2012-09-27
Gathering of professionals in renewable energyOslo Innovation Week is arranged for the seventh time. You will have five full days filled with various events at different locations throughout the Oslo metropolitan area. Participants engage in…2012-10-02
Top-level Research Initiative – Annual Conference 2012On behalf of the Top-level Research Initiative, we are proud to invite you to the third annual conference. This year’s conference is held back to back with the annual session…2012-10-08
”Hell-Deklarasjonen”: Kommuniké från energiministermötet i Hell, 11. oktober, 2012De nordiske energiministrene møttes på Hell den 11. oktober 2012 for å fremme og diskutere videreutviklingen av det nordiske elektrisitetsmarkedet, satsninger innen fornybar energi, energieffektivisering og energiteknologi. Elektrisitetsmarkedet Ministrene var…2012-10-12
Spread the word about Innovation in Renewable EnergyOn Tuesday 16th October 2012 some 100 delegates attended the event for Innovation within Renewable Energy at Oslo Opera house. To share your memories all pictures can be published via Instagram to the website…2012-10-17
Biofuels – are we on the right path?Experts gathered in Helsinki on the 11th of October 2012 to discuss the role of biofuels in the future Nordic energy and transport system. It is clear that biofuels must…2012-10-17
Nordic Sustainable TransportWhat does an electric car cost in the long run compared to a car with an internal combustion engine? Which financial and non-financial incentives do Nordic countries provide to owners…2012-10-23
New visualisations cast light on the Nordic energy systemNordic Energy Research has launched a new portal, The Nordic Way, which offers unique visualisations of the energy sector in the Nordic region. The site features a collection of indicators and diagrams…2012-11-01
Accelerating market introduction of hydrogen carsOn November 9th, a memorandum of understanding was signed on the market introduction of fuel cell electric vehicles and hydrogen refuel infrastructure during the period 2014-2017. The memorandum is an…2012-11-16
Learn about sustainable logistics in the Nordic countriesOur project, Nordic Sustainable Logistics Network (NOSLONE), is now online with their new website By building a close, Nordic network, this project is dedicated to improve cross-border business collaboration…2012-11-30
IEA: Carbon-neutral Nordic energy system possibleThe International Energy Agency (IEA) has released their new assessment of the Nordic countries – Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives – detailing scenarios for a carbon-neutral Nordic region by 2050. The…2013-01-21
It is possible for the Nordic countries to be carbon neutral by 2050Director Anne Cathrine Gjærde of Nordic Energy Research presented the main results from the Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives at the Enova Conference and concluded: It is possible for the Nordic…2013-01-30
Nordic ETP launch event round upNordic Energy Technology Perspectives has been well received at launch events in all five Nordic countries. In total, over 400 policy-makers, industry leaders and researchers attended the Launch events, the…2013-02-25
NordREG recommends regulation of universal service at this stage to be decided nationallyThe Nordic energy regulators (NordREG) reveals in a new report that they believe the regulation of universal service provisions are of national concern. NordREG will therefore not issue any recommendations…2013-04-17
The 2013 Arctic Energy SummitAfter the highly successful 2007 Arctic Energy Summit and Technology Conference, The Institute of the North, is organizing The 2013 Arctic Energy Summit in, Iceland 8 – 10 October 2013…2013-04-23
Call for tenders – Demand response analysis within the Nordic electricity marketNordic Energy Research is currently calling for tenders for consultants interested in performing an analysis for the Nordic Electricity Market Group. The analysis will look to establish the potential for…2013-05-03
SmartGrids ERA-Net launches a 3rd call (Closed)The SmartGrids ERA-Net launches a new call for applied research projects In order to support joint European research on smart grid issues, the SmartGrids ERA-Net launches its 3rd call for…2013-05-21
Bioenergy promotion 2 – from strategies to activitiesBioenergy promotion 2 - from strategies to activities. The flagship project for the EU strategy for the Baltic Sea Region implements bioenergy strategies in demo regions and shows good practice…2013-05-28
Setting the pathways for carbon neutralityCarbon neutrality by 2050 – a realistic goal Where are the unique Nordic R&D cooperation opportunities that will benefit industry, research and society? That is the burning question some 50…2013-06-12
Leading experts gather to discuss new possibilities for Nordic cooperationAccording to the IEA’s Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives , Nordic cooperation will play an important role in the countries meeting their energy and climate targets for 2050. On the 12th –…2013-06-13
Nordic ETP presented at key conferences across the Nordic regionInterest in Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives (Nordic ETP) remains high. Several conferences across the region have invited Nordic Energy Research to present the results as a keynote address. In addition…2013-06-24
Nordic Energy Research in the mediaOn Tuesday 11 June 2013 Dagens Næringsliv, Norway's largest business paper, wrote an article about Nordic Energy Research and the Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives. Download the full article here Note: Only in…2013-06-26
Offshore wind farms as joint projectsOffshore wind in the Nordic region may play a part in meeting EU renewable targets in 2020 through the use of the joint projects cooperation mechanism. The Nordic region has…2013-09-03
Substantial interest in smart grid issuesThe 3rd call under ERA-NET for the issues on smart grids yielded an impressive interest from all participating countries. In total 16 projects applied for funding, reaching a total of…2013-09-03
Sustainable Energy Systems 2050 Conference held in StockholmSustainable Energy Systems 2050, the main research-funding programme under Nordic Energy Research, is halfway through its four-year period. To mark the occasion project managers & participants, fellow researchers and representatives…2013-09-17
The role of the Nordic power sector in the energy transition after 2020What will be the EU’s energy and climate change framework beyond 2020? That was the question asked on Wednesday, when North European Power Perspectives (NEPP) and THEMA, together with Elforsk…2013-10-21
Nordic energy meeting held in StockholmLast week the Nordic Council of Ministers for Business, Energy and Regional Policy (MR-NER), held their annual energy meeting in Stockholm. Daniel Johansson, State Secretary to the Minister for Information…2013-10-23
Conference “From strategies to activities – Good practice examples of regional bioenergy promotion”Integrated solutions of the production and use of bioenergy contribute to sustainable use of resources across a number of sectors in economy both in urban and rural areas, and has…2013-10-29
The Nordic Working Group for Sparsely Populated Areas presented the groups’ results from 2010 to 2013The Nordic Working Group for Sparsely Populated Areas (TBO) under The Nordic Council of Ministers presented the results of the groups work at their information seminar on the 31st of…2013-11-07
Nordic Energy Research at COP 19Is it possible to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and simultaneously make the economy grow? At the UN Climate Summit COP19 in Warsaw last Friday, delegates gathered at a popular…2013-11-18
Energy & Transport Programme at EVS27 – Barcelona, SpainThe Energy & Transport programme - a research programme under the Nordic Council of Ministers - was present at the Electronic Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition 27 (EVS27) together with the…2013-12-04
Pushing ice and wind limitsBy Dag Inge DanielsenThe goal has been to learn from each other and to develop new tools that can help us predict icing. Not much has been done in this…2013-12-05
Renewable energy policy in the EU post 2020 in the Nordic countriesOn 27 November 2013, the Working Group for Renewable Energy under the Nordic Council of Ministers arranged a seminar on the development of European and Nordic renewable energy policy post…2013-12-05
Problematisk is på vingen (only available in Danish)Af Katrine Krogh-Jeppesen, DTUSmukt er det, når sneen daler, frosten sætter ind og veje, huse og træer dækkes af et buttet lag sne. Et lag som dæmper lyde og skjuler…2014-01-09
Bioenergy Promotion draws to a closeThe overall objective of the Extension stage of Bioenergy Promotion (2012-2014) was to strengthen key outcomes and results of the Main stage. The sustainability principles and criteria, as well as the strategic…2014-01-24
12 solutions setting the path for a sustainable Nordic transport sectorTo mark the occasion of the conclusion of the Energy & Transport programme, project managers and participants, fellow researchers and industry representatives met in Stockholm on 6 February 2014. Besides…2014-02-17
NewslettersBelow please find a list of our Newsletters. We have sorted them by the year they were published. All newsletters open in a new window. To receive our newsletter simply…2014-02-19
New Nordic e-Collection for publicationsNordic Council of Ministers launches new e-Collection If you want a Nordic perspective on green growth, welfare, health or the climate, the Nordic Council of Ministers’ new publications portal is a…2014-03-26
The road towards a new strategyThe strategy process for the upcoming research period, 2015-2018, has begun and Nordic Energy Research is arranging national workshops in each Nordic country during the spring months. The first two…2014-04-04
Open call for research participation in Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives 2016 (Closed)IEA and Nordic Energy Research to cooperate on second edition of Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives A new Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives project is now underway, with an call for research…2014-04-30
Call for tenders – Peak load capacity in a Nordic perspectiveNordic Energy Research is currently calling for tenders for consultants interested in performing an analysis for the Nordic Electricity Market Group. The analysis will look to evaluate and propose measures that…2014-07-04
Key results and recommendations from the Energy and Transport programmeThe programme, spanning from 2010 to 2014, has aimed to contribute to making the Nordic region a leading region in Europe for developing, demonstrating and using new, sustainable energy technologies…2014-07-18
Call for Pre-Proposal for Nordic Flagship ProjectsNordic Energy Research will launch a call on 8th Dec. 2014 for the amount of NOK 80 million. Funding will be focussed on a small number of large Nordic Flagship…2014-09-19
Demand response in the Nordic electricity marketPlanning and operating a power system can be challenging since production and demand must be exactly equal at all times, bottlenecks must be immediately addressed and capacity constraints in the network respected. A…2014-10-02
Ministers approve Strategy 2015-2018, underpinning Flagships callMinisters approve Strategy 2015-2018, underpinning Flagships call Nordic Energy Research publishes its strategy for 2015-2018 after approval by the Ministers of Energy from the five Nordic countries At their annual…2014-11-12
Research program for Green Growth announcedNordic Energy Research, Nordic Innovation and Nordforsk join forces to find research and innovation-based solutions to future environmental and social challenges. At Nordregio’s Forum in Keflavik on Iceland NordForsk Director Gunnel…2014-11-13
Nordic Top-level Research Initative presents its findings on climate change, energy and the environmentThe Top-level Research Initiative (TRI) is the largest joint Nordic research venture to date. During the last five years, many of the region’s leading researchers and their industrial partners have…2014-12-07
Call for Nordic Flagship Projects releasedNordic Energy Research has launched a call for pre-proposals for Nordic Flagship Projects, with a deadline of February 19th 2015. Totalling 80 million NOK, it is the largest and most…2014-12-08
Movie showcasing the Top-level Research InitiativeThe Top-level Research Initiative (TRI) is the largest joint Nordic research venture to date. During the last five years, many of the region’s leading researchers and their industrial partners have…2014-12-12
Better forecasting to optimize wind power productionReduced capacity and halts in wind production are a costly affair. Some of the factors that reduce production outputs from the Nordic wind industry are icing on wind turbines and…2014-12-15
Success for webinar on Nordic Flagship ProjectsIn total more than 140 attendees from all the Nordic countries as well as most of the Baltic countries took part in the webinar 15th January 2015 on how to…2015-01-16
Joint call of €40 million for transnational smart grids projectsERA-Net Smart Grids Plus launches a call for proposals for European transnational projects on smart grids. European research consortia are invited to submit Project Outlines by 8 April 2015. Nordic…2015-01-30
High interest in call for Nordic Flagship ProjectsUpon closing on February 19th, a total of 96 pre-proposals applications had been submitted to Nordic Energy Research in connection with the call for Nordic Flagship Projects. The high interest…2015-02-27
Nordic Flagship Projects call enters second phaseThe Board of Nordic Energy Research has announced the pre-proposal applications that are invited to the second phase of the application process. In total, 96 pre-proposals were submitted, applying for…2015-03-23
Call for tenders – Nordic perspectives on the use of advanced sustainable jet fuels for aviationNordic Energy Research is currently inviting bids for a study concerning "Nordic perspectives on the use of advanced sustainable jet fuels for aviation". The project aims at evaluating the Nordic potential…2015-04-17
High interest in ERA-Net Smart Grids Plus 2015 call for proposalsERA-Net Smart Grids Plus is an initiative of funding programmes from 20 European countries and regions, co-funded by the European Commission under Horizon 2020. The total amount of funding available…2015-04-17
Coming events for Sustainable Energy Systems 2050The research programme Sustainable Energy Systems 2050 will be concluded during this year. Right now, Nordic Energy Research is reviewing the final reports that has been received so far from…2015-05-05
Nordic Flagship Projects approachingOn the 23rd of March 2015, the Board of Nordic Energy Research announced the 10 applications invited to the full proposal stage for the NOK 80 million Nordic Flagship Projects…2015-05-05
Call for tenders – Regional electricity market designNordic Energy Research is currently calling for tenders for consultants interested in performing a study for the Nordic Electricity Market Group. The study, entitled "Regional electricity market design", will look to…2015-06-30
Capacity adequacy in the Nordic electricity marketAn increasing share of intermittent renewable generation and reduced profitability of conventional power generation has led to a growing concern for capacity adequacy in the Nordic electricity market (Nord Pool market area). It…2015-09-09
Nordic Electric Bus Initiatives – NEBI 2015Nordic Energy Research, under the umbrella of the Nordic Energy Transport Platform together with Forum for Transport Innovation held a seminar on Nordic Electric Bus Initiatives at Lindholmen Science Park…2015-09-11
Three flagship projects launched to address common Nordic energy and climate challengesAfter a record-breaking expression of interest with 96 applicants requesting a total of 2,15 billion NOK, Nordic Energy Research selected three projects to serve as ”Flagships” for Nordic research cooperation…2015-09-29
Energy and climate journalists at the Nordic CentreOn September 29th, 2015, Nordic Energy Research, Nordic Innovation and NordForsk hosted a press briefing in Oslo for French, American and Swiss energy and climate journalists on a visit to Norway, Denmark…2015-09-30
TOP-NEST project to release policy recommendations for Nordic cooperation on sustainable road transportTOP-NEST (Technology Opportunities in Nordic Energy System Transitions) will soon release a Policy Brief summarising the key findings of the 4-year project for decision-makers. The project and coming brief aims…2015-10-05
Final seminar for Sustainable Energy Systems 2050, 21-22 October, OsloThe seminar takes place 21-22 October at the Norwegian Research Council, Lysaker in Oslo. All the "SES 2050" projects will present their results, and the take-home messages will be discussed…2015-10-07
Nordic Energy Research co-host Nordic Smart Electric TransportationNordic Energy Research has for years worked with electric vehicles, electric buses and alternative fuels in transport. We look forward to work with others about the Nordic Electric Vehicle conference…2015-11-04
PhD scholarship – Flagship project “Flex4RES”The Energy Economics and Regulation group at DTU Management Engineering offers a position as PhD student in the area of regulatory frameworks for the integration of variable renewable energy in…2015-11-04
Results from the research programme Sustainable Energy Systems 2050Nordic Energy Research hosted a final seminar for the research programme Sustainable Energy Systems 2050 on 21 -22 October 2015. The seminar took place at the Norwegian Research Council in Oslo…2015-11-06
Good potential for storage of CO2 in the baltic area, but lack of carbon pricing and limited public supportThe Baltic Carbon Forum 2015 took place in Warzaw, Poland 29-30th October 2015 hosted by the Polish Ministry of Economy. It was organised by the BASREC Carbon…2015-11-12
The first ship has set sail! Flex4RES underwayThe highly motivated crew of the Flex4RES Nordic Flagship Project set sails on the 12-13th of November 2015, with an official kick-off meeting at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU)…2015-11-20
Another flagship has set sailRemoving CO2 from the atmosphere is the aim of this research voyage. The dire consequences of extracting carbon-containing fossil fuels and emitting carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere are well known…2015-12-02
The third flagship has joined the fleetThe third flagship project "Shift", Sustainable Horizons for Transport, kicked off last week in Stockholm setting the agenda for the coming four years of multidisciplinary transport system research. The purpose…2015-12-02
Norden/IEA side event at COP 21Decoupling GDP and GHG emissions - Lessons learned in the Nordic countries LINK TO LIVE VIDEO STREAMING 13:00 Welcome Dagfinn Høybråten, Secretary General, Nordic Council of Ministers 13:05 Introduction…2015-12-08
Experts gather to discuss preliminary results for forthcoming Nordic ETP reportThe second edition of Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives will be launched in May 2016. The project’s steering group gathered Copenhagen this week to discuss the preliminary results. The forthcoming report will…2015-12-18
Finland can’t reach climate targets without CCSThe Finnish climate roadmap makes it clear that Finland will not be able to reach it's target to become climate neutral without the use of zero-emission biomass or carbon capture…2016-01-18
Thumbs up for Balmorel!Thumbs up for Balmorel! Flex4RES is off to a flying start and already one PhD course has started at DTU in Lyngby, Denmark. The 12 PhD students who are joining…2016-01-25
Decoupling of emissionsNordic Energy Research (NER) together with the International Energy Agency (IEA) hosted a side event at the 21st UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (COP-21). Among the presenters were Nordic Energy…2016-02-05
Announcing the Green Growth Research and Innovation ProgrammeGreen Growth The Nordic countries have committed themselves to ambitious climate goals towards 2050, in terms of developing energy efficient and low-carbon societies. To achieve these goals, extensive green transitions…2016-02-23
Call for tenders – Sustainable energy and energy storage in sparsely populated areas – CLOSEDNordic Energy Research is currently inviting bids for a study concerning “Sustainable energy and energy storage in sparsely populated areas, - a guide for planning and concept choices, and a technical…2016-02-25
The Flex4RES logo explainedThe logotype for Flex4RES reflects the variation in wind and solar power as well as in the inflow to hydro power. It also visualizes the movement and metering of markets…2016-03-15
News from Flagship Project “Negative CO2”The ultimate goal of the Negative CO2 project is the development of new competitive technology that: enables CO2 capture and negative CO2 emissions with the lowest possible cost and energy…2016-03-18
A carbon negative Sweden?The Swedish government's parliamentary advisers on climate targets have recommended that Sweden goes carbon negative from 2045 onwards. In its new recommendations (from 26 march) the group of Swedish Parliamentarians…2016-03-27
ECV Final Seminar & Nordic Electric Bus Initiatives 2The focus of the conference is technology, systems and businesses of electric commercial vehicles, especially electric buses. We offer international networking, information exchange and reviewing recent scientific results, practical experiences…2016-04-04
Baltic Green Innovation Forum 2016Investment and Development Agency of Latvia and Innovation Norway invite entrepreneurs and companies to participate in Baltic Green Innovation forum! "Green" innovation is not just a fashion slogan, but one…2016-04-07
Hull Performance & Insight Conference (HullPIC) 2016Senior Adviser from Nordic Energy Research to give keynote at HullPIC 2016. The first Hull Performance & Insight Conference (HullPIC) which will be held in the grand setting of Castello di…2016-04-07
Huge interest for Nordic green growth research and innovation programme113 proposals received! Shortlist will be announced 15 December Nordic Innovation, NordForsk and Nordic Energy Research earlier this year joined forces and launched a call for proposals on green growth to…2016-04-08
Joint call of €25 million for transnational smart grids (closed)ERA-Net Smart Grids Plus launches a call for proposals for European transnational projects on smart grids. European research consortia are invited to submit project proposals by 15 June 2016, 14:00…2016-04-18
The Nordic Flagship Projects – first meeting of the fleetExpectations were high for this first meeting with all three project managers and the External Reference Group. Also the NER Board was present and got a first-hand knowledge of the…2016-04-21
Connecting Energy Challenges with Energy Research – Baltic opportunities in Nordic Energy ResearchDate: 17th June 2016 - Place: Kaunas Join us in Kaunas, Lithuania for a unique blend of short presentations on Baltic energy opportunities and challenges and a presentation of funding…2016-05-03
Guide for planners: 100% renewable energy systems in sparsely populated areasCOWI has been awarded the contract for this new project. The project includes a concept guide for energy planners and a demonstration project at the Faroe Isles. Focus is on…2016-05-19
Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives 2016 launched in StockholmNordic Energy Research, in collaboration with the International Energy Agency and a number of leading research institutes, launched Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives 2016 in Stockholm on Monday2016-05-24
Nordic ETP 2016 launched in OsloNordic Energy Research, in collaboration with the International Energy Agency and a number of leading research institutes, launched Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives 2016 in Oslo on Thursday2016-05-27
Biofuel from Nordic resourcesResearch on biofuel is high on the agenda for Nordic co-operation. This includes jet fuel for aviation, biofuel from wood waste from Nordic forests, and methanol as fuel in marine…2016-06-03
Nordic ETP 2016 launches to an engaged audience in CopenhagenThe regional launching of the Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives continued on Thursday with an engaging event in Copenhagen2016-06-10
Icelandic Launch of Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives 2016The International Energy Agency (IEA) and Nordic Energy Research launch Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives 2016 in Iceland2016-06-14
Thumbs up for BalmorelFlex4RES is off to a flying start and already one PhD course has started at DTU in Lyngby, Denmark. The 12 PhD students who are joining this course will study…2016-06-15
NETP 2016 Launched in FinlandThe Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives report received a positive reception in Helsinki2016-06-16
Oslo conference concludes the NETP 2016 tourThe launching of the Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives 2016 report was rounded off at Litteraturhuset in Oslo on Monday at a combined event with the launch of the IEA’s global…2016-06-23
Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives 2016The International Energy Agency, leading research institutes and Nordic Energy Research have teamed up to analyse how the Nordic countries can achieve a near carbon-neutral energy system in 20502016-06-23
Shift stakeholder workshop May 31st – an ear to the groundKey stakeholders in the Swedish transport sector discuss how to make transport sustainability happen2016-06-27
Seminar on sustainable aviation fuel shows positive momentum among stakeholdersAviation stakeholders from around the world gathered in Oslo on September 1st 2016 to discuss the prospects of a sustainable future for jet fuels. The conference was structured around the…2016-09-02
Full steam ahead!The Flex4RES team gathered for a workshop in serene and beautiful surroundings at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences during the last couple of days of August, 2016. The workshop…2016-09-12
Sustainable Energy Systems 2050 reportRead the newly published a report outlining the multiple reseasrch projects undertaken as part of SES 2050 by clicking the link below2016-09-14
Welcome to Shift, Julia Hansson, new project managerAs Markus Wråke takes on new challenges to be the new CEO at Swedish Energiforsk, Shift introduces biofuel specialist Julia Hansson as new project manager2016-09-15
Faroe Islands conference discusses a 100% renewable energy futureThe Faroe Islands are aiming to become 100% based on green energy by 2030, a challenge that involves the whole nation, and includes initiatives in private homes, boats, fishing communities, national…2016-09-27
Norway moves forward with three CO2 capture projectsToday marks a historic milestone for the deployment of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technology in Europe; the Norwegian government has confirmed its decision to move forward with the country’s three…2016-09-30
New report examines the effect of support schemes aimed at promoting renewable energy in the Nordic countries.The report examines a selection of the schemes that each Nordic country is currently using to reach the national 2020 targets by increasing the share of renewable energy in their…2016-10-26
Shift participates at International Transport Energy Modelling WorkshopKey experts in international transport energy modelling gathered at Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden October 25-26, 20162016-10-26
Covenant of Mayors in a Nordic ContextThe municipalities of Helsingør/Elsinore and Helsingborg have hosted this year’s Nordic workshop for members of the Covenant of Mayors2016-11-01
Sustainable energy and energy storageSEV, the national energy company of the Faroe Isles, hosted a renewable energy summit 100by203o in Thorshavn in September 2016. The conference included both international and local issues on how to…2016-11-03
Nordic energy at COP22The Nordic Pavilion at COP22 presents New Nordic Climate Solutions2016-11-15
A Clear Vision for Energy Systems ModellingIn late October this year, the Flex4RES partners gathered in DTU Lyngby campus Copenhagen for three days to discuss the status and future activities of modelling in the project2016-12-09
Flexibility in the European Commission’s Winter PackageFlex4RES project partners are pleased about the recent release of the European Commission’s Winter Package. It constitutes a great step forward for renewable energies’ integration and the build-up of flexibility…2016-12-12
Call for tenders – two projects on demand side flexibility in the Nordic Electricity MarketOn behalf of the organization of Nordic energy regulators, NordREG, Nordic Energy Research is currently inviting bids for studies concerning demand side flexibility and storage in the Nordic electricity market2016-12-19
Shift newsletter #1Shift wishes its fellow stakeholders a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year with this short summing up of our project activities of 20162016-12-20
DC grids for integration of large scale wind power – concluding report from the OffshoreDC projectThe Nordic countries have succeeded in developing offshore wind power at a large scale, and the ambitious goals for the market share of offshore wind power within 2030 is well…2016-12-23
Nordic EV Summit 7.- 8. February 2017"Electric mobility can reduce energy consumption, improve air quality and cities and become a vehicle for new green jobs. Nordic countries should aim for pole position"2017-01-05
Shift at Transportforum 2017Shift participates at the largest conference for the transport sector in the Nordic countries, organized annually by the Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute, VTI2017-01-12
Accelerating the transition towards a sustainable Nordic society. Six Green Growth projects selectedThe Nordic countries have ambitious climate goals towards 2050. These projects aim to promote green economic growth, sustainability and competitiveness2017-01-13
Low Temperature Plasma for Chemical ProductionThis is one 6 projects supported by the Nordic Green Growth Research and Innovation Programme2017-01-13
CIRCit – Circular Economy Integration in the Nordic Industry for Enhanced Sustainability and CompetitivenessThis is one 6 projects supported by the Nordic Green Growth Research and Innovation Programme2017-01-13
Feather2FeedThis is one 6 projects supported by the Nordic Green Growth Research and Innovation Programme2017-01-13
Where Does the Green Economy Grow? The Geography of Nordic Sustainability TransitionsThis is one 6 projects supported by the Nordic Green Growth Research and Innovation Programme2017-01-13
New Nordic Ways to Green Growth (NOWAGG)This is one 6 projects supported by the Nordic Green Growth Research and Innovation Programme2017-01-13
High-value Products from LigninThis is one 6 projects supported by the Nordic Green Growth Research and Innovation Programme2017-01-13
Daniel Kammen to give seminar on new report from Oxfam/RAELBerkeley professor and US state department climate science envoy Dr. Daniel Kammen will give a seminar in Oslo on Tuesday, about the opportunities and obstacles for realising renewable energy development…2017-02-01
Shifters meet at DTU for yearly meetingFor two days the Shift team met at DTU in Copenhagen to set the agenda for 20172017-02-02
First Nordic Electric Vehicle SummitWatch video from the summit on YouTube. Download PDFs of presentations from the summit. Browse more photographs of the summit. The first ever Nordic EV Summit took place on the 7th and…2017-02-09
Negative CO2: How does Chemical-Looping Combustion work?Anders Lyngfelt (Chalmers University Gothenburg) presents a cost-effective and energy-efficient technology to capture CO2 from industrial complexes: Chemical-Looping Combustion2017-02-10
Early results from the implementation of Bio-CLCThe article “Negative CO2 Emissions with Chemical-Looping Combustion of Biomass – a Nordic Energy Research Flagship Project” by Anders Lyngfelt et al. presents some early results of this flagship project2017-03-03
New guide helps small towns in green transitionSmall communities represent an exciting opportunity for a much faster transition to a system based on 100 per cent renewable energy than would be possible in urban areas2017-03-10
Article on Chemical-Looping Combustion in TUThe Norwegian scientific journal «Teknisk Ukeblad» (TU) reports on the advantages of Chemical-Looping Combustion (CLC) in the effort to find cost-effective and efficient methods of capturing industrial CO22017-03-14
Bioenergy sustainability policyWhat are the implications of the new renewable energy directive (RED II) for the Nordic countries? In 2017 The Working Group for Renewable Energy (AGFE) are performing a Nordic analysis…2017-04-19
Start-up meeting for Baltic Energy Technology Scenarios (BENTE)On 20.04.17 Baltic Energy Technology Scenarios (BENTE) marked the beginning of the project phase with a start-up meeting. There were participants in attendance from Nordic Energy Research, the winners of…2017-05-02
Significant progress on chemical looping combustion of biomassRepresentatives of the working packages of the NER Negative CO2 project had the opportunity to present their preliminary results during the flagship meeting at Chalmers University in Gothenburg2017-05-12
Future alternative marine fuels up for shifting analysisAt the First Workshop on “Prospects for Renewable Marine Fuels” ship owners, fuel- and vehicle manufacturers, trade organizations, public authorities and scientists discussed the future of alternative marine fuels2017-05-14
Car sharing – the answer to future transport challenges?"By 2030, 95% of all U.S. passenger miles will be served by transport-as-a-service providers (Taas), who will own and operate fleets of autonomous electric vehicles at a cost up to…2017-05-16
Roundtable on car sharing with Fores"Car and ride sharing are fundamental elements in a sustainable road transport system, and can even spur new vehicle technologies such as EVs and autonomous vehicles"2017-05-30
Barriers to flexibility presented in AthensDTU gave a first round of talks on the dynamic grid tariffs and flexibility in district heating at the 2nd Hellenic Association for Energy Economics International Conference: The landscape in the new era…2017-05-30
CIRCit -project to be presented at WCEF 2017In 2016, Nordic Innovation, NordForsk and Nordic Energy Research joined forces and launched a call for proposals on green growth to accelerate the transition towards a sustainable Nordic society. The Nordic…2017-05-31
EVENT: Negative CO2 – Making Sweden carbon negative by 2045This Nordic Energy Research (NER) event, organised by Bellona and the Moderate Party of Sweden, will give the opportunity to discuss policies and technologies needed to develop and implement carbon…2017-05-31
Flex4RES/Balmorel course offered in August 2017The PhD course Introduction to Balmorel (2017) is now open for registration. The course will be held on 21-25th August 2017. Course responsible is Senior Researcher Marie Münster from DTU Management…2017-06-01
ENERWOODS at Skog og Tre 2017 conference.ENERWOODS is a project that focuses on increased utilization of wood-based bioenergy2017-06-01
Fores kommenterar Trumps besked om Parisavtalet (video)"Om man ändå bara vill förstöra festen är det lika bra man stannar hemma." Mattias Goldmann tror att fler länder kliver fram och fyller det vakuum som USA nu lämnar.2017-06-02
EVENT: Sustainable Bioenergy Development – One Size Does Not Fit AllOne-day seminar at The House of Literature, Oslo, 22 June 2017 To register, please contact: before June 16th. Since 2014, the research project TRIBORN (Securing triple bottom line outcomes from…2017-06-02
Nordic Climate Solutions at “Folkemødet” in DenmarkLast week Nordic Energy Research CEO Hans Jørgen Koch attended the annual Danish political festival, Folkemødet, in Bornholm, to talk about Nordic climate solutions on a global scale. Koch, together with five…2017-06-19
A vision for Nordic energy co-operationThe Nordic Council of Ministers commissioned former Nokia CEO Jorma Ollila to conduct a strategic review of how Nordic energy co-operation might develop over the next 5–10 years. On 20…2017-06-21
Annual Public Workshop 2017: Starting the Swedish-Norwegian dialogue on Bio-CCSOn June 15th, Bellona, Nordic Energy Research and the Moderate Party of Sweden organized the Annual Public Workshop of the Negative CO2 flagship project at the parliament of Sweden2017-06-21
Danish Energy Commission report aligns with Flex4RES projectThe 2017 report of the Danish Energy Commission promotes flexible energy supply, largely in accord with the results and objectives of the Flex4RES project. The Danish Energy Commission (Energikommissionen) has…2017-08-01
Chemical-Looping Combustion gains momentum in the EUIn a recent article by the European Commission, attention was given to Chemical-Looping Combustion as a measure to efficiently decarbonise the power production and process industry in the EU2017-08-10
High-level conference on sustainable aviation, Copenhagen 10th OctoberDate/Time: 10th October 2017, 9:30 – 16:00 Venue: Copenhagen Airport, Denmark Capacity: 100 people. Free-of-Charge. Conference Language: English Programme. Why this Conference? The aviation industry aims to stabilise CO2 emissions at 2020 levels and requiring…2017-08-11
Increasing Nordic energy cooperation – Can we do even better?The Norwegian Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers gathered 70 people for a side-by-side comparison of recent Nordic energy commission reports and white papers. The backdrop is the profound…2017-09-05
Regionalt samarbete vägen till framgångEnskilda marknader är för små, Europa är för stort och EU är för trögt. Ett regionalt samarbete Norge-Danmark-Sverige på väl valda delar av energiomställningen kan vara vägen till framgång..2017-09-29
VIDEO: A smarter Nordic energy system through co-operationHow can the Nordic countries reach their ambitious climate and energy goals in the most cost-effective way?2017-10-05
Look to the Nordics for aviation emission reductions!Nordic Energy Research (NER) together with Nordic Initiative for Sustainable Aviation (NISA) hosted this conference to explore how various initiatives and policy frameworks can enable increased use of sustainable jet…2017-10-10
NER Negative CO2 Newsletter October 2017This is the third edition of the newsletter of The Nordic Energy Research Flagship Project “Negative CO2 Emissions with Chemical Looping Combustion of Biomass”2017-10-13
Shift session at Nordregio Forum: Design of future sustainable transport systems for smart and CO2 neutral citiesShift will participate at this years Nordregio Forum, taking place at Vulkan Arena in Oslo November 29-302017-10-18
Study: What are the possibilities for increasing the utilization of food waste as energy in the Nordics?A study being commissioned by Nordic Energy Research will look at food waste as a source for bioenergy, with a focus on transport fuels2017-10-19
Sneak peek into the BENTE-projectThe Baltic Energy Technology Scenarios or "BENTE" project has been in progress for 6 months, what are the preliminary findings?2017-11-02
Meeting of the Flagship fleetOn October 25th the three Nordic flagship projects convened in Göteborg, Sweden, to exchange ideas and plan the road forward. This was the first time that not just the project…2017-11-06
Myths and facts about negative emissionsSome argue that developing carbon negative technologies gives us permission to slack away, but we are actually slacking away if we do not consider CO2 removal2017-11-14
Carbon capture and storage crucial in decarbonising industrySeeking to dramatically cut emissions, Nordic industry has launched pioneering efforts to promote the wider deployment of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) and Carbon Capture and Reuse (CCR). Industry is…2017-11-15
Regional electricity cooperation and Nordic perspectives on EuropeThe Norwegian chairmanship of the Nordic Council of Ministers held a Nordic Conference on the Electricity Market in Oslo Nov 22nd, in relation to the Nordic annual energy ministerial meeting…2017-11-27
Nordic Energy Day at COP23Nordic Energy Research, in collaboration with various partners, presented 5 talks at the Nordic Pavilion in Bonn for COP23. The talks were part of the "Nordic Energy Day" which highlights…2017-11-28
Nordic energy research conference in SeoulOn December 7th 2017, the Embassies of Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden in Korea came together to host the Nordic Energy Research Conference in Seoul highlighting Nordic energy research..2017-12-05
The new forest biomass sustainability criteria – better than expected for the Nordic countries.While the Nordics can expect some increased cost and administrative burden, we are well positioned for meeting the new EU sustainability criteria for sustainable biomass2017-12-20
Two new reports on demand side flexibility in the electricity systemDemand side flexibility is the ability of power consumers to reduce their demand in periods of peak load, possibly shifting demand to other periods. The organisation for the Nordic energy…2017-12-21
Women in the energy raceIn November Nordic Energy Research gathered 36 people, including high profile professionals in the Nordic energy sector, to identify challenges, present solutions to accelerate change and reduce the gender gap…2017-12-21
Making Sweden carbon negative from 2045Sweden set the goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2045, and carbon negative after that. But how will Sweden achieve this? Nordic cooperation, CCS, Bio-CCS, are key2018-01-22
Car sharing and future mobility solutionsCar sharing in itself is nothing new, but new technology and new applications has made it possible to share cars in new and easier ways2018-01-23
Opinion Piece: Scandinavian cooperation paves the way for green transportDenmark, Norway and Sweden together accounts for only one percent of global carbon emissions, yet by drawing on each others strengths, Scandinavian countries can jointly make a difference2018-02-05
The Nordic EV Summit 2018Electric mobility is moving faster than ever before!2018-02-07
What does the future hold for Electric Vehicles in the Nordic region?A recent survey by the Norwegian EV Association, financed by Nordic Energy Research, investigated how people in the Nordic region think about electric vehicles. It focuses on the potential barriers…2018-02-15
Flex4RES/Balmorel PhD course April 2018The PhD course Introduction to Balmorel (2018) is now open for registration. You will learn how to perform analyses with the energy system model, Balmorel. Balmorel is an open source model…2018-02-22
Meet a Flex4RES PhD – HardiAs part of the Flex4RES team Hardi Koduvere from Tallinn University of Technology is working with his PhD thesis alongside with contributing to the Flex4RES project. His thesis is about…2018-02-22
Better Policies Accelerate Clean Energy TransitionPolicy Brief – Focus on energy system flexibility. The barriers and hence also policies to energy system flexibility are numerous. In this Policy Brief, we focus on policy recommendations for two…2018-02-22
Swedish Presidency of NCM 2018 – climate friendly mobilityAn inclusive, sustainable, innovative, secure and open Nordic region. This is the starting point for when Sweden assumes the Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers in 2018. Digitalisation is…2018-03-02
Nordic region offers valuable lessons for rapid EV deployment worldwideThe Nordic region currently represents the third-largest electric car market by sales in the world, after China and the United States2018-03-08
Possible to phase out CO2 from road traffic in 15 yearsA combination of taxes, regulations, fuel switches, electrification and climate-conscious social planning is the recipe if the Nordic and Baltic states are to phase out CO2 from road traffic2018-04-12
Shift Session May 24, Nordic Clean Energy Week: How to speed up the introduction of Electro-Mobility?Based on the development of electro-mobility in the Nordic countries, this session investigates the role of electro-mobility in the future2018-04-12
Nordic Energy Solutions in EthiopiaNordic Energy Research and the International Centre for Hydropower (ICH) organized the seminar African Power Market Concept – Operation and Opportunities, in Addis Ababa, April 11-13, 2018. The seminar was part…2018-04-23
Will the Baltic states meet their energy and climate targets?What would be required for the Baltic states to meet their climate and energy targets in 2030? Are they likely to reach these targets without additional measures? And if the Baltic…2018-04-23
Baltic energy and climate report launched in the Baltic capitalsDuring the last three weeks Nordic Energy Research have visited the three Baltic capitals to present the Baltic Energy Technology Scenarios 2018 (BENTE) study, and engaged civil society, businesses and government…2018-05-16
Wrapping up Nordic Clean Energy Week 2018In May Nordic Energy Research was engaged in a number of events as part of Nordic Clean Energy Week in Malmö and Copenhagen. The week was a big success, with…2018-05-28
[Video] Nordic Energy Co-operationLearn what makes the Nordic energy system so unique, in this video from the Nordic Council of Ministers2018-06-12
10 Insights into the Nordic energy systemWhere do the Nordic Countries get their energy? How much do the individual countries have in common when it comes to energy? Are the Nordic countries on track to meet…2018-06-14
The Future of Energy – Bridging the GapHow can expertise from the Norwegian offshore oil and gas industry enable Norway to become a global leader in offshore renewable energy? How will the green transition from oil and gas towards…2018-06-15
TENDER – Distributed energy production and self-consumption in the NordicsDistributed electricity production and self-consumption is increasing as an alternative and a supplement to conventional, centralized electricity production. The proposal for a revised EU-directive on renewable energy (RED II) addresses…2018-06-21
Nordic Energy Research at AlmedalsveckanNordic Energy Research will host two seminars during Almedalsveckan in Sweden. On Thursday the 4th: The Nordic region – the world's smartest energy system. But how and when? Focus on…2018-06-28
Wrapping up Almedalsveckan – Day 1At Almedalsveckan in Visby, Sweden, on Wednesday the 4th July 2018, Nordic Energy Research arranged a seminar entitled "The Nordic region – the world’s smartest energy system. But how and…2018-07-04
NER Negative CO2 Newsletter June 2018This is the fourth edition of the newsletter of The Nordic Energy Research Flagship Project “Negative CO2 Emissions with Chemical Looping Combustion of Biomass”2018-07-05
Wrapping up Almedalsveckan – Day 2At Almedalsveckan in Visby, Sweden, on Thursday the 5th July 2018, Nordic Energy Research arranged a seminar entitled "The Nordic region – the world’s smartest energy system. But can we keep…2018-07-05
Transport – Nordens største klimautfordringMøt oss under Arendalsuka 2018! TID: Tirsdag 14.August kl 15:00 - 16:00 STED: Barrique øl og vinstue, Tyholmen Arendal Utslippene knyttet til transport er en av Nordens største klimautfordringer. Heldigvis…2018-08-06
Chinese sustainable mobility in a Nordic setting – and vice versaShift partner Fores has launched the special report "Sustainable mobility the Chinese way", in which Shift project manager Julia Hansson reflects on regional trends and conditions2018-08-17
Clean energy expert calls for increased Nordic energy cooperationA lot has been happening in relation to energy policy in the Nordics lately. Last year Jorma Ollila - the former CEO of NOKIA - presented his findings in; Nordic…2018-09-20
Energy in the West Nordics and the Arctic (EVA) launched at Arctic Circle Assembly 2018The two reports from the EVA-project were launched in Reykjavik at the Arctic Circle Assembly 2018 on Friday. Kevin Johnsen, adviser at Nordic Energy Research, presented key results and figures…2018-10-22
Nordic Energy Solutions in EthiopiaOn Tuesday 32 individuals from the energy policy and production sectors, completed NER's course in power production planning and energy trading, in Addis Ababa. The course is part of the Nordic Energy…2018-10-30
Memorandum of Understanding Between the Baltic States and Nordic Energy Research SignedAs of Friday the 26 of October Nordic Energy Research, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania have all signed the Nordic-Baltic Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), officially putting the memorandum into effect. The…2018-10-31
Stakeholder conference helps map the way forward for NEROn October 25 Nordic Energy Research hosted a invitation-only seminar with key stakeholders from the Nordic energy sector, including representatives from research institutes, government departments and energy providers. The seminar, "New…2018-11-09
Opinion: What Sweden can learn from DenmarkDenmark has proposed new climate policies. What can Sweden and Denmark learn from each other and what can they improve? Shift opinion piece in Skånska Dagbladet. (Swedish)2018-11-12
Shift researcher invited by UN Women to speak at headquarter in NYTanu Priya Uteng, WP3 leader of SHIFT, has worked on the topic of “Gendered Mobilities” for over a decade. She was recently invited by UN Women at their headquarter in…2018-11-12
Shift comment in Berlingske on climate friendly transport policiesIs Denmark about to bypass Sweden when it comes to climate friendly transport policies? Concito, Fores and IVL in SHIFT has studied what the two neighbours can learn from each…2018-11-26
Nordic Leadership in Sustainable Aviation Fuels ? Policies – Technology options, research needs and marketsMaking Nordic aviation sustainable2018-11-28
Aviation side-event, Nordic Pavilion at COP-24Aviation is a major and growing emitter of CO2. Aviation emissions in Europe have doubled since 1990. Without action, global aviation emissions could double or triple by 2050. Will CORSIA…2018-12-04
Maritime Transportation Side-event at COP-24"We believe that the maritime industry can deliver on this target – even if we don’t exactly know how, yet". (Anonymous maritime Industry stakeholder statement)2018-12-04
New report: Nordic renewable energy companies ready for developing countriesA new report prepared by Multiconsult; Scandinavian Investments in Renewable Energy in Developing Countries assess Nordic investments in renewable energy (RE) in developing countries, and the available public support mechanisms and…2018-12-05
World Energy Outlook at COP24The IEA, in collaboration with Nordic Energy Research discussed the 2018 World Energy Outlook at the Nordic Pavillion in Katowice on Monday. IEA Executuve Director Fatih Birol presented the report…2018-12-10
NER Negative CO2 Newsletter December 2018Much has happened in the Negative CO2 flagship project since June 2018. Our project is bringing Chemical Looping Combustion technology closer to viability. This newsletter highlights testing performed on the…2018-12-11
COP 24 demonstrates an acute need for leadershipShift partner Fores goes to Katowice to push for a shift in climate policy. Mattias Goldmann comments shortly from a pod car side-event2018-12-13
Reducing the gender gap in the energy sectorIn order to ensure a more sustainable development in the energy sector, more female values must be included. This was one of the main conclusions at the annual seminar held…2018-12-14
Reply: Conclusions on biofuels too generalizingResearchers at Chalmers claim that biofuels are more harmful to the climate than fossil diesel fuels. Shift researcher Julia Hansson and Shift partner Jacob Lagercrantz both disagree2018-12-20
Freight emissions: Large gap between commitments and reductionsFreight transport causes significant CO2-emissions. Compared to passenger cars, where policy measures aimed at reducing emissions have started to show effect, this is much less the case for freight transport2019-01-10
Will electricity prices in Norway double?Recently there has been some discussion in the Norwegian media, and online, about the likelihood of a doubling of electricity prices on Norway between 2020 and 2030. A video posted…2019-02-21
New report maps the development of transport innovationsTechnologies may compete, complement or be neutral to one another. This report highlights how different technologies and fuels have developed in the Nordic countries2019-03-22
Norway still well in the lead in electric car adoptionThe market share for electric cars in Norway could pass 50 per cent in 2019, according to calculations based on the survey Nordic Electric Car Barometer 2019. According to calculations…2019-03-22
The climate benefits of the Nordic forestsA brochure produced by Nordic Forest Research (SNS) and the Nordic Council of Ministers explains the climate benefits of the Nordic forests. These benefits can broken down into two main…2019-04-02
Strong link between charging infrastructure and adoption of electric vehiclesMunicipal expansion of charging infrastructure is an effective instrument to increase the share of electric vehicles. This is confirmed in a recent Shift study2019-04-02
Food waste – from trash to treasure?What is the best way to utilize waste from food? The production of heat and power from food waste is standard practice in the Nordic countries today, but there is…2019-04-08
BENTE at Scenarios Forum 2019, DenverTomi Lindroos, project leader of Baltic Energy Technology Scenarios 2018 (BENTE), traveled to Denver recently to present findings from the study. The Scenarios Forum brings together researchers who model population, energy, emissions, and climate…2019-04-10
The Nordic Energy Equality Network begins to take shapeKey members of the Nordic Energy Equality Network (NEEN) assembled for a two-day meeting in Oslo on April 2nd and 3rd, 2019. The group was made up of women working…2019-04-25
PPAs could be the missing link to a reliable and renewable futureHow can we ensure that future electricity markets attract enough investment, protect consumers from price spikes and provide the right incentives for flexibility?2019-04-30
Nordic status for zero emission buses – Conference 28-29 of August, OsloIn collaboration with Zero, the Norwegian Association for Public Transportation and Ruter, we invite to a two day conference on zero emission buses, including excursions with electric buses and trips…2019-05-15
OPEN CALL – The joint Baltic-Nordic Energy Research programmeInitiated by Nordic Energy Research and developed in collaboration with the Baltic States’ ministries responsible for the energy sector, the joint Baltic-Nordic Energy Research programme establishes a collaborative energy research…2019-05-24
OPEN CALL – Communicating the results of the Nordic Flagship ProjectsNordic Energy Research (NER) has financed 3 Nordic Flagship Projects which are coming to completion at the end of 2019. These projects each focus on a different aspect of reducing…2019-06-03
New report: Distributed electricity production and self-consumption in the NordicsThe report estimates that the volume of renewable electricity produced in the Nordics that can be used for self-consumption was 5 TWh in 2017. Total installed capacity (all installations below…2019-06-10
Nordic Energy Research at EU Sustainable Energy WeekNordic Energy Research will be hosting a stand at the EU Sustainable Energy Week in Brussels, 19 June 2019. “The vision for Nordic energy co-operation is to develop Nordic energy…2019-06-11
Transmission: Improving revenue for renewablesA sustainable future energy system relies on renewable resources. Unfortunately, resources like hydro, solar and wind are often distributed unevenly not only temporally but also geographically and such characteristics bring…2019-06-17
Nordic-Chinese collaboration on research for smart energy in a smart city context.There is already a number of initiatives for collaboration between individual Nordic universities and Chinese universities on energy issues and city development. The time has come to develop a Nordic…2019-06-18
EU Sustainable Energy Week, BrusselsOn June 19th Nordic Energy Research, together with Aalborg University and House of Energy (Denmark), presented examples of how the Nordic countries are aiming to develop the smartest energy system in…2019-06-25
Nordic Energy Research joins Accelerating Carbon Capture and Storage Technologies (ACT) initiativeTogether with the Nordic research councils, Nordic Energy Research has identified Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS) as a focus area for 2018-2021. There is every indication that CCUS must…2019-06-26
New 2030 Vision and Roadmap for the Nordic Electricity MarketThe Nordic countries have cooperated regarding electricity market issues since the 1990s and Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden have shared a common electricity market since 2000. A joint goal and…2019-06-28
Reducing transport emissions – Shift research filmsStringent policy, equality in transport planning and new business models. Shift is steering towards its last months of research with new insights and knowledge on what measures we need to…2019-06-28
Nordic view on the role of new storage technologies in decarbonising energy systems – HydrogenNordic view on the role of new storage technologies in decarbonising energy systems Copenhagen 19th September, Industriens Hus The purpose of this conference is to facilitate good exchange of information…2019-07-22
Act fast and Nordic while paving the way for carbon neutralityThe Nordic region is well positioned to meet the carbon neutrality challenge. The Flex4RES summary report sets up a roadmap with the necessary steps for a swift and cost effective…2019-07-27
Webinar for the joint Baltic-Nordic Energy Research programmeThis online seminar will help applicants to the Joint Nordic-Baltic Energy Research Programme call learn more about the programme. About this Event Applicants to the Joint Nordic-Baltic Energy Research Programme…2019-08-13
Nordic Flagship Event TourAs the three Nordic flagship projects come to a close they will be presenting their results at various conferences and events across the Nordic and Baltic regions. The projects each…2019-09-18
Proceedings from Hydrogen conference on 19th September 2019, CopenhagenNordic views on the role of new storage technologies in decarbonising energy systems. The purpose of this seminar was to facilitate good exchange of information and views among governments and…2019-10-01
Launch: Tracking Nordic Clean Energy Progress 2019Tracking Nordic Clean Energy Progress 2019 was launched today at the "Nordic Energy Seminar - The energy system of the future" hosted by the Icelandic chairmanship of Nordic Council of…2019-10-01
NER Negative CO2 Newsletter October 2019Our flagship project is now in its last period. While some of the work packages have finished their work, others are busy completing their final deliverables. This Newsletter gives you…2019-10-08
Smart Mobilities: A Gendered PerspectiveBoth energy usage and emissions associated with the transport sector can be tackled better if we focus on creating infrastructure design and systems that are in sync with the gendered…2019-10-23
Examining the nature of technological changeWhile greenhouse gas emissions from non-transport sectors fell 15 percent between 1990 and 2007, transport emissions increased by 33 percent over the same period and currently accounts for around 40…2019-10-23
Stronger policy measures needed to decarbonize freight transportPolicy measures have started to decrease emissions from passenger cars, but not to the same extent from freight transport. The demand for freight transport in the Nordic countries is expected…2019-10-25
How to support the development of MaaS: Implications for public governanceMobility as a Service (MaaS), sometimes referred to as Combined Mobility, Mobility on Demand, and Integrated Mobility, is considered to have the potential to bring about sustainability gains within passenger…2019-10-25
The role of business models in the transition to Electric Road SystemsElectric road systems (ERS) are road transportation systems based on technologies that support electric power transfer from roads to vehicles in motion. ERS has in the recent decade emerged as…2019-10-25
Prospects for low-carbon options for on-road freight transportIn studies funded by the Nordic Energy Research project Shift and the Swedish Transport Agency, researchers at IVL Swedish Environmental Institute and DTU, the Technical University of Denmark, have investigated…2019-10-25
“What about the climate in the Nordics?”In January 2019, the Nordic Prime Ministers joint declared their commitment to make the Nordic region carbon-neutral. Are we on track? What solutions are at hand? On 23rd October 2019…2019-10-28
One step closer to sustainable aviation fuels?Today, a new study on pathways towards sustainable production of aviation fuel was released. Nordic GTL – a pre-feasibility study on sustainable aviation fuel from biogas, hydrogen, and CO2. The purpose…2019-10-29
Final report: Shift project summaryThis report summarises the assessments made in Shift, including main findings. Also included are the policy briefs produced within the project2019-10-31
Super-green car premium behind 1 out of 3 plug-in hybrid cars in SwedenShift researchers from IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute and University of Gothenburg have managed to isolate the effects of the super green car premium2019-11-04
Nordic Energy Solutions for Global Challenges – 31st October 2019 Addis AbabaNordic Energy Solutions to Global Challenges - Seminar Report Nordic Energy Research together with all the Nordic Embassies in Addis Ababa organized a Nordic Business seminar in Addis Ababa 31st…2019-11-11
How to reform taxation of road transports for promoting electrificationShift presents a reformed taxation of road transports that resolves the target conflict between GHG reduction, traffic volume and tax revenues to fund public infrastructure and social costs of traffic2019-11-14
Negative CO2: Bio-CCS is non-optional, but not a silver bulletCO2 emissions must be reduced drastically now, not just from energy, but also from transport, industry and agriculture. The requirement for technologies that remove CO2 from the atmosphere at some…2019-11-20
Klaus Skytte ny direktør for Nordisk EnergiforskningKlaus Skytte fra Danmark er valgt som ny administrerende direktør for Nordisk Energiforskning i Oslo. Skytte er 49 år og PhD i økonomi fra Københavns Universitet og har siden 1996…2019-11-20
Green Fuels workshop, IEA ParisThe International Energy Agency convened a workshop on 21-22nd of October 2019 for the Experts´Group on R&D Priority-Setting and Evaluation (EGRD) focusing on green fuels for the transportation sector. EGRD…2019-12-03
Nordic Energy Research at Nordic Energy Day – COP 25, MadridAs in previous years, Nordic Energy Research participated in the Nordic Council of Minister's "Energy day" at COP25. This year the focus was on the Green transition and carbon neutrality…2019-12-13
Can the Nordics lead the way in Sustainable aviation? – new study releasedNordic Energy Research has worked on Sustainable aviation since 2016 when we commissioned a study on Sustainable Jet-fuels for aviation. This report resulted in a series of workshops and conferences…2020-01-13
State of the Nordic Region 2020 -released.State of the Nordic Region 2020 gives you a unique look behind the scenes of the world’s most integrated region, comprised of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, along…2020-02-06
Sustainable use of biomass for heating and transport fuelIn the last ten years, the share of renewables in the total primary energy demand of the Nordic region has increased sharply. The growth is mainly due to an increased…2020-02-13
Experts gather to discuss energy and shipping26-27 February 2020. Maritime experts from the government sector, industry, civil society and academia gathered in Malmö to discuss energy use in shipping. The workshop “Prospects for energy and maritime…2020-03-02
Call for proposals involving Nordic or Nordic-Baltic PhD and researcher mobility and network activitiesThe call is being launched to promote collaboration and coordination of energy research in the Nordic and Nordic-Baltic regions through mobility and networking grants for PhD students and researchers. The…2020-04-14
Three projects launched to address common Baltic-Nordic energy challengesThe first round of calls for The Joint Baltic-Nordic Energy Research Programme is now completed, and three projects are selected to receive funding: Fast, flexible and secure decarbonisation of the…2020-04-30
Tracking Nordic Clean Energy Progress – 2020 editionThis second edition of Tracking Nordic Clean Energy Progress provides updated figures and statistics, as well as a new section on the energy transition in Europe and the rest of…2020-05-05
Energy ministers: Green energy conversion to power new start after COVID-19The Nordic energy ministers want sustainable energy sources to power the post-pandemic economy. At an online meeting on 26 May, the ministers drew up guidelines for recovery and approved a…2020-05-26
New focus area: Carbon capture, utilization and storageTogether with the Nordic research councils, Nordic Energy Research has identified Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS) as a focus area for 2018-2021. There is every indication that CCUS must…2020-08-24
Innovative ideas support the Nordic green transitionNordic Prime Ministers have adopted a vision stating that ‘The Nordic region will become the most sustainable and integrated region in the world in 2030.’ The Nordic countries already have…2020-09-08
Successful webinar for the ACT-CCS Programme Call 2020On the 31st of August, Nordic Energy Research hosted a webinar to promote and inform about the ACT-CCS Programme Call 2020. During the event, Nicki Carnbrand Håkansson, Sofia Elamson and…2020-09-14
Nordic Energy Research supports Baltic Carbon Forum 2020Join the Baltic Carbon Forum on the 14th of October 2020 with focus on how CCUS can turn the Baltic Sea Region into a carbon neutral zone. The Baltic Carbon…2020-09-18
Report: Nordic Power 2X for Sustainable Road TransportElectrofuels (e-fuels) produced from renewable electricity in the Nordics could contribute to both increasing the domestic production of renewable fuels, and to achieving national targets for decarbonizing the transport sector…2020-09-29
Strong attendance at Webinar on Nordic Maritime Transport and Energy Research Programme Call 2020On the 14th October 2020, Nordic Energy Research hosted a webinar to inform about the Nordic Maritime Transport and Energy Research Programme. During the event, Svend Søyland, Kevin Johnsen and…2020-10-18
Common initiatives can make Nordic aviation significantly more sustainableThis is the conclusion of the report “Nordic Sustainable Aviation” - prepared by the Institute of Transport Economics and commissioned by Nordic Energy Research. The report explores challenges and opportunities…2020-10-28
Simon Vilms Pedersen wins the Nordic Energy ChallengeWith his proposal On the Road to Nordic Decarbonization 2050 Simon Vilms Pedersen is this year’s winner of the Nordic Energy Challenge. Along with the winning title comes a prize…2020-11-03
Navigating Towards Cleaner Maritime Shipping: Lessons from the Nordic regionA new report “Navigating Towards Cleaner Maritime Shipping” explores ways to reduce carbon emissions and air pollution from ships in the Nordic region. The report details currently feasible technological options…2020-11-19
Nordic Energy Research becomes a member of the European Clean Hydrogen AllianceKlaus Skytte, CEO of Nordic Energy Research, has been appointed to participate in the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance. Klaus Skytte becomes a member of two roundtable groups: Hydrogen for Mobility…2021-01-07
Join the Nordic Energy Challenge 2021In 2021 the Nordic Energy Challenge focuses on sustainable transport. Nordic Energy Research invites energy stakeholders - including companies, researchers, non-profit organizations, think-tanks, students and individuals - to participate with…2021-02-04
Catharina Sikow-Magny: Flexibility is the topic of Nordic Electricity Market Forum 2021“The future electricity market will be decentralised and more dependent on digital tools, and flexibility is the key to success,” stated Ms. Catharina Sikow-Magny, Director, European Commission, who was the…2021-02-09
Nicki advocates for the Legal Perspective in Nordic Energy ResearchNicki Carnbrand Håkansson believes that people mainly associate the name of Nordic Energy Research with the natural sciences. Yet, Nordic Energy Research is the platform for cooperative energy research and…2021-02-09
Call for proposals to the Nordic Energy Outlooks ProgramThe call for proposals for the Nordic Energy Outlooks - Nordic energy system research Program (NEOs) is open. The program is financed by Nordic Energy Research together with The Research…2021-02-15
The Nordic partnership is complexOn 25th January 2019, the Nordic prime ministers signed the Declaration on Nordic Carbon Neutrality in Helsinki. The new vision for a more carbon neutral Nordic region increased Anders’ interest…2021-02-23
Networking and Researcher Mobility across the Baltic-Nordic regionOn February 2nd, more than 30 researchers from the joint Baltic-Nordic Energy Research Program met online, for a webinar about networking and researcher mobility. The aim of the webinar was…2021-02-23
NordGrid call is open – The Nordic TSOs are looking for co-operationThursday the 11th of March marks a milestone for the NordGrid Program as the first call opens. Nordic Energy Research is pleased to announce that the Nordic TSOs have shown…2021-03-08
Nordic Energy Outlooks holds its first webinarThe Nordic Energy Outlooks – Nordic energy system research programme (NEOs) has held its first webinar on 25 February 2021. The purpose of the webinar was to prepare interested applicants…2021-03-09
From Academia to Nordic Co-operationAntti Silvast has always taken a great interest in the “Nordic model”, especially when it comes to energy systems and welfare. One of the main reasons he became interested in…2021-03-10
Invitation to tender: Hydrogen, electro-fuels, CCU and CCS in a Nordic contextNordic Energy Research invites all interested parties to submit an offer for the tender: “Hydrogen, electro-fuels, CCU and CCS in a Nordic context – current situation and future needs and…2021-03-11
Examples to Accommodate Biodiversity in Nordic Offshore Wind ProjectsNordic Energy Research invites all interested parties to submit an offer for the tender: “Examples to Accommodate Biodiversity in Nordic Offshore Wind Projects”. The purpose of the study is to…2021-03-22
Roadmap for reaching the 2030 VisionThe second and final session of the Nordic Electricity Market Forum was held Friday 19th of March. As usual the forum was organized by the Nordic Electricity Market Group and…2021-03-22
From being a stakeholder – to working with stakeholdersAndrea Stengel is responsible for the collaboration between Nordic Energy Research and Nordic Electricity Market Group, and she works with the development and improvement of the Nordic electricity market, as…2021-03-23
Strong attendance at the first NordGrid webinarOn Monday 22 March Nordic Energy Research held the first of two webinars, which aim to inform about the NordGrid Programme. More than 60 people attended, and both academia and…2021-03-23
New report shows huge potential for heat pumps in the BalticsThe recently released report Heat Pump Potential in the Baltic States concludes that the Baltic countries have a huge potential in heat pumps and renewable district heating. The report shows…2021-04-09
Meet Marton Leander Vølstad – our new Adviser with an international touchMarton holds a master’s degree in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics from the University of Copenhagen, and a diploma in Social Sciences from Sciences Po Paris. He recently started in…2021-04-13
Launch: New list of female expertsAre you looking for an expert on wind power, smart grids, hydrogen, energy markets, or something else related to energy? And are you also interested in strengthening women's representation in…2021-04-13
Sofia Elamson works for more equality in the Nordic energy sector"The energy sector is a male-dominated sector, especially if you look at traditional energy sources such as oil and gas. However, the ongoing transition to renewable energy sources has contributed…2021-05-04
Nordics lead Europe in renewablesTwo years ahead of schedule, the Nordic countries had all met their 2020 targets set in the EU Renewable Energy Directive, while less than half of member states were on…2021-05-04
Five innovative ideas continue in the Nordic Energy Challenge 2021The first stage of the Nordic Energy Challenge 2021 has been completed. An assessment committee has selected five promising abstracts on sustainable transport to move forward in the challenge. The…2021-05-04
Fanney Frisbæk likes the big picture of synergiesNordic Energy Research has two main tasks - to support thematic areas for Nordic co-operation within energy research, in collaboration with national governments and research funding agencies - and to…2021-05-19
COWI wins the tender to conduct a study on: Hydrogen, electrofuels, CCU and CCS in a Nordic contextOn behalf of the Nordic Committee of Senior Officials for Energy Policies and under the guidance of the Nordic Steering Group, Nordic Energy Research is happy to announce that the…2021-05-19
Interdisciplinarity and funding within Nordic energy researchThe Finnish journal Tieteessä Tapahtuu [Science Now] has just published the article Monitieteisyyden ja tutkimusrahoituksen näkökulma pohjoismaiseen energiatutkimukseen [An interdisciplinary and research funding perspective on Nordic energy research] written by…2021-05-19
What is Nordic Clean Energy Scenarios?Nordic Clean Energy Scenarios has two aims: To identify necessary actions to reduce energy-related emissions leading up to 2030 through scenario modelling, and map potential long-term pathways to carbon neutrality…2021-05-27
New report: Market Design Options for Procurement of FlexibilityThe report Market Design Options for Procurement of Flexibility assesses the potential for DSOs in the Nordic countries to procure flexibility in market-based ways. The report will be presented at…2021-06-01
Daniel Molin: One of five in this year’s Nordic Energy ChallengeIn the upcoming newsletters, Nordic Energy Research will present the five participants selected by the assessment committee to continue in this year's Nordic Energy Challenge. The portrait series begins with…2021-06-01
Astrid Bratli – energetic attitudesAstrid Bratli's interest in energy issues began almost before she stopped using a pacifier. As a limnologist, her father dragged the family to, what Astid feels like every hydro power…2021-06-01
Baltic-Nordic research in decarbonizationThe article is written by Nelli Putkonen Two Baltic-Nordic research projects are investigating the possibilities for decarbonization in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. An essential part of both projects is to…2021-06-01
A successful launchTuesday the 15th of June Nordic Energy Research hosted an online launch of the report “Market design Options for Flexibility Procurement”, commissioned by the Electricity Markets Group under the auspices…2021-06-16
Extensive experience with transport researchAs a prelude to Nordic Energy Challenge 2021, Nordic Energy Research presents the five selected participants in a portrait series. Meet Mikkel Bosack Simonsen and Rasmus Bramstoft. How have you…2021-06-16
DNV wins a tender and is ready to conduct a new studyNordic Energy Research is pleased to announce that DNV has been selected to carry out the study Examples to Accommodate Biodiversity in Nordic Offshore Wind Projects, having demonstrated a clear…2021-06-16
A stroke of luck brought Kevin Johnsen to Nordic Energy ResearchSenior Adviser, Kevin Johnsen has worked at Nordic Energy Research since 2016. A master’s thesis and an interest in the World Energy Outlook led him by chance to Nordic Energy…2021-06-16
Nordic Energy Research Forum 2021Nordic Energy Research Forum 2021 took place on the 14th and 21st of September as an online event streamed from Helsinki2021-06-28
New report is pre-launched at Arendal weekThe report Gender equality in the Nordic energy sector from Nordic Energy Equality Network (NEEN) has mapped the female representation in the Nordic energy sector, and is pre-launched at this…2021-06-28
CIT Industriell Energi AB is ready to carry out a new studyNordic Energy Research is pleased to announce that CIT Industriell Energi AB has been selected to carry out the study “Baltic-Nordic Roadmap for Co-operation on Clean Energy Technologies”, having demonstrated…2021-06-28
A book paved a career pathIt was a book about renewable energy back in 1977 that made Svend interested in energy and climate. The book inspired him to build a solar cooker in the carpenter´s…2021-06-28
New report: The Nordics are two years ahead of scheduleThe report Renewable Energy in the Nordics 2021 highlights achievements of five Nordic countries with ambitious climate goals. The Nordic countries have all met their 2020 targets set in the…2021-06-28
New report on gender equality in the Nordic energy sector is launched at Arendal WeekThe report Gender equality in the Nordic energy sector is a collaborative project between Nordic Energy Research (NER) and EY. The report provides an overall picture of the status of…2021-08-13
“Freshly baked” Master of HumanitiesI’m a great language nerd and have been ever since I started school at the age of six. Therefore, it came natural for me to study Nordic Languages at university…2021-08-24
Transition to sustainable transportAs a prelude to Nordic Energy Challenge 2021, Nordic Energy Research presents the five selected participants in a portrait series. Meet Wu Chen. How have you previously worked with sustainable…2021-08-24
Roadmap to achieve the Nordic Electricity Market Vision 2030A new Roadmap to achieve the Nordic Electricity Market Vision 2030 has been published. “The roadmap provides a good starting point for future joint development work within key areas in…2021-08-24
Gender equality in the Nordic energy sector lags behindThe report Gender equality in the Nordic energy sector from Nordic Energy Equality Network (NEEN) has mapped the female representation in the Nordic energy sector. The overall conclusion is that…2021-08-24
Podcast: How to fully decarbonise the NordicsA world premiere for your ears. In connection with the launch of Nordic Clean Energy Scenarios, Tuesday September 7, at 10:00 am., Energy Policycast has produced the podcast "How to…2021-08-24
The Five solution tracksSolutions available to decarbonise the Nordic energy system can be grouped into five tracks: direct electrification; PtX; bioenergy; carbon capture and storage (CCS); and behavioural change. A balance between these…2021-09-05
The Nordic Clean Energy Scenarios results viewerIn the scenario viewer, you can explore the full modelling results from Nordic Clean Energy Scenarios, This web tool allows you to compare results from the three different scenarios developed…2021-09-05
Technology CatalogueThis publication summarises research, data collection, validation, and synthesis of results from Nordic Clean Energy Scenarios. The technology catalogue revises, and structures relevant technology data used as input to the…2021-09-05
Nordic Energy Statistics DatabaseThis description of the Nordic Energy Statistics Database documents and guides users of the data, that has been harmonised for the energy sector and across all five Nordic countries. Read…2021-09-05
The open-source ON-TIMES energy system modelThis is the open-source ON-TIMES energy system model developed by EML, IVL, and VTT. In the repository, you can explore the full modelling framework. Download the open-source ON-TIMES energy system…2021-09-05
Online version of the reportAccess and read the report2021-09-07
Bettering the transport sector with biofuelsAs a prelude to the Nordic Energy Challenge 2021, Nordic Energy Research presents the five selected participants in a portrait series. Meet Wolff-Ragnar Kiebach. How have you previously worked with…2021-09-07
Decentralisation + digitalisation = decarbonisationAs a prelude to the Nordic Energy Challenge 2021, Nordic Energy Research presents the five selected participants in a portrait series. Meet Krishnaswamy Sankaran. How have you previously worked with…2021-09-07
Presentation of the Jury – Nordic Energy Challenge 2021Meet the jury of the Nordic Energy Challenge 2021 Below you find a short presentation of each of the three members of the jury2021-09-07
Info-webinar: Nordic or Nordic-Baltic PhD- and Researcher Mobility ProgramJoin the info-webinar on how to participate in the call: Nordic or Nordic-Baltic PhD- and Researcher Mobility Program. Date and time: Monday, October 4 2021, at 1:00-2.15 pm. (CEST). Sign…2021-09-07
Bridging energy system models in the NordicsNordic Energy Research is pleased to announce that SINTEF Energy Research has been selected to lead and participate in the Nordic Energy Outlooks – Nordic Energy System Research Program. SINTEF…2021-09-07
Session 1: Smart Energy Systems: State-of-the-Art and Future OpportunitiesHow can the Nordic region achieve reliable, sustainable, and flexible energy systems, as well as harvest synergies from integration of all infrastructures and reduced costs and improved performance in energy…2021-09-08
Session 2: Rise to the Challenge: Sustainable TransportThe green transformation of the transport sector is absolutely crucial if the ambitious climate goals of the Nordic countries are to be achieved - transport cannot take place without the use of energy. The good, national solutions…2021-09-08
Session 3: A Carbon Neutral Nordic Energy SystemA carbon-neutral Nordic energy system is on the horizon as climate ambitions ramp up to 2030, 2050 and beyond. Yet, the green transition in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden has wide implications – success will send a strong signal internationally. Can the region demonstrate climate leadership on the world stage? Discover how Nordic…2021-09-09
Session 4: Sustainable Energy for AllThe Nordic Council of Ministers' Vision for 2030 is to make the Nordic region the most sustainable and integrated region in the world. The energy sector has a key role to play in the transition…2021-09-09
The structure of the Nordic Energy Outlooks – Nordic Energy System Research ProgrammeWhat is the Nordic Energy Outlooks programme? The programme consists of four work packages and is analyzed by selected research environments, led by SINTEF Energy and in collaboration with Nordic…2021-09-09
Dr. Krishnaswamy Sankaran wins Nordic Energy Challenge 2021The jury was in no doubt, and with the following words, they nominated Dr. Krishnaswamy Sankaran to this year's winner of Nordic Energy Challenge. "With descriptive illustrations, a well-reasoned…2021-09-15
Nordic Energy Research meets the Baltic pressOn Monday, September 13th, Senior Adviser, Kevin Johnsen had the pleasure of meeting and presenting Nordic Energy Research’s ongoing work to a delegation of Baltic journalists visiting State of Green…2021-09-20
DNV wins aggregator studyNordic Energy Research is pleased to announce that the Electricity Markets Group has selected DNV to carry out the study Regulation of Independent Aggregators, with a focus on compensation mechanisms…2021-09-20
Two courses about energy-related fire safetyDue to covid-19, The Nordic Fire and Safety Network on Energy (NFSNergy) offers a digital autumn school consisting of two courses instead of the annual summer school. The first course…2021-09-20
Media coverage and presentationsHere you find updated lists of where and when Nordic Clean Energy Scenarios has been invited to an event and covered by the press2021-09-27
Forum greetings from some of the Nordic islandsAt the Nordic Energy Forum 2021 every session began with a greeting from one of the following Nordic islands2021-09-29
Baltic Carbon Forum 2021Don’t miss this year’s Baltic Carbon Forum – an opportunity to dive into the Baltic Sea’s key questions regarding sustainable carbon cycles, in the company of international expertise. The forum…2021-10-05
Karina Barnholt Klepper: “Change will not come of itself”In August this year, Nordic Energy Research and Nordic Energy Equality Network (NEEN) published the report Gender equality in the Nordic energy sector. By mapping the female representation in the…2021-10-05
Nordic Energy Outlooks: Kick-off meetingThe Nordic Energy Outlooks – Nordic Energy System Research Program (NEOs) held its kick-off seminar on Friday, October 1. 27 participants from all the participating Nordic projects attended the meeting…2021-10-05
Successful webinar promotes the Nordic or Nordic-Baltic PhD- and Researcher Mobility ProgramOn Monday, October 4, Nordic Energy Research hosted a webinar targeting potential applicants for the Nordic or Nordic-Baltic PhD and Researcher Mobility Program 2022-24. Senior Adviser Kevin Johnsen and Adviser…2021-10-05
A windmill and the Nordic nature created a passion for energyRenewable energy and climate have interested Klaus Skytte since childhood. He was raised in the countryside and has always loved nature, where he spent time with his dog every day…2021-10-05
Watch the launch event and download supplementary materialThe Nordic Clean Energy Scenarios project was launched at a digital launch event on Tuesday, September 7. The event was opened by Klaus Skytte, CEO at Nordic Energy Research. The opening session was…2021-10-08
Sustainable Trade & Logistics Networks Between the Nordics and BalticsKlaus Skytte, CEO and Kevin Johnsen, Senior Adviser at Nordic Energy Research participated in the business forum Sustainable Trade & Logistics Networks Between the Nordics and Baltics. Watch the forum:…2021-10-14
Fast energy transition and potential challenges in the BalticsWhat do the decarbonizing possibilities look like in the Estonian, Latvian, and Lithuanian energy systems in the upcoming decade? The answer to this question will be closer at hand this…2021-10-26
Autumn School: Nordic Flow Battery NetworkA three-day autumn school with focus on redox flow batteries’ kinetics and thermodynamics, modelling, and commercialization takes place at University of Turku. Target group: PhD students and researchers with an…2021-10-26
Nordic Energy Research at the Nordic Council SessionNordic Energy Research participates in the Nordic Council Session 2021 that takes place from 1 to 4 November in Copenhagen. The session is the biggest Nordic political event of the…2021-10-26
Nordic Energy Research arranges five hybrid events at COP26By participating in COP26, Nordic Energy Research wishes to present inspiring answers to climate questions, create a strong platform for dialogue, networking, and promote collaboration within the Nordics as well…2021-10-26
Wind Win – Communities & ConservationIs it possible to conserve nature while engaging local communities? Can green energy be part of a sustainable development on not only an ecological level, but a social one, too?…2021-10-26
En Route to Decarbonizing the Maritime SectorThere is a ship that needs to be turned around – literally as well as figuratively speaking. The maritime industry represents three percent of all greenhouse gas emissions, at the…2021-10-26
Nordic sustainable aviation – skymiles ahead?Can one region influence the global aviation industry? The Nordic countries have serious ambitions to reduce the carbon footprint of flying and hope to pilot others towards fossil free and…2021-10-26
Nordic Clean Energy Scenarios at COP26The future is electric! How will the cost of renewable energy and batteries affect the realisation of Nordic and global climate targets? This issue is the focal point of the…2021-10-26
Capturing a Golden OpportunityThe Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has stressed the importance of carbon capture and storage in order to meet climate targets. But how can we work together to deliver…2021-10-29
Post COP26 – Watch the live streamings and read the presentationsOn November 8th Nordic Energy Research arranged 5 events at COP26 in Glasgow. Below you find links to watch each event and to read the presentations given by the keynote…2021-11-09
AEGIR – cutting greenhouse emissions in the maritime sectorIn March 2021, three research consortia – AEGIR, CAHEMA, and HOPE – were initiated as part of the Nordic Maritime Transport and Energy Research Programme, funded by Nordic Energy Research…2021-11-15
Lunch seminar: Gender equality in the Nordic energy sectorThe Nordic Energy Equality Network’s (NEEN) report Gender equality in the Nordic energy sector was published earlier this autumn, mapping the female under-representation in the energy sector across the Nordic…2021-11-15
Webinar: Results from the Nordic Clean Energy ScenariosIn the webinar, experts behind the Nordic Clean Energy Scenarios project will go beyond the headlines and dive deeper into the results2021-11-18
About ERA-NetThe ERA-Net is a funding tool under Horizon 2020, dedicated to achieve a European Research Area (ERA) by gathering countries and regions who want to fund transnational research and innovation…2021-12-01
Sofia Elamson held a presentation on gender equality in the Nordic energy sectorOn December 2, Sofia Elamson, Adviser at Nordic Energy Research as well as Secretary of the Nordic Energy Equality Network (NEEN), gave a presentation at a lunch seminar arranged in…2021-12-07
Reaching Nordic Carbon Neutrality – the Role of Bioenergy and Negative EmissionsWednesday morning on December 8, Nordic Energy Research’s Senior Adviser Kevin Johnsen opened the webinar Reaching Nordic Carbon Neutrality – the Role of Bioenergy and Negative Emissions. The webinar was…2021-12-08
NordGrid Programme: The project “Resilient Digital Sustainable Energy Transition” has been awarded fundingThe research project “Resilient Digital Sustainable Energy Transition”, or REDISET for short, has been awarded funding from The Swedish Energy Agency and Business Finland. The purpose of the project is…2021-12-14
About the NordGrid Programme“A long Nordic tradition of co-operation on the development and operation of infrastructure and markets is based on common challenges and solutions, but also on a high level of trust…2021-12-14
Focus on green transition in new Nordic energy co-operation programThe Nordic energy co-operation will have a strong focus on activities that support the green transition and the shift towards an economy based on sustainability and climate neutral energy. These…2021-12-14
Webinar: Reaching Nordic Carbon Neutrality – Direct and Indirect ElectrificationThe webinar will let the brains behind the report Nordic Clean Energy Scenarios discuss the results in a both broader and deeper sense, with focus on direct and indirect electrification…2021-12-20
Rune Volla is the new Chair of Nordic Energy Research in 2022This article is also available in Swedish. A new year brings about hope, opportunities, and revival, but also a new Chair of Nordic Energy Research. The Chair of 2022…2022-01-10
First work package of NEOs – “a great opportunity for future cooperation and ideas”Nordic Energy Outlooks (NEOs) is a program with focus on cooperation between research institutions within the field of energy system analysis in the Nordic area. The program is financed by…2022-01-18
About Integrated, Regional Energy SystemsThe focus initiative Integrated, Regional Energy Systems is more commonly referred to as Smart Energy Systems (SES), but goes by RegSys for short. The focus initiative is an ERA-Net co-fund…2022-01-20
An electrifying webinar on Nordic Clean Energy ScenariosOn January 19, the report Nordic Clean Energy Scenarios was expanded upon at a webinar organized by Nordic Energy Research and Energiforsk. More than 180 participants joined in, as Kevin…2022-01-24
LAUNCH: Accommodating Biodiversity in Nordic Offshore Wind ProjectsWelcome to the launch of the report Accommodating Biodiversity in Nordic Offshore Wind Projects. Join in on March 2nd at 09:00–10:30 to discover how the energy transition can be nature…2022-01-26
About EnerDigitEnerDigit is short for the focus initiative Digital Transformation for the Energy Transition, established as an ERA-Net co-fund, a financing instrument under Horizon 2020 (followed by Horizon Europe) that: supports…2022-02-04
In the face of crisis, Lise Nielson gets motivatedWinston Churchill is credited with coining the phrase “Never let a good crisis go to waste”. He said this as the world moved towards the end of WWII in the…2022-02-04
Attend the seminar: Bioenergy and links to agriculture & LULUCF in a Nordic contextIf you are researching the role of bioenergy in the Nordic energy system - or just interested in energy systems, then participate in this seminar. Location: Online at TeamsDate: Friday…2022-02-07
Visit from ScotlandKersti Berge, the Scottish Director for Energy and Climate Change, visits Nordic Energy Research to explore future co-operation on green energy solutions. Network for net-zero islands On her visit, Kersti…2022-02-16
Successful final seminar for WP1 in the NEOs programmeFriday the 18th of February marked the day when the final report for WP1 - Bioenergy and links to agriculture & LULUCF in a Nordic context was presented to the…2022-02-22
Nordic leadership in the green transitionThe new report Hydrogen, electrofuels, CCU and CCS in a Nordic context highlights extensive efforts in all Nordic countries to further the use of Hydrogen, electro-fuels as well as CCUS…2022-02-22
Successful launch of Accommodating Biodiversity in Nordic Offshore Wind ProjectsOn Wednesday, March 2nd, the report Accommodating Biodiversity in Nordic Offshore Wind Projects was successfully launched. The livestreamed launch event was opened and moderated by Adviser Marton Leander Vølstad. Marte…2022-03-07
Nordic Energy Challenge 2022 – deadlines, participation, jury and selectionEnergy in the Arctic is the theme of this year's Nordic Energy Challenge. The Arctic area has exceptional challenges and opportunities in connection with the green transition. How should these…2022-03-08
Upcoming presentation on Nordic Clean Energy ScenariosOn March 21st at 14:00–16:00 (CET), Nordic Energy Research's Senior Adviser Kevin Johnsen will present the report Nordic Clean Energy Scenarios at the seminar The Role of Electrification in Reaching…2022-03-08
Workshop: Nordic Carbon Neutrality – from words to actionNordic Energy Research and the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Stockholm have the pleasure of inviting you to a lunch seminar2022-03-09
Here are your thoughts – results from the newsletter surveyIn January and February this year, we collected feedback from the readers of Nordic Energy Research’s newsletter. A survey was sent out, and almost ten percent of our subscribers participated…2022-03-22
Today is the Nordic Day’s 60th anniversaryThis year, the Nordic Day is highlighted through the launch of the report State of the Nordic Region 2022 – that looks into how the Covid-19 pandemic has affected the…2022-03-22
INVITATION TO TENDER: Co-existence and nature enhancement in Nordic offshore wind farmsNordic Energy Research invites all interested parties to submit an offer for the tender Co-existence and nature enhancement in Nordic offshore wind farms. Denis & Malo Lacroix The objective is…2022-03-22
Fast, flexible and secure decarbonisation of the Baltic states – possible progress in the next Ten years (FasTen)The climate challenge requires fast reduction of greenhouse gas emissions across the globe. FasTen project will explore the potential to accelerate the decarbonisation of the Baltic states in the next…2022-03-30
Modified energy scenarios explored in Denmark, Latvia and LithuaniaThis project will explore how the Nordic and Baltic countries can develop better and more extensive energy scenarios in the primary cases of Denmark, Latvia and Lithuania. The project’s objectives…2022-03-30
About NB-NZEBIn the recast Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (European Commission, 2018), the term Nearly Zero-Energy Building (commonly abbreviated as NZEB) was introduced and defined as a "building that has a…2022-03-30
ADRENALIN – A project under the Joint Call 2020A project funded by Nordic Energy Research under the Joint Call 2020 on digital transformation for green energy transition2022-04-05
Nordic Carbon Neutrality – from words to actionStockholm: The location couldn’t be better – when, Nordic Energy Research presented the report Hydrogen, electrofuels, and CCUS in a Nordic context at the Royal Norwegian Embassy2022-04-05
Nordic Electricity Market Forum 2022The Nordic Electricity Market Forum 2022 will gather the Nordic electricity market community for the purpose of providing advice to the Nordic Energy Ministers on how to meet their ambitious…2022-04-05
Recent MPS Solveig Evensberget: “Nordic Energy Research has obvious potential to be utilized within academia”Solveig Evensberget recently graduated from The Arctic University of Norway. For her master’s thesis “Energy and security in transition – insights and lessons from the Nordic region”, she relies on…2022-04-05
Workshop: Despite Covid-19 the Nordic Maritime Transport and Energy Research Programme is running on scheduleThe three research consortia AEGIR, CAHEMA, and HOPE within the Nordic Maritime Transport and Energy Research Programme conduct a two-day workshop at the World Maritime University in Malmö2022-04-05
The regulation of independent aggregatorsOn behalf of the Electricity Market Group under the Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordic Energy Research commissioned DNV to review how independent aggregation is (or will be) regulated across Europe…2022-04-19
Nordic Energy Equality Conference 2022Nordic Energy Equality Network (NEEN) and Nordic Energy Research invite you to join us in an event dedicated to sustainability, inclusion, and equality in the Nordic energy sector. The Nordic Energy…2022-04-19
How are women accelerating the sustainable energy transition?Vaasa Climate Change Conference & Networking Forum, 27th September 2019. Conference participants gathered on Friday morning to listen to presentations by women in the energy sector from the five Nordic countries…2022-04-25
Towards an equal and diverse energy sector – launch of the Nordic Energy Equality NetworkReducing carbon emissions and dependence of fossil fuels is crucial in combating climate change. The energy issue is already in focus, but despite the transition towards sustainable energy being a…2022-04-25
The Nordic Energy Equality Network Taking ShapeKey members of the Nordic Energy Equality Network (NEEN) assembled for a two-day meeting in Oslo on April 2nd and 3rd, 2019. The group was made up of women working in…2022-04-25
Four new PhD and researcher mobility projects begin in 2022The third round of calls for The Nordic or Nordic-Baltic PhD and Researcher Mobility Programme has now been completed2022-05-03
Constructive workshop on ammonia and hydrogenWhat are the possibilities of ammonia and hydrogen as maritime fuels? This was discussed on 20–21 April at a two-day workshop at the World Maritime University in Malmö, as relevant…2022-05-03
About the Joint Baltic-Nordic Energy Research ProgrammeThe overall aim of the program is to promote energy research and analysis in the Baltic States and inspire intra-Baltic and Baltic-Nordic collaboration2022-05-05
About FasTenThe climate challenge requires fast reduction of greenhouse gas emissions across the globe. FasTen project will explore the potential to accelerate the decarbonisation of the Baltic states in the next…2022-05-06
About IntSufIn order to ensure adequate action in relation to the objectives in the Paris Agreement, the Nordic and Baltic countries have to define clear 2050 decarbonisation and energy transition strategies…2022-05-06
About AmberAmber project analyses the long-term cost-optimal energy policy pathways for the Baltic countries. The analysis will consider national and EU energy and climate targets, and study cost-effective pathways to meet…2022-05-06
About BaltHubWith integrated energy system analysis covering the Baltic-Nordic region and beyond, BaltHub analyses the cost-effectiveness of Baltic Sea energy hubs. Such hubs have large amounts of offshore wind power connected…2022-05-06
About Agent-GIS-5GDHCThe 5th Generation District Heating and Cooling (5GDHC) network has great advantages in integration of low temperature resource, bi-directional operation, decentralized energy flows, and possible energy sharing. However, there are…2022-05-06
About Next-uGridIntegration of renewable energy sources with their unpredictable nature, increasing overall consumption and number of electrical vehicles in near future and decentralized power flows are creating new challenges to the…2022-05-06
About NUANCEGlobally, nations have developed their sustainable goals to achieve a carbon neutral society. Sustainable consumption of energy is one of the SDGs of the United Nations. There have been several…2022-05-06
About WasteHeatSESIntegration of waste (also called excess or surplus) heat flows into the district heating systems have been identified as a significant complementary driver on the road to climate neutrality by…2022-05-06
About ReMoNet-BioenergyThe project “Establishment of Nordic-Baltic PhD and researcher mobility network in the field of the bioenergy” will create an internationally recognized Nordic-Baltic mobility network for PhD students and researchers in…2022-05-09
About COSPACTNordic and Baltic power systems are in the crossroad and moving towards extensive allocation of non-synchronously connected renewable generation, e.g., offshore and onshore wind, and solar. It is seen that…2022-05-09
About BioELECBioELEC will promote mobility related to two two major biomass conversion processes: One process deals with forest residue gasification for bioelectricity, and the other process is based on anaerobic digestion…2022-05-09
About CDSElectric vehicle (EV) plays a key role in the green shift in transport. However, the spike in the EV demand poses new challenges to power system stable operation. Therefore, it…2022-05-09
“Nordic Energy Challenge is an excellent platform to gain global visibility”Get inspired by last year’s winning Nordic Energy Challenger! In 2021, Dr. Krishnaswamy Sankaran won the Nordic Energy Challenge. His idea on sustainable transport built on the strengths of decentralization…2022-05-10
Three research projects funded to address common Baltic-Nordic energy challengesThe third round of calls for The Joint Baltic-Nordic Energy Research Programme is now completed, and three projects are selected to receive funding2022-05-16
Call for proposals: Joint Nordic Hydrogen Research ProgrammePhasing out of fossil fuels and feedstocks in the transport sectors and industries is an important prerequisite for fulfilling the Nordic ambition to become carbon neutral. New alternative fuels must…2022-05-18
Co-operation within the Nordic energy sector at its finestOn 18–19 May, the fourth Nordic Electricity Market Forum was organized by the Electricity Markets Group at the beautiful premises of the House of Estates in Helsinki. Energy stakeholders composed…2022-05-31
Great interest in the Nordic Energy ChallengeThe 22nd of May was the deadline for participation in Nordic Energy Challenge 2022. In total, Nordic Energy Research received nine solution proposals for this year's Nordic Energy Challenge -…2022-05-31
Choice of consultant for Co-existence and nature in Nordic offshore wind farmsNordic Energy Research is pleased to announce that DNV, with NIVA as a subcontractor, has been selected to carry out the study Co-existence and nature in Nordic offshore wind farms…2022-05-31
Sustainability and diversity go hand in hand at Nordic Energy Equality ConferenceOn 14–15 June, the Nordic Energy Equality Conference 2022 takes place as a lunch-to-lunch event in Oslo. Hosted by Nordic Energy Equality Network (NEEN) and funded by Nordic Energy Research…2022-06-02
Baltic-Nordic Roadmap for Co-operation on Clean Energy TechnologiesOver the coming years, the Baltic and Nordic countries need to identify high-priority clean energy-related technologies (CETs) and associated research and innovation (R&I) activities to invest in, which can contribute…2022-06-16
Meet Nordic Energy Challenger Subham SahooThe first of three stages has been completed in the Nordic Energy Challenge 2022. No less than seven candidates succeeded to the second phase. The next step for these promising…2022-06-21
Empowering Equality Conference closedThe Nordic Energy Equality Conference 2022 closed on June 15th, after two days of high-spirited and thoughtful dialogues. 50 people had signed up for the conference, and participants delved into…2022-06-22
H2CoopStorage – green hydrogen to decarbonize EuropeNordic Energy Research participates with funding in the ERA-Net Smart Energy Systems Joint Call 2019 on Energy Storage Solutions. Fourteen projects are awarded funding and will close at the latest…2022-06-22
Workshops: Co-existence and nature in Nordic offshore wind farmsIn August and September 2022, Nordic Energy Research together with DNV and NIVA as a subcontractor will arrange two half-day workshops, with the aim of determining which tendering instruments and…2022-06-22
Meet Nordic Energy Challenger Qianwen XuThe first of three stages has been completed in the Nordic Energy Challenge 2022. No less than seven candidates succeeded to the second phase. The next step for these promising…2022-06-27
About the CETPartnershipThe Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETPartnership) is a transnational initiative on joint Research, Technological Development and Innovation (RTDI) programming to boost and accelerate the energy transition, building upon regional and…2022-06-28
Do we prioritize energy and climate, or biodiversity?What do we prioritize – energy and the climate, or biodiversity? This was the topical question on June 18th, as the event "Prioriterer vi energi- og klimakrisen eller biodiversiteten" took…2022-07-01
Meet Nordic Energy Challenger Elisabetta TedeschiThe first of three stages has been completed in the Nordic Energy Challenge 2022. No less than seven candidates succeeded to the second phase. The next step for these promising…2022-07-04
Meet Nordic Energy Challenger Søren HermansenThe first of three stages has been completed in the Nordic Energy Challenge 2022. No less than seven candidates succeeded to the second phase. The next step for these promising…2022-07-07
Meet Nordic Energy Challenger Alfred ArnborgThe first of three stages has been completed in the Nordic Energy Challenge 2022. No less than seven candidates succeeded to the second phase. The next step for these promising…2022-08-08
Meet Nordic Energy Challenger Sonja BerlijnThe first of three stages has been completed in the Nordic Energy Challenge 2022. No less than seven candidates succeeded to the second phase. The next step for these promising…2022-08-09
Conference: The Joint Baltic-Nordic Energy Research ProgrammeThe Joint Baltic-Nordic Energy Research Programme invites you to a conference in Riga, Latvia2022-08-11
How shall the Nordics solve the green transition?On July 3rd, the opening day of Almedalsveckan, Nordic Energy Research's Senior Adviser Andrea Stengel participated as panelist at the event “Hållbar energi för alla – hur ska Norden lösa…2022-08-15
FasTen modelFasTen (Fast, flexible, and secure decarbonization of the Baltic states – possible progress in the next Ten years) project investigates the prospects of speeding up the journey towards a decarbonized…2022-08-16
Master’s thesis part of FasTen and AmberNelli Putkonen's master's thesis Operational Modelling of Regional Energy System with High Share of Wind Power, Photovoltaics and Large Heat Pumps: Case Study in the Baltic Countries Towards 2030 was…2022-08-16
Final results from FasTen projectRead a summary of the final results from the FasTen project – Modelling measures for fast, flexible and secure decarbonization of the Baltic states. Explore the final result presention from…2022-08-16
Conference: The green future of maritime operationsThe Ministry for Agriculture, Self-Sufficiency, Energy and Environment and Nordic Energy Research invite to a conference focusing on CO2 emissions and the maritime industry2022-08-16
Arendal Week: A choice between protecting or using the oceanOn August 17th at 10.30–11.30 (CEST), Adviser Marton Leander Vølstad is participating as a panelist at the event Havet – må vi velge mellom beskyttelse eller benyttelse? ("The ocean –…2022-08-16
Choice of consultant for The Nordic Energy TrilemmaNordic Energy Research is pleased to announce that Ramboll has been selected to carry out the study Nordic security of supply, energy prices, and the just transition2022-08-16
Arendal Week: The energy supply goes hybridOn August 18th at 09.00–10.30 (CEST), the event Energihovedstaden: Framtidens energiforsyning blir hybrid ("The energy capital: The energy supply of the future goes hybrid") takes place at Arendal Week. The…2022-08-18
Final seminar of WP2 within Nordic Energy OutlooksThe final seminar of WP2 within Nordic Energy Outlooks – The Nordic Energy systems programme (NEOs) takes place in Trondheim, Norway2022-08-22
The Nordic Maritime Transport and Energy Research ProgrammeThree Nordic research consortia test the use of ammonia and hydrogen as fuel for ships The research consortia are funded through a joint effort by Nordic Energy Research and several…2022-08-24
The current state of power-to-heat integration into the heat supply in the BalticsOne of the Agent-GIS project tasks was to create a high-resolution GIS database for digital mapping of 5GDHC agents. Data collected during the research gave possibility to update the interactive…2022-08-26
Prospects for 5GDHC assessed in light of conditions in the BalticsThe 5th Generation District Heating and Cooling (5GDHC) network has great advantages in terms of integration of low-temperature resources, bi-directional operation, decentralised energy flows, and possible energy sharing. One way…2022-08-26
Here are the three finalists of Nordic Energy ChallengeThis year's edition of the Nordic Energy Challenge – Energy in the Arctic – is drawing to a close. On May 31st, seven applicants qualified for stage two of the…2022-08-29
Connecting the dots between research, environmentalism, and international co-operationOne might say that Maria Enge was the student who became the master, as she used to be a researcher herself, who later started to advise other researchers. “Being a…2022-08-29
Workshop: Hydrogen, electrofuels and CCUS in a Nordic ContextNordic Energy Research welcomes you to two days of workshops and site visits on September 26–27th in Fredericia, Denmark. Register for the workshop here. The rationale behind the workshop is…2022-08-30
About the Nordic or Nordic-Baltic PhD and Researcher Mobility ProgrammeNordic Energy Research is offering support for Nordic or Nordic-Baltic PhD and researcher mobility in the following key areas: digitization, development of the electricity market, energy storage, transport, bioenergy and…2022-09-01
Job opportunity – Adviser/Senior AdviserNordic Energy Research is looking for an Adviser/Senior Adviser2022-09-05
Webinar in connection with the call “Nordic hydrogen valleys as energy hubs – by 2030 and 2040”Webinar: Nordic hydrogen valleys as energy hubs – by 2030 and 20402022-09-06
Online Info Day: CETPartnership Joint Call 2022If you are a potential applicant for the CETPartnership Joint Call 2022 - mark your calendar2022-09-12
A guided nature trip sparked Maj’s energy engagementMaj Dang Trong has dedicated almost half her life to energy and environment – more than half if you only count her adult years. Maj has over 25 years of…2022-09-13
Open call: CETPartnership Joint Call 2022The first call for preproposals for the Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETPartnership Joint call 2022) is open2022-09-14
Enthusiastic first workshop on nature inclusive design in Nordic OWFsOn 29 August, Nordic Energy Research together with DNV and subcontractor Norwegian Institute of Water Research (NIVA) hosted the first of two workshops on Co-existence and nature inclusive design in Nordic…2022-09-14
About NFSNergyThe Nordic Fire & Safety Network unites the major Nordic Universities and Research Institutes dealing with fire safety and risk management. The Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Norwegian University of…2022-09-19
Nordic Energy Research attends Global Clean Energy Action Forum in PittsburghAt the Global Clean Energy Action Forum 2022 - arranged by Clean Energy Ministry (CEM) - Nordic Energy Research will host a side-event2022-09-20
Arctic and personal developmentDitte Stiler works as an Adviser at Nordic Energy Research. Ditte carried out a scientific report on the topic of Sustainable Maritime Transport in Arctic areas, which was submitted early…2022-09-26
Baltic-Nordic Roadmap for Co-operation on Clean Energy TechnologiesTogether with CIT Industriell Energi AB, Nordic Energy Research will define a roadmap to guide Baltic and Nordic energy authorities, researchers, and industry in developing the next generation of clean energy…2022-10-03
Nordic EV barometer 2021Twice as many car buyers in the Nordic region plan to buy an electric car within the next 12 months shows the figures from this year’s EV barometer. The EV…2022-10-03
Webinar: Fire safety issues for biofuel in heating plantsThe Nordic Fire and Safety Network Focus on Energy (NFSNergy) invites all to a webinar focusing on fire safety and biofuel in heating plants. Date: November 2Time: 12:00 - 13:00 Click…2022-10-05
Get access to the presentations from the workshop in FredericiaHere you find a list of the presentations from the workshop in Fredericia2022-10-05
Ocean Energy: A Vital Future SourceFriday, October 14, 15:05–16:00 – 2022 Arctic Circle Assembly On Friday, October 14, 15:05–16:00, Nordic Energy Research organises an event at the 2022 Arctic Circle Assembly in Reykjavik, Iceland – Ocean…2022-10-11
JBNERP Conference: “A fantastic networking opportunity”On 24–25 October, the Joint Baltic-Nordic Energy Research Programme (JBNERP) arranges a conference in Riga, Latvia. The conference aims to strengthen research collaboration, create networks, and establish dialogue among programme…2022-10-11
Presenting the winner of Nordic Energy ChallengeThe first, second, and third place in the Nordic Energy Challenge 2022 have been determined by this year's jury. All proposals displayed high levels of comprehensiveness, innovation, and promotion of…2022-10-11
Not only ex-colleagues, but also friendsSenior Adviser Sofia Elamson had her last day at Nordic Energy Research on Friday, September 9th. During her five years at the office, Sofia has been a brilliant contribution personally…2022-10-11
Info Day 2: CETPartnership Joint Call 2022On 25 October at 10:00–14:00 (CET), the Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETPartnership) arranges the Info Day 2, online. The CETPartnership Joint Call 2022 Info Day 2 is an opportunity to…2022-10-17
About CLEANactionCoalition Linking Energy And Nature for action (CLEANaction) is a partnership to protect nature during the energy transition, where Nordic Energy Research functions as lead for the working group Research…2022-10-17
Nordic Energy Research at the 2022 Arctic Circle AssemblyOn 14 October, Nordic Energy Research co-organized the event Ocean Energy: A vital future source at the 2022 Arctic Circle Assembly in Reykjavik, Iceland, with NORA Nordic Atlantic Cooperation, the Government of the Faroe Islands…2022-10-25
Cooperation on CO2 reduction – all the way around the Baltic SeaOn 13–14 October, more than 50 experts, researchers, and officials met for the Baltic Carbon Forum 2022 in Kaunas, Lithuania. Just as many followed the forum from the screen via…2022-10-25
Choice of consultant for Energy CommunitiesNordic Energy Research is pleased to announce that Technopolis Group has been selected to carry out the study Energy Communities. Citizen Energy Communities in the Nordics and in Europe The Nordic…2022-10-25
From the small island of Bornholm to an international way of lifeJacob Munch is originally from a small Danish island in the Baltic Sea – Bornholm – but since he began his European studies at the University of Southern Denmark back…2022-10-25
Nordic Energy Research hosts five events at COP27Nordic Energy Research is pleased to inform you that we are hosting five events at COP27 in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. The events take place at the Nordic Pavillion, which…2022-11-02
COP27: The many colours of hydrogenHydrogen is key to Nordic carbon-neutrality. Together with ammonia and e-fuels, hydrogen is portrayed as a magic potion to decarbonize hard-to-abate sectors like steel, cement, fertilizers, and transport – is…2022-11-02
COP27: Co-existence with natureIn 2021, COP26 concluded that we cannot solve the climate crisis without nature. In 2022, we ask how nature-based solutions can protect biodiversity and help us decarbonize. Based on case…2022-11-02
Joint Baltic-Nordic Energy Research Programme gathers more than 60 participants in RigaOn 24–25 October, the Joint Baltic-Nordic Energy Research Programme (JBNERP) hosted a conference in Riga, Latvia, assembling more than 60 programme participants as well as other interested parties from all over…2022-11-02
Open tender: Impact assessment of emergency market intervention measures to tackle high energy pricesThe Electricity Market Group (EMG) under Nordic Council of Ministers invites applicants to apply for the tender concerning an impact assessment of the Nordic countries response to the EU Council's…2022-11-07
Nordic Energy Research at the Nordic Council Session 2022This year, the 74th Nordic Council Session was arranged from 31 October to 3 November, gathering the Nordic prime ministers and members of the Parliaments in Helsinki. Institutions of the…2022-11-08
HOPE project ripples the water in maritime industryOn Monday, August 29, Nordic Energy Research paid a visit to our project partner IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute in Gothenburg. During the visit, we were guided through the IVL…2022-11-08
COP27: Scaling Carbon Capture and StorageIf we are to achieve our climate goals, large-scale carbon capture and storage is needed. Together at the Decarbonization Day at COP27, we explore the unique Nordic capabilities and technologies…2022-11-08
COP27: Energy co-operation around the Baltic SeaThe Nordic and Baltic states positioned along the Baltic Sea have seen spiralling energy prices and an increased risk to energy security. What can be done to secure long-term energy…2022-11-08
COP27: Mind the gap – Gender Equality, Female entrepreneurship, and the Green TransitionCan we reach the Sustainable Development Goals without equality in the climate and energy sector? The Nordic countries are often ranked as among the most gender-equal in the world. However…2022-11-08
Presentations from the conference “The green future of maritime operations”Here you can access a brief summary of the presentations or each of the presentations giving at the conference "The green future of maritime operations" Presentations Session 1 Zero-Emission Shipping…2022-11-08
Experiences from “The green future of maritime operations” – conference in NuukParticipating at the conference, “The green future of maritime operations”, offered more than professional insights into solutions and outlooks for the development of green maritime transport in the Artic and…2022-11-08
The call “Hydrogen Valleys as Energy Hubs – by 2030 and 2040” has closedOn October 31 the most recent call from Nordic Energy Research closed. By the deadline - 10 applications have been received, all representing large Nordic consortia2022-11-08
COP27: Achieving a Just Transition – Decarbonising Industrial HeartlandsThe event will consider the role of technologies such as CCS and hydrogen in delivering a just transition for workers in high carbon industries. The panel will discuss lessons from…2022-11-09
COP27: Biodiversity Day panelsOn 16 November, the Biodiversity Day at the United Nations Climate Change Conference – COP27 – in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, Adviser Marton Leander Vølstad speaks at two events tackling the…2022-11-09
Join the workshop and make CCU and CCS happen!On 12–13 December, Nordic Energy Research hosts a workshop focusing on Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS) in Bergen, Norway. What is needed to enhance Nordic collaboration on CCUS? And…2022-11-09
COP27: World Energy OutlookThe International Energy Agency (IEA)'s World Energy Outlook (WEO), which has appeared year by year since 1998, provides critical analysis and insights on trends in energy demand and supply, and…2022-11-10
About the Networking Group on CCUSThe Networking Group on Carbon Capture, Use and Storage (NgCCUS) was established in 2019 by the Nordic Committee of Senior Officials for Energy Policies (EK-E) and consists of representatives from…2022-11-17
Expertise that spans from microorganisms to large-scale collaborationAiko Nakano Hylander is passionate about collaboration as well as sustainability and environmental issues. She was born in Japan, where she also got her PhD in Agricultural Science, after which…2022-11-22
Take aways from the workshop in FredericiaAt the hydrogen workshop in Fredericia, the keynote speakers highlighted many instructive points that deserve to be repeated - and perhaps act as inspiration for others. Below you find an…2022-11-22
About the Nordic Working Group on Renewable Energy and HydrogenThe main goal of the working group is to enhance the use and production of renewable energy and hydrogen in the Nordics and support the Nordic countries this work. The…2022-11-23
About NordsynNordsyn is a Nordic collaborative project around market control and policy for ecodesign and energy labelling requirements. The main function of Nordsyn is to promote and strengthen the Nordic authorities…2022-11-23
About the Green Transition of the Transport SectorThe Ministers of Co-operation (MR-SAM) has initiated a Nordic cross-sectoral collaboration on the green transition of the transport sector. A total of 26 million DKK from their funds will finance…2022-12-05
About the Nordic Roadmap – Future Fuels for ShippingMaritime transport is important to the Nordic countries. The Nordic region has strong maritime traditions and environments of expertise, and is a leader in the global transition to green shipping…2022-12-05
About Hydrogen from green surplus energy to isolated areas for sea and land-based transportThe project Hydrogen from Green Surplus Energy to Isolated Areas for Sea and Land-based Transport is a study of an electrolysis plant for hydrogen production from green surplus electricity. The…2022-12-05
About Nordic Cycle Power Network – Cycling as a tool for a green transition of the land-based transport in the Nordic RegionGlobally, more and more people are opening their eyes to the role of the bicycle in the fight for a green and healthy future. A new UN resolution has proclaimed…2022-12-05
About Electric Aviation and the effects on the Nordic regionsThe Nordic countries share challenges regarding accessibility and mobility to remote areas. The first generation electric aircrafts are small and have limited range, which is why the implementation of electric…2022-12-05
More than 100 preproposals from over 760 partners around the worldThe CETPartnership joint call 2022 closed on 23 November. The call received 110 preproposals from more than 30 countries around the world. The preproposals were almost equally distributed on the…2022-12-06
Thinking Nordic has become part of Svend’s DNASenior Adviser Svend Søyland had his last day at Nordic Energy Research on 30 November, after eight years of employment (which is the maximum period of employment at organizations within…2022-12-06
Eight corporate films – each focusing on our many and diverse activities.Nordic Energy Research has travelled through the Nordics, talking to thought leaders and exploring Nordic examples of renewable energy source co-operation. These talks and site visits resulted in eight corporate…2022-12-06
Eventful participation of Nordic Energy Research at COP27Nordic Energy Research took part in COP27 in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, organizing five events at the Nordic Pavillion. Due to the energy sector's interrelated nature, the events took place within…2022-12-06
Closed tender: Impact assessment of emergency measures to meet high energy pricesThe tender "Impact assessment of emergency market intervention measures to tackle high energy prices" closed on 29 November. The tender was commissioned by the Electricity Market Group (EMG), under the…2022-12-06
About Net Zero Islands NetworkIn 2020, the Nordic Council of Ministers initiated a three year project on "Energy solutions for islands and remote areas". A key element in this work is a network for…2022-12-06
About WP1: Bioenergy and links to agriculture & LULUCF in a Nordic contextBioenergy and links to agriculture & LULUCF in a Nordic context is the first work package (WP1) out of four within the programme Nordic Energy Outlooks (NEOs). The project runs…2022-12-20
About WP2: Increased electrification – new electricity generators and consumersIncreased electrification – new electricity generators and consumers is the second work package (WP2) out of four within the programme Nordic Energy Outlooks (NEOs). The project runs from March 2022…2022-12-21
About WP3: Energy efficiency and conservation in a Nordic perspectiveEnergy efficiency and conservation in a Nordic perspective is the third work package (WP3) out of four within the programme Nordic Energy Outlooks (NEOs). The project runs from August 2022…2022-12-21
About WP4: Fossil free and resource efficient transport and transport infrastructureFossil free and resource efficient transport and transport infrastructure is the fourth work package (WP4) out of four within the programme Nordic Energy Outlooks (NEOs). The project runs from February…2022-12-21
About CCU-NetThe world is facing enormous challenges that threaten the life on planet earth. The increasing amount of greenhouse gases (GHGs, e.g. CO2, CH4) is warming up the atmosphere and consequently…2022-12-28
About NordNETThe NordNET project focuses on energy transition, transport modeling, energy market modeling, and the coupling thereof. It brings together world-class education and research groups from higher education institutions from Denmark…2022-12-28
New Secretary General Karen Ellemann wants to see resultsEffective Nordic co-operation that yields results. This is the most significant aspiration of the Nordic Council of Ministers’ new Secretary General, Karen Ellemann. Achieving it will require teamwork. Click here…2023-01-09
Revisit the presentations from the workshop in BergenBelow you find the presentations from the workshop in Bergen, December 12-13, 20222023-01-19
See the presentations from the Agent-GIS 5GDHC workshopOn 17 January, Tallinn University of Technology, the project owner of the Agent-GIS-5GDHC project, invited interested stakeholders to take part in Agent-GIS 5GDHC (5th generation district heating and cooling) project…2023-01-19
The new Chair of Nordic Energy Research in 20232023 will be a time with energy matters explicitly high on the agenda, with new challenges and opportunities throughout the year. The new year also brings a new Chair for…2023-01-27
Nordic countries show excellence in the CETPartnership pre-proposal phaseIn December 2022, Nordic Energy Research announced that the closing of the CETPartnership joint call 2022 pre-proposal phase had shown great interest from Nordic partners in international co-operation. Now, we…2023-01-30
CEO Klaus Skytte in “The Power of Water”Klaus Skytte, CEO of Nordic Energy Research, recently made an appearance in the episode "The Power of Water" (Kraften fra vandet), in the new series Kai's Climate Journey (Kais klimarejse)…2023-01-31
Congratulations Maj Dang Trong, newly titled PhDOn 8 December, Maj Dang Trong, Senior Adviser at Nordic Energy Research, defended her PhD on consumer engagement in energy markets – its role, development, and impact on network tariffs…2023-01-31
Interview: Secretary General Karen EllemannJanuary 19, the new Secretary General of the Nordic Council of Ministers Karen Ellemann paid Nordic Energy Research a visit2023-01-31
NEOs WP3 seminar: Energy efficiency and conservationNordic Energy Research hereby invites you to the seminar Energy efficiency and conservation. The seminar is part of the third workpackage within the Nordic Energy Outlooks programme (NEOs). The seminar…2023-02-02
About AEGIRAEGIR aims at developing an ammonia-fuelled ship propulsion system that offers high efficiency in combination with a low total system volume and weight, all whilst avoiding emissions of NOx and…2023-02-02
About CAHEMAThe project Concepts of ammonia/hydrogen engines for marine application (CAHEMA) investigates innovative injection and combustion strategies using ammonia and hydrogen in combination, to achieve Reactivity Controlled Compression Ignition (RCCI) and…2023-02-02
About HOPEThe project Hydrogen fuel cells solutions in shipping in relation to other low carbon options – a Nordic perspective (HOPE) addresses how regional shipping in the Nordic region can do…2023-02-02
Tour of the Nordic Capitals – presenting findings from The Energy Trilemma studyLater this spring, the study The Nordic Energy Trilemma – Security of Supply, Prices and the Just Transition will be published. As a prelude to the upcoming publication, Nordic Energy…2023-02-10
Cooking, history books, and Nordic Energy OutlooksAlthough Ole Aune Ødegård is originally from the greater Oslo area, he has lived in Athens, Bergen, Paris, and Copenhagen. In Copenhagen, he studied political science at the University of…2023-02-10
Kevin Johnsen on “énergies renouvelables” in French energy magazineSenior Adviser Kevin Johnsen is featured in the latest issue (December 2022) of the French energy magazine Mégawhat. In an article on the Norwegian energy situation, Kevin gives insight into…2023-02-10
Baltic energy hubs – enabling 100% renewables generation by 2050On 25 January, the project Interconnecting the Baltic Sea countries via offshore energy, or simply BaltHub, invited stakeholders to an online workshop presenting their results. The project has analysed the…2023-02-10
Ammonia in research projects – challenges and learning points from the AEGIR projectOn 14 February, the project participants in the AEGIR project under the Nordic Maritime Transport and Energy Research Programme organized an online seminar to look into the challenges and learning…2023-02-15
Job opportunity – Adviser/Senior AdviserNordic Energy Research is looking for a new Adviser/Senior Adviser2023-02-21
Final stops on Tour of the Nordic Capitals with The Energy Trilemma studyThe study The Nordic Energy Trilemma – security, equity, and sustainability risks will be published later this spring2023-02-22
Danish radio features Klaus Skytte on Nordic energy co-operationOn 21 February, Klaus Skytte, CEO of Nordic Energy Research, made an appearance on P1 DR – Danmarks Radio, the Danish Broadcasting Corporation2023-02-28
A Scottish visit at Nordic Energy ResearchAt the beginning of February, Katrine Feldinger, Head of the Scottish Government Nordic Office, visited the secretary of the Net Zero Energy Island Network at Nordic Energy Research in Oslo2023-02-28
NEOs third work package ends on a high note in GothenburgOn 27 February, Nordic Energy Research organized a seminar on Energy efficiency and conservation – the third work package (WP3) within the Nordic Energy Outlooks programme (NEOs)2023-02-28
The Shetland Islands are hosting the next meeting of Net Zero Islands NetworkIn partnership with Shetland Islands Council, Nordic Energy Research and the Scottish Government invite interested to participate in the next meeting of the Net Zero Islands Network2023-03-09
Kickoff NEOs WP4: Fossil free and resource efficient transportIn February 2023, partners SINTEF Energy, Swedish Environmental Research Institute (IVL), Institute for Energy technology (IFE) and the University of Oslo gathered to kick off the Nordic Energy Outlooks programme's…2023-03-13
The Nordic Energy Trilemma-report is publishedOn 14 March, the final report of the project The Nordic Energy Trilemma – Security of Supply, Prices and the Just Transition was published, after great anticipation of the results…2023-03-13
The annual Nordic Council theme session – 2023The Nordic Council holds its annual theme session on 14–15 March in Reykjavík. One of the main issues at this year's session is Nordic energy supply in a time of…2023-03-13
Nordic Energy Research at Vaasa Energy WeekOn 22 March, at 12:30–14:00 (EET), Nordic Energy Research is organizing the event Clean energy choices for reaching a resilient and carbon neutral Nordic region at Vaasa Energy Week. Check out the program…2023-03-13
Join the Nordic Energy Challenge 2023 – Energy and SecurityA troubled world calls for stronger Nordic cooperation2023-03-20
Sweden Innovation Days: Growing a Nordic hydrogen value chainKlaus Skytte, CEO Nordic Energy Research, opens the session "Growing a Nordic hydrogen value chain" at this year's "Sweden Innovation Days"2023-03-21
More than 300 sign-ups to Nordic Energy Research’s Energy Week eventOn 22 March, Nordic Energy Research attended the annual Energy Week in Vaasa, Finland. Located in the City Hall of Vaasa, energy enthusiasts across different fields of the sector as…2023-03-27
Huge Nordic representation in the CETP joint call 2022As call manager for the Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETP), Nordic Energy Research is happy to announce that the CETP joint call 2022 received 66 full proposals2023-03-28
Electric Aviation and the effects on the Nordic regionThe project Electric Aviation and the effects on the Nordic region attempts to map what is needed to initiate electric aircrafts in the Nordics2023-03-29
Framing of the Nordic Energy Research Mobility ProgrammeThe research activities under Nordic Energy Research are extended with a new programme – the Nordic Energy Research Mobility Programme – running from 2023 to 2030. The Nordic Energy Research…2023-03-31
Nordic Energy Equality Network at Berlin Energy Transition DialogueOn March 29-30, Nordic Energy Research's Coordinator Astrid Bratli and Communications Adviser Elina Sjölinder attended the conference Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue 20232023-04-11
EnerDigit Steering Board and CETP co-operation meetingOn March 29–31, the Steering Board Members of ERA-Net JPP-SES EnerDigit met in Fredericia, Denmark, to discuss the last period of the focus initiative. During the three-day event, the Steering…2023-04-12
First call Nordic Grand Solutions ProgrammeNordic Energy Research is excited to announce that the first call "Nordic Energy Solutions for the Green Transition" is open for proposals for research projects2023-04-18
Five projects part of Hydrogen Valleys as Energy HubsFollowing the successful open-call Hydrogen Valleys as Energy Hubs – by 2030 and 2040, Nordic Energy Research is pleased to announce that five projects have officially been recommended for funding…2023-04-25
Sneak peek Clean Energy Transition Partnership Joint Call 2023The Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETP) has launched the topics of the Joint Call 20232023-04-25
Nordic Energy Solutions for the Green Transition – four preparatory webinarsTo help potential applicants for the first call "Nordic Energy Solutions for the Green Transition" in the Nordic Grand Solutions Programme, Nordic Energy Research has arranged four webinars to increase…2023-04-27
The Nordic Maritime Transport and Energy Research Programme ConferenceOn 3–4 May, Nordic Energy Research hosted a conference part of the Nordic Maritime Transport and Energy Research Programme, at the World Maritime University in Malmö, Sweden. With more than…2023-05-09
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Nordic Grand Solutions ProgrammeHere potential applicants will find FAQ in connection with the application process - the list of questions will be continuously updated until the call deadline. Question 1: Is the 8-25…2023-05-11
Common Scottish-Nordic interests at the Shetland conferenceOn 16–17 May in the Shetland Islands, a joint conference was held between the Shetland Islands Council, the Scottish Government, and Nordic Energy Research. The idea of arranging the conference…2023-05-22
First submissions update on Nordic Energy ChallengeOn 12 May, the Nordic Energy Challenge 2023 reached its first deadline, as the window for candidates to submit their abstracts closed. This year, five submitted abstracts have been successfully…2023-05-22
First out of four Nordic Grand Solutions webinars doneOn 10 May, the first webinar out of four within the Nordic Grand Solutions Programme's first call, Nordic Energy Solutions for the Green Transition, was conducted. Access the presentation from Webinar 1…2023-05-22
Nordic Grand Solutions Matchmaking FormIn order to bring together interested parties, Nordic Energy Research would like to encourage all applicants for the call Nordic Energy Solutions for the Green Transition to state 1) what their…2023-05-31
The Nordic Hydrogen Valleys Conference 2023On 4–5 October, The Nordic Hydrogen Valleys Conference will connect researchers and stakeholders from the Nordics on-site in Reykjavík, Iceland. The conference is part of the Nordic Hydrogen Valleys as…2023-06-06
Meet Nordic Energy Challenger Hamza AbidThe first stage of the Nordic Energy Challenge 2023 is concluded. Five candidates have advanced to the second phase. The next step for the qualified participants is to submit their final…2023-06-06
Second out of four Nordic Grand Solutions webinars doneTwo out of four Nordic Grand Solutions webinars are now concluded. On 31 May, the second webinar within the Nordic Grand Solutions Programme's first call, Nordic Energy Solutions for the Green…2023-06-06
Nordic Energy Research at the People’s Festival 2023On 15 June and 16 June, Nordic Energy Research is hosting two events in the Nordic Tent at this year's Democracy Festival in Denmark – Folkemødet (People's Festival). Adviser Marton Leander Vølstad is coordinating both…2023-06-06
Secretary General of The Nordic Council Kristina Háfoss visits Nordic Energy ResearchOn 16 May, Nordic Energy Research was delighted to have Kristina Háfoss, Secretary General of The Nordic Council, as a guest at the Nordic Center in Oslo. During her visit, Háfoss…2023-06-06
The People’s Festival 2023: Energy security and just transition high on Nordic agendaNordic energy co-operation was high on the agenda at the 2023 Danish Democracy Festival, the "People's Festival" (Folkemødet), on Bornholm, with the backdrop of an ongoing energy crisis and the…2023-06-20
Meet Nordic Energy Challengers Fabian Bühler and Stefan PetrovićThe first stage of the Nordic Energy Challenge 2023 is concluded. Five candidates have advanced to the second phase. The next step for the qualified participants is to submit their final…2023-06-20
Choice of consultant for Energy Poverty in a Nordic contextNordic Energy Research is pleased to announce that Rambøll has been selected to conduct the study Energy Poverty in a Nordic context. Energy poverty no longer a niche topic in the…2023-06-20
Call text for the CETP Joint Call 2023 approaching final publicationIn the end of May, the semi-annual Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETPartnership) Governing Board Meeting was held in Uppsala, Sweden. At the Board Meeting, the call text for the CETPartnership…2023-06-20
Nordic Energy Research events at Clean Energy Ministerial and Mission Innovation meetingOn 19–22 July, the annual Clean Energy Ministerial and Mission Innovation meeting takes place in Goa, India. The theme for this year's meeting is "Advancing Clean Energy Together", and Nordic Energy…2023-06-26
Nordic Energy Research at Arendal Week 2023On 16 and 17 August, Nordic Energy Research arranges two events at Arendalsuka (Arendal Week), the largest political gathering in Norway. COO Kevin Johnsen and Adviser Astrid Bratli will attend the sessions in…2023-07-31
CETPartnership results: Strong Nordic representationThe Clean Energy Transition Partnership has shown remarkable progress in driving global clean energy initiatives. The results of the 2022 call for projects highlight the outstanding contributions from Nordic partners…2023-08-01
“The Nordic Energy Solutions call will bring in excellent ideas and novel approaches”"Nordic Energy Solutions for the Green Transition" is the first call within the Nordic Grand Solutions Programme. According to Baldur Pétursson, Chair of Nordic Energy Research in 2023, this is…2023-08-01
“Researchers can greatly benefit from enhancing their Nordic networks”On 4–5 October, the Nordic Hydrogen Valleys Conference will take place in Reykjavík, Iceland. By building on the five projects supported through the call "Nordic hydrogen valleys as energy hubs –…2023-08-01
Meet Nordic Energy Challenger Laura BocanegraThe first stage of the Nordic Energy Challenge 2023 is concluded. Five candidates have advanced to the second phase. The next step for the qualified participants is to submit their final…2023-08-01
Joint PhD & Researcher Mobility Conference 2023On 27–28 September 2023, Nordic Energy Research for the first time organizes the Joint PhD & Researcher Mobility Conference in Visby, Gotland, Sweden. Sign up for the conference here City…2023-08-10
Nordic Grand Solutions in the Faroe IslandsOn 30 June, Nordic Energy Research organized a seminar on the Nordic Energy Solutions for the Green Transition call in the Faroe Islands, in collaboration with Umhvørvisstovan – The Faroese…2023-08-16
Meet Nordic Energy Challenger Foivos Maniatis and Ignacio Javier Moreno RocheThe first stage of the Nordic Energy Challenge 2023 is concluded. Five candidates have advanced to the second phase. The next step for the qualified participants is to submit their final…2023-08-16
A Comprehensive Assessment of Eco-design and Energy Labelling Impacts in Nordic CountriesBig2Great is the winner of a study investigating the impact of energy-labelling and eco-design in the Nordic countries. The project will be conducted in close collaboration with the Nordsyn group, which…2023-08-16
“A great opportunity to find connections and cooperation”On 4–5 October, the Nordic Hydrogen Valleys Conference will take place in Reykjavík, Iceland. By building on the five projects supported through the call "Nordic hydrogen valleys as energy hubs –…2023-08-16
Nordic hydrogen solutions to global challengesOn 19 and 20 July, Nordic Energy Research participated in the annual Clean Energy Ministerial and Mission Innovation meeting in Goa, India, organizing three side events that put focus on hydrogen, green…2023-08-16
All-embracing energy debates at Arendalsuka 2023On 16 and 17 August, Nordic Energy Research and the Nordic Council of Ministers co-organized two events at Norway’s largest political gathering – Arendalsuka (Arendal Week). The events took place…2023-08-29
“Nordic values can really enable globally successful solutions”"Nordic Energy Solutions for the Green Transition" is the first call within the Nordic Grand Solutions Programme. According to Helena Sarén, Head of Zero Carbon Future Mission at Business Finland as well as…2023-08-29
Fast Track to Vision 2030In the new report Fast Track to Vision 2030, researchers from projects funded by Nordic Energy Research or NordForsk contribute with 33 policy brief articles giving recommendations on how to achieve…2023-08-29
Nordic Energy Outlooks concludes with final seminar of WP4On 28 August, the final seminar of WP4 – the fourth work package of the Nordic Energy Outlooks Programme (NEOs) – was hosted at the Danish Energy Agency in Copenhagen…2023-08-29
Insightful input at the Nordic Electricity Market Forum 2023On 21–22 August, the Nordic Electricity Market Forum (the annual event of the Nordic Electricity Market Group) took place in Copenhagen, gathering 90+ stakeholders from the Nordic electricity market community…2023-08-29
Nordic Hydrogen Valleys Conference – an important milestone on the green energy transition pathOn 4–5 October, the Nordic Hydrogen Valleys Conference will take place in Reykjavík, Iceland. By building on the five projects supported through the call "Nordic hydrogen valleys as energy hubs –…2023-08-29
Final preparatory webinar for the Nordic Energy Solutions for the Green TransitionOver 30 researchers and industry representatives gathered online to be informed and discuss the final details of how to apply for funding from the Nordic Energy Solutions Programme. Questions on…2023-09-12
Top three finalists of Nordic Energy Challenge 2023The Nordic Energy Challenge 2023 is approaching its concluding stage. This year's top three candidates have now been selected by the jury. On 27 September, the Challenge will culminate with…2023-09-12
Nordic Energy Research gathers insights on study trip to DenmarkOn 29–31 August, Nordic Energy Research travelled to Denmark for a study trip. The aim of the trip was to gather insights and exchange knowledge with experts in the energy…2023-09-12
Nordsyn meeting in HelsinkiFor the first time since the COVID-19 outbreak, the Nordsyn working group, comprising ecodesign and energy labelling authorities across the Nordic countries, reconvened physically on 23–24 August in Helsinki. Nordic…2023-09-12
Further funding for NFSNergy and NordNETNordic Energy Research is pleased to announce that the two projects Nordic Fire and Safety Network Focus on Energy (NFSNergy) and Nordic Network on Energy System Integration and Sustainable Transport…2023-09-12
H2SIPP project supports energy transition at the Nordic Hydrogen Valleys Conference 2023On 4–5 October, the Nordic Hydrogen Valleys Conference will take place in Reykjavík, Iceland. Save the date and remember to sign up! By building on the five projects supported through the…2023-09-12
Invitation to tender: Comparative analysis and experience with energy efficiency in the NordicsNordic Energy Research invites applicants to apply for the tender Comparative analysis and experience with energy efficiency in the Nordics. The goal of the study is to identify Energy Efficiency…2023-09-15
Conference: Energy Security and CitizensWelcome to the conference Energy Security and Citizens on 19 October in Reykjavík, Iceland! Join us for a session addressing some of the most pressing energy issues in the Nordic…2023-09-21
Hydrogen HOPE for the Nordics – shipping as a frontrunnerThe project Hydrogen fuel cells solutions in Nordic shipping (HOPE) within the programme Nordic Maritime Transport and Energy Research has published a project summary, which clarifies how regional shipping in…2023-09-25
Environmental Impacts and Energy Transition of the Nordic Seafood SectorOn 12–13 September, the conference Environmental Impacts and Energy Transition of the Nordic Seafood Sector took place at Harpa Conference Centre, in Reykjavik, Iceland. The conference was hosted by the…2023-09-25
With her roots in the Arctic Circle, Ragnhild roots for Arctic securityWith one part of her family placed in the windy west of Norway and the other within the Arctic Circle, Ragnhild Leganger has become immune to bad weather, but also…2023-09-25
Collaboration between Nordic countries is essential to facilitate the energy transitionOn 4–5 October, the Nordic Hydrogen Valleys Conference will take place in Reykjavík, Iceland. By building on the five projects supported through the call "Nordic hydrogen valleys as energy hubs –…2023-09-25
Erla Sigríður Gestsdóttir on resources and resilience in ReykjavíkOn 3 October, DNV arranged a workshop within the Nordic Roadmap project – a project where Nordic Energy Research acts as secretariat. Prior to the workshop, Nordic Energy Research had the…2023-10-03
Citizens’ engagement is essential for an efficient green transitionOn 19 October Nordic Energy Research, together with the Nordic Council of Ministers and the Government of Iceland, Ministry of the Enviroment, Climate and Energy, arranges the Energy Security and…2023-10-09
Two open calls in the Nordic Energy Research Mobility ProgrammeNordic Energy Research invites Nordic PhD students and researchers, including post-doctorates, to apply for the two calls Individual Exchange Support and Networking & Event Support. The two calls are part…2023-10-10
Promoting Baltic-Nordic cooperation in practiceIn the end of September, Nordic Energy Research organized the Joint PhD & Researcher Mobility Conference in Visby, Gotland, for the first time. The two-day conference gathered researchers and PhD students from…2023-10-10
“We celebrated like engineers, discussing new ideas”On 27 September, the winners of the Nordic Energy Challenge 2023 were presented at the Joint PhD & Researcher Mobility Conference in Visby, Gotland. Nordic Energy Research is pleased to announce…2023-10-10
Greenland adventurer and green transition advocateThe Nordic countries have always played a significant role in Torsten Schmidt's life. He is originally from Denmark, but has done a lot of travelling across the Nordics. "I've made…2023-10-10
Integrated Nordic energy systems will increase energy security and self-sufficiencyThe Nordic countries are experiencing an unprecedented energy crisis. The situation varies from country to country, but everywhere a new concern has risen among citizens and industry: Can we be…2023-10-11
About NordicH2ubsThe project Nordic Hydrogen Hubs – Roadmaps towards 2030 and 2040 (NordicH2ubs) is part of the programme Nordic Hydrogen Valleys as Energy Hubs. NordicH2ubs links different research perspectives and cover…2023-10-12
About Nord_H2ubThe project Rally to the Valley: Establishing Hydrogen Value Chains for the Nordics (Nord_H2ub) is part of the programme Nordic Hydrogen Valleys as Energy Hubs. Nord_H2ub has a particular focus…2023-10-12
About H2AMNThe project Hydrogen, Ammonia and Methanol in hydrogen hubs in the Nordic region (H2AMN) is part of the programme Nordic Hydrogen Valleys as Energy Hubs. H2AMN addresses how ports, surrounding…2023-10-13
About H2SIPPThe project Hydrogen Safety and Improved Permit Processes (H2SIPP) is part of the programme Nordic Hydrogen Valleys as Energy Hubs. The overall goal with H2SIPP is to develop a strategy…2023-10-13
About MatHiasThe project Material and Structural Integrity Assessment for safe Nordic Hydrogen Transportation Infrastructure (MatHias) is part of the programme Nordic Hydrogen Valleys as Energy Hubs. Developing a safe hydrogen transport infrastructure is of mutual…2023-10-13
About Nordic Flow Battery NetworkThe Nordic Flow Battery Network (NordicRFB) aims to promote collaboration and coordination of flow battery research in the Nordic region through mobility and networking grants to PhD students and researchers. Turku…2023-10-16
About NESTSolid fuels play important roles for the energy systems in Nordic countries today and will continue to be important in the future. One part of the transition in energy systems…2023-10-16
Green Energy Industry in GreenlandOn 3 October, Klaus Skytte, CEO of Nordic Energy Research, participated in the event Green Energy Industry at Ilulissat Science Forum 2023 in Greenland, arranged by The Nordic Council of Ministers…2023-10-23
New declaration by the Nordic energy ministersOn 18 October, the Nordic energy ministers gathered to discuss current challenges and potential solutions for a secure energy supply. The meeting was held in Reykjavík, as Iceland holds this…2023-10-23
Deadline approaching for CETP Joint Call pre-proposalsToday, there are four weeks left to submit pre-proposals for the CETPartnership Joint Call 2023. The deadline is on 22 November at 14.00 (CET). Nordic Energy Research encourages everyone working…2023-10-23
The Nordic Hydrogen Valleys ConferenceOn 4–5 October in Reykjavík, Iceland, Nordic Energy Research organised the Nordic Hydrogen Valleys Conference, which is part of the programme Nordic Hydrogen Valleys as Energy Hubs. More than 100 attendees…2023-10-23
Nordic Energy Research is looking for a communications internAre you passionate about communicating research in the energy sector? Then you might be Nordic Energy Research's new communications intern for the spring of 2024. At Nordic Energy Research you will…2023-10-23
Open position: Adviser/Senior Adviser for Call Management of CETPartnershipNordic Energy Research is looking for an Adviser/Senior Adviser to join our Call Management team within the EU-funded Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETPartnership). The CETPartnership is a transnational partnership of…2023-10-24
Join us at COP28COP28 in Dubai will be a milestone moment when the world will take stock of its progress on the Paris Agreement with the first Global Stocktake. Nordic Energy Research will…2023-10-27
The Energy Security and Citizens Conference unites essential themes of our timeIncreased energy security is at the top of government agendas worldwide. On 19 October, Nordic Energy Research organized the conference Energy Security and Citizens in Reykjavík, Iceland, with ministers and…2023-11-03
Successful sessions at Arctic Circle AssemblyOn 19–21 October, the Arctic Circle Assembly was held in Reykjavík, Iceland. Nordic Energy Research participated on-site in Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Centre, co-organizing two sessions on 20 October…2023-11-03
Nordic Council Session 2023Nordic Energy Research attended the 75th Session of the Nordic Council, which took place in Oslo from 30 October to 2 November. This year, the main theme was a secure…2023-11-03
Job opening: Reinforcing the CETPartnership call management teamDo you want to promote the energy transition? Are you keen on supporting the strive for climate neutrality? Can you speak and write in at least one Scandinavian language as…2023-11-03
Presentations from Nordic Hydrogen Valleys ConferenceEarlier in October, the Nordic Hydrogen Valleys Conference took place in Reykjavík, Iceland. The conference gathered a great group of stakeholders to discuss what potential hydrogen has for the Nordic countries'…2023-11-14
EnerDigit will merge with the CETPartnershipThe ERA-Net EnerDigit initiative will merge with the Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETPartnership) in 2024. As EnerDigit focuses on digitalization and smart energy system solutions, the TRI 5: Integrated Regional…2023-11-15
Nordic Grand Solutions project proposals soon fully evaluatedEarlier in September, the call Nordic Energy Solutions for the Green Transition closed on a prosperous note. The call is the first one within the Nordic Grand Solutions for the…2023-11-20
New open call in the Nordic Maritime Transport and Energy Research ProgrammeIn response to the continued growing need for low-emission solutions in the maritime sector, Nordic Energy Research, Sweden, Iceland, and the Faroe Islands have agreed to fund a new round…2023-11-20
Comparative analysis of and experience with energy efficiency in the NordicsNordic Energy Research is pleased to announce that SINTEF has been awarded the contract for one of the most comprehensive policy studies commissioned by the Nordic Committee of Senior Officials…2023-11-20
“Communication of our joint Nordic research is key”Meet Nordic Energy Research's Head of Communications Maria Eklöf – an experienced communications professional with a great interest in society, history, and policy development. Maria is originally from Sweden but…2023-11-20
Tracking Global and Nordic Clean Energy ProgressNordic Energy Research is participating at COP28, hosting several seminars and activities between 2–6 December. First off is our event Tracking Global and Nordic Clean Energy Progress on Saturday, 2…2023-11-23
Nordic Electric Aviation – Breaking Barriers for Sustainable SkiesReady, Set, Take-off! Explore the dynamic realm of electric aviation in the Nordics at Nordic Energy Research's event Nordic Electric Aviation at COP28, on 5 December at 16.15–16.45. The event…2023-11-27
Empowering the Future – How diversity and equality lay the foundation for a just and sustainable energy transitionNordic Energy Research is organizing several seminars and activities between 2–6 December at COP28. On 5 December at 12.00–12.45, we are hosting the event Empowering the Future in cooperation with…2023-11-27
Hydrogen Valleys – the Nordic Rally to the ValleyLearn from the Nordic frontrunners in the race to clean hydrogen by joining our event Hydrogen Valleys – the Nordic Rally to the Valley at COP28. The event takes place…2023-11-28
Nordic Green ShippingNordic Energy Research organizes several seminars and activities between 2–6 December at COP28. On 6 December at 10.15–11.30, we are hosting the event Nordic Green Shipping. With international shipping driving…2023-11-28
World Energy Outlook 2023Nordic Energy Research participating at COP28, hosting several seminars and activities between 2–6 December. On 5 December at 14.45–15.45, we are co-organizing the session World Energy Outlook 2023 with the…2023-11-30
About the Nordic Energy ChallengeNordic Energy Challenge is an annual competition held by Nordic Energy Research, where all Nordic stakeholders with different profiles and expertise are invited to hand in proposals for innovative solutions…2023-11-30
Open call for Nordic maritime transport and energy researchTransport – especially maritime transport – is considered a hard-to-abate sector. The Nordic countries have a strong presence in the maritime field and hold extensive national maritime research programmes focusing…2023-12-04
Nordic Energy Research puts focus on Nordic Hydrogen ValleysNordic Energy Research is currently addressing the subject of hydrogen valleys through three topical activities. Hydrogen Valleys – the Nordic Rally to the Valley at COP28 On 5 December, the…2023-12-05
Call for proposals 2024: Nordic Mobility, Exchange, and NetworkingNordic Energy Research is pleased to announce that the annual call within the Nordic Energy Research Mobility Programme is now open for proposals for 2024. The aim of the call is…2023-12-11
About Heavy duty land-based transport on biomethane from local biogas and green hydrogenLight-duty vehicles propelling on electricity have been increasingly used over the last couple of years. On the other hand, it is more challenging to commercialise solutions for decarbonisation of heavy-duty…2023-12-11
Transformation of unprecedented scale and speed neededOn Saturday 2 December, Nordic Energy Research opened this year's energy programme at COP with the session "Tracking Global and Nordic Clean Energy Progress". The sessions focused on Global and…2023-12-12
Keeping the door open for the 1,5°C goalThe Nordic Pavilion at COP28 was filled to the brim when Nordic Energy Research, together with the IEA, held the session World Energy Outlook 2023 on 5 December. This annual…2023-12-15
Nordic cooperation on hydrogen can be bigger and bolderHydrogen plays an increasingly important role in the transition of the hard-to-abide sectors, and the Nordic Energy Ministers, in their joint declaration in October, pointed out a particular good potential…2023-12-19
Ambitious targets and best practices in focus for maritime sector sessionThe maritime transport sector plays an essential role in the EU and Nordic economies and is one of the most energy-efficient modes of transport, but it is also a large…2023-12-19
A troubled world shows the value of Nordic energy cooperationConsiderable turmoil in the world continues to characterize the energy sector in 2023, where energy policy and security policy have become increasingly intertwined. This geopolitical environment has also clearly showed…2023-12-19
Four projects granted funding within the Nordic Grand Solutions ProgrammeThe first call in the Nordic Grand Solutions Programme was successfully closed in September 2023. With great Nordic representation among the 35 project proposals, we are pleased to announce that…2023-12-20
Marie Claesson is the new Chair of Nordic Energy Research in 2024The turn of the year gives rise to new challenges and possibilites, as well as a new Chair of the Board for Nordic Energy Research. The Chair of 2024 is…2024-01-08
New call opening within the Joint Baltic-Nordic Energy Research ProgrammeNordic Energy Research and the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania have decided to renew their partnership within the framework of the Joint Baltic-Nordic Energy Research Programme. "By…2024-01-08
Call webinar for Nordic maritime transport and energy research proves promising progressOn 12 January, Nordic Energy Research held a webinar for approximately 50 registered attendees curious to learn more about the open call for Nordic maritime transport and energy research. The…2024-01-18
Strong Nordic representation in the CETP Joint Call 2023After the Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETPartnership) Joint Call 2023 deadline on November 22, a total of 206 pre-proposals were submitted. Nordic Energy Research acts as Call Management for the…2024-01-22
Nordic Action for Safe and Sustainable Arctic CommunitiesThe geopolitical situation and climate change has prefound effect on the Nordic countries and the Nordic cooperation. This year’s Arctic Frontiers Conference in Tromsø, Norway, focused on Global Actions –…2024-02-06
“There’s nothing better than putting yourself out there”Taking a pause in his education before continuing towards a master's degree, Erling Gjerde Førland is employed as an intern in Nordic Energy Research's communications team. With a background in…2024-02-06
Call webinar for the Nordic Energy Research Mobility ProgrammeOn 2 February, Nordic Energy Research held a webinar for applicants interested in the three open calls under the Nordic Energy Research Mobility Programme. First, the webinar gave an overview and…2024-02-07
New study mapping Nordic hydrogen valleysNordic Energy Research is pleased to announce that CIT Renergy has been awarded the contract to perform a study that will map Nordic hydrogen valleys. The study has been commissioned by…2024-02-28
Nordic Energy Challenge 2024 is open for proposalsThe theme of the Nordic Energy Challenge 2024 is Citizen Engagement, focusing on how we best engage Nordic citizens in the green transition towards making the Nordics the most sustainable…2024-03-05
The Baltic-Nordic Energy Research Conference is open for registrationNordic Energy Research welcomes everyone interested in Baltic-Nordic energy research and cooperation to the Baltic-Nordic Energy Research Conference. The conference is open to the public and will bring together all…2024-03-05
Nordic Green Transport Forum is open for registrationJoin the Nordic Green Transport Forum at Clarion Hotel Post on 7 May, in Gothenburg, Sweden! At the forum, you will discover the added value of cooperation across the Nordic…2024-03-13
Successful webinar on the Joint Baltic-Nordic Energy Research CallOn 14 March, Nordic Energy Research hosted a webinar for the open call for projects within the framework of the Joint Baltic-Nordic Energy Research Programme. More than 35 potential applicants…2024-03-20
Get inspired by last year’s Nordic Energy Challenge winnersThe Nordic Energy Challenge 2024 has been launched, themed around Citizen Engagement. Nordic Energy Research is looking forward to seeing this year's proposals, as the line-up for 2023 showed great…2024-03-21
Q&A from webinars of the Nordic Energy Research Mobility ProgrammeThe Q&A is formulated based on questions and answers raised during Webinar 1, Webinar 2, and Webinar 3 in 2024. For further inquiries, you are welcome to contact Senior Adviser Maj…2024-03-21
Great interest in Networking and Event SupportIn January 2024, a budget of 500,000 NOK was made available to support networking and events under the Nordic Energy Research Mobility Programme. The call was so popular that the dedicated budget…2024-03-21
Nordic Energy Research Mobility Programme Matchmaking FormIn order to bring together interested parties, Nordic Energy Research would like to encourage all applicants for the Call for Proposals 2024: Nordic Mobility, Exchange, and Networking to state: 1) What…2024-03-21
Report launch: Evaluation of Nordic Electricity Retail MarketsOn 12 April Nordic Energy Research will launch the Evaluation of Nordic Electricity Retail Markets report. The report analyses the functioning of the retail electricity markets in the Nordic countries…2024-03-22
Open position: Nordic Energy Research is looking for an internWould you like to develop your competences in the green transition, research, and policy? Then you might be Nordic Energy Research's new intern for the autumn of 2024. At Nordic Energy…2024-04-04
Digitalisation has the potential to enable a sustainable transitionTransportation is vital for maintaining high welfare and integration in the Nordic countries. However, the transport sector accounts for a quarter of the EU's total greenhouse gas emissions, according to the…2024-04-08
New report evaluates the Nordic Electricity Retail MarketsThe report Evalution of Nordic Electricity Retail Markets analyses the functioning of the retail electricity markets in the five Nordic countries and Åland by looking at regulatory frameworks, competition, and…2024-04-10
Join us at Folkemødet, Almedalsveckan, and Arendalsuka!This year, you can meet Nordic Energy Research at all the Scandinavian democracy festivals. We will host sessions about the potential for a Nordic position of strength within hydrogen, focusing…2024-04-11
Online workshop for Mapping Nordic Hydrogen ValleysOn 18 April, Nordic Energy Research is hosting an online workshop to collect valuable input for the project Mapping Nordic Hydrogen Valleys. In order to ensure the project's relevance and quality…2024-04-11
Nordic Electricity Market Forum 2024Market regulation, flexibility, long-term conditions for new energy production, and electrification of industries were some of the issues discussed when a hundred Nordic stakeholders in the energy sector gathered in…2024-04-23
Two new maritime projects recommended for fundingNordic Energy Research is pleased to announce that two new projects have been recommended for funding, following the recent open call in the Nordic Maritime Transport and Energy Research Programme…2024-05-05
A unique invitation to engage Nordic citizens in the green transitionThe Nordic Energy Challenge 2024 is well underway, addressing the timely topic of Citizen Engagement. Engaging citizens is a vital component for achieving a socially sustainable energy transition, and Nordic…2024-05-05
What is the Faroe Islands’ plan for becoming carbon neutral?Isolated and remote regions face distinct energy challenges in a literal as well as practical sense. The unaccessible character of remote areas gives rise to specific barriers to implementing green…2024-05-06
Welcome to the Nordic Hydrogen Valleys Conference 2025On 22–23 January 2025, it is time for the second Nordic Hydrogen Valleys Conference, in Luleå, Sweden. All Nordic countries, on all levels, are working to realise the hydrogen society…2024-05-10
The Nordic Green Transport Forum 2024A green transition of the transport sector is of monumental importance for realising national as well as global climate goals – and to achieve a green transport transition, sustainable energy…2024-05-13
The Baltic-Nordic Energy Research Conference 2024Marking the longevity of the Baltic-Nordic cooperation, energy stakeholders from the Baltic-Nordic region gathered in Vilnius on 14 May for the Baltic-Nordic Energy Research Conference. The conference was held in…2024-05-22
Meet us at the European Sustainable Energy Week 2024What better way to showcase Nordic energy efforts than at the heart of European policymaking, in the City of Brussels? On 11–13 June, the city is hosting the European Sustainable…2024-05-24
Hi-EFECTS takes on one of the greatest challenges in the green shiftThe scaling up of low-emission fuels is the key to decarbonising Nordic and international shipping, and the Hi-EFECTS project, funded by Nordic Energy Research within the Nordic Grand Solutions Programme…2024-05-24
Net Zero Islands Network in ÅlandWith Åland actively working towards becoming a sustainable island, Mariehamn was an exemplary location as the Net Zero Energy Islands Network gathered for a joint seminar on 27–28 May. Co-organised by Nordic…2024-05-29
Meet Nordic Energy Challengers Julia Kirch Kirkegaard and Tom CroninThe first stage of the Nordic Energy Challenge 2024 is concluded, with seven candidates advancing to the second phase. The next step for the qualified participants is to submit their final…2024-06-10
New energy research projects for call on Green TransitionAs one of the funding partners in the research call Green Transition, Nordic Energy Research is pleased to announce that ten projects in the Nordic and Baltic region have now…2024-06-16
Meet Nordic Energy Challengers Meng Yuan, Changfu Zou, and Qingbo ZhuThe first stage of the Nordic Energy Challenge 2024 is concluded, with seven candidates advancing to the second phase. The next step for the qualified participants is to submit their final proposals…2024-06-17
Three new projects funded in the Joint Baltic-Nordic Energy Research ProgrammeWhen the latest call within the Joint Baltic-Nordic Energy Research Programme closed in April 2024, a record-breaking 21 qualified proposals had been submitted. Now, three research projects have been selected…2024-06-18
Meet Nordic Energy Challenger Guðmundur Haukur SigurðarsonThe first stage of the Nordic Energy Challenge 2024 is concluded, with seven candidates advancing to the second phase. The next step for the qualified participants is to submit their final proposals…2024-06-25
Best4Grid realises EV batteries’ key role for decarbonisation and grid stabilityOn the Nordic region's path towards carbon neutrality, decarbonisation of the transport sector is essential. The project Best4Grid, funded by Nordic Energy Research within the Nordic Grand Solutions Programme, aims…2024-07-01
CETPartnership Nordic-Baltic Info SessionJoin Nordic Energy Research for a Nordic-Baltic Info Session to strengthen Nordic and Baltic involvement in the Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETPartnership). We are hosting an online Nordic-Baltic Info Session…2024-07-10
Åland – a small society with high climate ambitionsThe inaccessibility of islands gives rise to energy challenges that need distinct strategies for becoming CO2-neutral. Due to the isolated and remote character of islands, they are confronted by particular…2024-08-01
Meet Nordic Energy Challengers Changfu Zou and Xiaolei BianThe first stage of the Nordic Energy Challenge 2024 is concluded, with seven candidates advancing to the second phase. The next step for the qualified participants is to submit their final proposals…2024-08-09
Meet Nordic Energy Challengers in the KXT TeamThe first stage of the Nordic Energy Challenge 2024 is concluded, with seven candidates advancing to the second phase. The next step for the qualified participants is to submit their final proposals…2024-08-15
Enhancing demand flexibility in the Nordic power systemNordic Energy Research is pleased to announce that Thema Consulting has been awarded a contract to conduct a new study. The study puts focus on solutions to enhance the flexibility…2024-08-16
Great potential for a Nordic position of strength on clean hydrogenThis year, Nordic Energy Research participated in all the Scandinavian democracy festivals, hosting three sessions focusing on clean hydrogen. With valuable input from experts across sectors, we discussed the Nordics'…2024-08-16
Nordic results of the CETPartnership Joint Call 2023The Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETPartnership) just finished its second annual joint call, where applicants from around the world submit proposals addressing various energy-related challenges. In the first CETPartnership call…2024-08-19
Meet Nordic Energy Challenger Xingxing ZhangThe first stage of the Nordic Energy Challenge 2024 is concluded, with seven candidates advancing to the second phase. The next step for the qualified participants is to submit their final proposals…2024-08-23
Meet Nordic Energy Challenger Ali LashgariThe first stage of the Nordic Energy Challenge 2024 is concluded, with seven candidates advancing to the second phase. The next step for the qualified participants is to submit their final proposals…2024-09-03
About E-Pla2MethThe increasing consumerism leads to rising amounts of plastic waste, and it is estimated that 6.3 billion tons of this waste were generated globally up to 2018. Plastic waste is…2024-09-05
About AMPROSEThe AMPROSE project seeks to explore the potential of ammonia as a clean energy innovation. Industrially produced ammonia (NH3) is vital for global agriculture, supporting 40–60% of food production as…2024-09-05
About In-ChargeRapidly developing technologies like mobile phones, electric cars, and drones have the potential to contribute to the well-being of our countries, increase European security, and eventually replace fossil fuels if…2024-09-05
Semi-finalists in the Nordic Energy Challenge 2024The Nordic Energy Challenge 2024 is approaching its conclusion, with two out of three stages of the competition now completed. As many as seven project proposals made it through the first…2024-09-09
Energy labelling leads to large energy savings in the NordicsNordic Energy Research is pleased to announce that we have just released the report Energy Savings from Ecodesign and Energy Labelling Policies in the Nordic Countries. The report focuses on…2024-09-09
Following the Iron Ore Line towards a green energy transitionIn the end of August, Nordic Energy Research had the pleasure of going to Northern Norway, Lapland, and North Bothnia. The purpose of the four-day trip was to get firsthand…2024-09-09
Ledig tjänst hos Nordisk EnergiforskningÄr du en erfaren kommunikatör som vill vara med och stärka genomslaget för ett av världens största forskningsprogram? Vi söker en senior kommunikationsrådgivare som kan vara med och utveckla och…2024-09-12
Nordic Energy Research at Clean Energy Ministerial and Mission Innovation meetingOn 30 September to 4 October, the annual Clean Energy Ministerial and Mission Innovation meeting (CEM15/MI-9) takes place in Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil. The meeting is one of the largest clean energy…2024-09-18
Join us at the Arctic Energy Forum and Arctic Circle Assembly!Between 14 and 19 October, Nordic Energy Research will participate in sessions at the Arctic Energy Forum and Arctic Circle Assembly in Iceland. A strategic goal for Nordic Energy Research…2024-09-26
Betty Søgård is a dedicated “Nordist”Meet our new colleague Betty Søgård. Betty will work as a Higher Executive Officer planning and coordinating events, implementing sustainable perspectives, strengthening the involvement of youth, and incorporating equal rights…2024-09-26
Iceland aims to be a pioneer in the green energy transitionAreas that are isolated or far away from neighbouring shores do not only have a distinct location, they also come up against distinct energy challenges. Specific barriers to implementing green…2024-09-26
Watch the interview series for a green transition of the transport sectorIn order to reach the Nordic region's ambitious objectives of carbon neutrality, we need an accelerated and comprehensive green transition of the transport sector. This requires Nordic cooperation, due to…2024-09-27
“A Nordic way of doing the energy transition”On 3 October, the winners of the Nordic Energy Challenge 2024 were presented at the Annual Mobility Workshop in Oslo. This year, the first place was shared by two project proposals for…2024-10-04
“Effective communication is vital for the adoption of green energy solutions”Meet Nina Dayana Berger, the new Communications Officer at Nordic Energy Research. Nina describes herself as open-minded and outgoing as a result of her travels and studies abroad. With a…2024-10-10
MoreH2 is set to pave the way for green hydrogenDeveloping innovative options for low-carbon fuels is an important step towards decarbonisation. According to SINTEF, 96% of hydrogen production relies on fossil fuels, and achieving a green energy transition requires…2024-10-21
“International research cooperation is crucial for finding the best energy solutions to climate change”On 2–3 October, Nordic Energy Research held the Annual Mobility Workshop in Oslo. As part of the Nordic Energy Research Mobility Programme, the workshop gathered PhD students and researchers from…2024-10-22
Hydrogen and sustainable energy in focus at Arctic Circle 2024From 17 to 19 October, the annual Arctic Circle Assembly gathered global leaders, organisations, and researchers in Reykjavik, Iceland, to discuss the key challenges facing the Arctic region. Nordic Energy…2024-10-22
Six new recommendations for a green transport sectorTransportation accounts for about a quarter of the Nordic countries' national greenhouse gas emissions. Transforming the entire transport sector is a massive task. In 2020 the Ministers of Nordic Cooperation inititated…2024-10-23
Join Nordic Energy Research at COP29COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan, presents a pivotal opportunity to accelerate measures against the climate crisis. The conference is a key moment for countries to present their updated national climate plans under…2024-11-07
First comprehensive mapping of Nordic hydrogen value chainsNordic Energy Research is proud to present the first comprehensive mapping of Nordic hydrogen valleys in the report Nordic Hydrogen Valleys – Value Chain Mapping Across the Region, which was…2024-11-14
Nordic Energy Research at COP29At this year's COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan, one of the main discussions was how to scale up climate action on a global level. On 15 November, the Energy Day of COP29…2024-11-18
Nordic Participation in CETPartnership Joint Call 2024The Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETP) 2024 has just closed its annual joint call, in which applicants from around the world have submitted proposals addressing various energy-related challenges. For the second…2024-12-02
Danske Ph.d. studerende Aksel Bangs udveksling til Trondheim(English version further down)2024-12-02
Nordic Energy Research at Arctic Frontiers 2025In January, Nordic Energy Research will host two side events during Arctic Frontiers, Norway's largest conference for the Arctic and High North. The conference gathers people from academia, politics, government, and…2024-12-11
SpeedLocal: Enhancing local implementation and social acceptanceHow can we ensure a green transition in the Nordic region? According to policymakers, developing integrated energy planning is a crucial step in the right direction. However, guidelines and tools…2024-12-11
Welcome to the Nordic Energy Efficiency ConferenceOn 30 January, it is time for the Nordic Energy Efficiency Conference in Oslo. Nordic Energy Research invites you to this Nordic conference on energy efficiency, where participants will get…2024-12-12
Heikki Uusi-Honko is the new Chair of Nordic Energy Research in 2025As we enter 2025, Nordic Energy Research is ready to embrace the opportunities that the new year brings. This entails the welcoming of our new Chair of the Board, Heikki…2025-01-10
A Nordic approach to Arctic changeLast month, Nordic Energy Research's CEO Klaus Skytte and Adviser Ditte Stiler had the pleasure to attend the conference Arctic Change in Ottawa. The Arctic Change Conference is part of…2025-01-10
Nordic Energy Challenge 2025: Powering Nordic EqualityThe Nordic countries have the potential to lead the shift toward clean energy. Known globally for its commitment to equality and diversity, the region has the opportunity to embed these…2025-01-14
Frequently asked Questions (FAQ)This article compiles relevant questions and answers regarding The Nordic Energy Research Mobility Programme for 2025. For further inquiries, please contact Senior Adviser Maj Dang Trong or Adviser Ditte Stiler. You can also…2025-01-21
“The work we do is crucial in assisting the Nordic countries in the green transition”Meet our new colleague, Erik Viberg. Erik has a deep-rooted passion for the Nordics. He originates from southwestern Sweden and has studied in both southern and northern Sweden, in Lund…2025-01-27
Nordic hydrogen solutions for our shared futureOn 22–23 January, hydrogen took centre stage as over 200 participants from all corners of the world gathered at the Nordic Hydrogen Valleys Conference to discuss our common path towards…2025-01-28
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)This article compiles relevant questions and answers regarding the Nordic Energy Systems Programme. For further inquiries, please contact Adviser Ole Aune Ødegård or Senior Adviser Maria Enge. You can also access…2025-02-07
New report: Greater effort needed to reach Nordic climate targets in timeThe Nordic region's journey to climate neutrality is progressing. However, more effort is needed to reach the goals in time, according to Nordic Energy Research’s new report, Tracking Nordic Clean…2025-02-10
Philosophy meets energy policy at the Nordic Energy Efficiency ConferenceIt is not every day that practitioners, industry leaders, and consumer representatives are challenged by philosophy at an energy conference. But that is what Arne Johan Vetlesen, Professor of Philosophy at…2025-02-13
From Karelia to Jutland – Daniel Gutiérrez Rojas’ Nordic exchangeMeet Columbian postdoctoral researcher Daniel Gutiérrez Rojas, who in 2024 received funding for a month’s exchange from LUT University, Finland, to Aalborg University, Denmark. Below, you can read his own…2025-02-25
The wonderful adventures of Francisco – from Uppsala to TrondheimMeet Uruguayan/Italian PhD student Francisco Beltran, who in 2024 received funding for a month’s exchange from KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm to Norweigan University of Science and Technology…2025-03-10
About Bioenergy from Seaweed in Nordic RegionsThe project Bioenergy from Seaweed in Nordic Regions (BENIGN) focuses on developing and optimising value chains for seaweed resources for bioenergy and related products. To promote sustainability in the Nordic…2025-03-12
About HyCarbFuelsThe HyCarbFuels project is focusing on Solvent Liquefaction (HTL and STL) of biowaste and integration with biogas and e-methane, to introduce innovative pathways to enhance fuel supply security, sustainability, and…2025-03-12
About Green Sea FaroeMaritime transportation is vital to the Faroe Islands, but it faces challenges in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The Green Sea Faroe project aims to steer this sector towards a…2025-03-12