Articles | Energy Markets

New report: Market Design Options for Procurement of Flexibility

Roadmap for reaching the 2030 Vision

Catharina Sikow-Magny: Flexibility is the topic of Nordic Electricity Market Forum 2021

Energy Markets
The co-operation in the Nordic electricity market is unique and is highlighted as a global leader. However, future energy co-operations are dependent on trade across energy carriers and the development of new energy markets within gas, bio-/e-fuels, CO2, etc. and the connection of these markets to the existing electricity market.
The Council of the EU introduced emergency intervention measures to address high energy prices in October 2022. The report "Impact…
English / 2023-08-16
System Operators are required to make as much transmission capacity as possible available to the power market for the trading…
English / 2022-09-13
Distributed Flexibility is a key tool to integrate growing shares of renewable electricity in the electricity system and a complement…
English / 2022-06-21
The organisation for the Nordic energy regulators, NordREG, has ordered this study to explore status of demand side flexibility among…
English / 2017-12-21
Demand side flexibility is the ability of power consumers to reduce their demand in periods of peak load, possibly shifting…
English / 2017-12-21
The Nordic ministries and regulators aim to harmonise the electricity retail markets to reduce market entry barriers for retailers from…
English / 2017-12-13