The Swedish Energy Agency (SEA) distributes the bulk of energy research funds in Sweden, allocating them within six areas to a range of research performers. Energy research is also funded by VINNOVA, the government agency for innovation under the Ministry of Enterprise, Energy & Communications.
The Swedish Research Council (SRC), under the Ministry of Research & Education, funds basic research in materials & fusion energy research. In addition, the SRC issues a joint call with the Swedish Energy Agency, whose funds are already included in the SEA budget. Multidisciplinary efforts are also exemplified through the LETS2050 programme; a joint call between the Environmental Protection Agency, the Swedish Transport Administration, SEA and VINNOVA.
Initiated by the Swedish power sector, ELFORSK funds energy research within six strategic areas. All areas, apart from nuclear energy, are co-funded with the Swedish Energy Agency. In addition, ELFORSK-owners contribute with more than one third of the total research budget.
Funds for energy research in Sweden are notably concentrated within the specialised Energy Agency, where a team of experts assess research activities & subsequent funding. However, other energy related topics are funded by a variety of institutions, cutting across sectors and disciplines. Of the Nordic countries, Sweden ranks second with 3.5 % of GDP spent on RD&D. Although public low-carbon RD&D funding is lower than it was in the 1980s, recent increases in energy related RD&D look set to achieve such high levels again.
Further information:
– Institutional structure of energy RD&D in Sweden
– Public funding for clean energy RD&D in Sweden
Notes: Circle-size represents average annual funding for each programme in millions of Euro. Hollow circles indicate the inclusion of funding not within clean energy topics. Clean energy refers to energy technologies that facilitate the transition to a more sustainable energy system.