Nordic Energy Research (NER) administers the majority of Nordic RD&D programmes in clean energy topics. NER is funded directly from national energy authorities and from the Nordic Council of Ministers. Through their main programme, Sustainable Energy Systems 2050 (SES2050), 10 projects address a variety of interdisciplinary topics relating to the transition to a sustainable Nordic energy system.
The Top-level Research Initiative comprises six-sub programmes, of which four are energy related- NER administers two of the sub-programmes, namely Bio and Wind. Bio has funded projects on biofules, for example in developing thermochemical gasification, whereas Wind has funded projects on topics such as offshore wind in a cold climate.
Nordic Innovation is a sister organization of NER and administers the other two sub-programmes under the Top-level Research Initiative, as well as the Nordic Built Challenge.
Further information:
– Institutional structure of energy RD&D in the Nordic region
– Public funding for clean energy RD&D in the Nordic countries
Notes: Circle-size represents average annual funding for each programme in millions of Euro. Hollow circles indicate the inclusion of funding not within clean energy topics. Clean energy refers to energy technologies that facilitate the transition to a more sustainable energy system.