Welcome to the Akureyri Energy SeminarWelcome to the Akureyri Energy Seminar: Sustainable Solutions for Remote Areas! What green and resilient energy solutions are there for isolated areas? Join us in Akureyri, Iceland, for a seminar…2025-05-06
Report launch: Tracking Nordic Clean Energy Progress 2025On 12 February, Nordic Energy Research welcomes you to the digital launch of the report Tracking Nordic Clean Energy Progress 2025. The report provides a comprehensive overview of clean…2025-02-12
Call webinar: Nordic Energy Systems ProgrammeAccess the call webinar presentation here Nordic Energy Research invites you to an information webinar about the new Nordic Energy Systems Programme. The programme is designed to strengthen national energy…2025-02-05
The Nordic Energy Efficiency ConferenceNordic Energy Research welcomes you to the Nordic Energy Efficiency Conference on 30 January in Oslo. The conference gives participants the opportunity to explore different aspects of and deepen their…2025-01-30
Nordic Energy Research at Arctic Frontiers 2025This month, Nordic Energy Research is hosting two side events during Arctic Frontiers in Tromsø, Norway. Building Sustainable Energy Futures for Arctic Communities 📅 Monday, 27 January at 15:30 How…2025-01-27
Nordic Hydrogen Valleys Conference 2025On 22–23 January 2025, the Nordic Hydrogen Valleys Conference will take place in Luleå, Sweden. The conference will provide great opportunities to discuss elements related to hydrogen valleys – from…2025-01-22
Call webinars: Nordic Energy Research Mobility ProgrammeNordic Energy Research invites all PhD students and researchers from Nordic higher education institutions and research organisations working in the energy field to join the three webinars on the Nordic…2025-01-20
Report launch: Nordic Hydrogen Valleys – Value Chain Mapping Across the RegionOn 14 November, Nordic Energy Research welcomes you to the digital launch of the report Nordic Hydrogen Valleys – Value Chain Mapping Across the Region. In this first comprehensive mapping…2024-11-14
Nordic Energy Research at Arctic Circle Assembly 2024Welcome to join us at this year's Arctic Circle Assembly! The assembly is the largest global gathering focused on Arctic affairs and serves as a platform for knowledge exchange, discussions…2024-10-17
Nordic Energy Research at Clean Energy Ministerial and Mission Innovation meetingOn 30 September to 4 October, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil is hosting the annual Clean Energy Ministerial and Mission Innovation meeting (CEM15/MI-9), one of the largest clean energy events of the year…2024-10-01
CETPartnership Nordic-Baltic Info SessionJoin Nordic Energy Research for a Nordic-Baltic Info Session to strengthen Nordic and Baltic involvement in the Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETPartnership). We are hosting an online Nordic-Baltic Info Session…2024-08-14
Meet us at at the European Sustainable Energy Week 2024What better way to showcase Nordic energy efforts than at the heart of European policymaking, in the City of Brussels? On 11–13 June, the city is hosting the European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW)…2024-06-11
The Baltic-Nordic Energy Research ConferenceWelcome to the Baltic-Nordic Energy Research Conference on 14 May, at the Energy and Technology Museum in Vilnius, Lithuania! The conference is open to the public and Nordic Energy Research…2024-05-14
Nordic Green Transport ForumOn behalf of the Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordic Energy Research is organising the Nordic Green Transport Forum on 7 May, in Göteborg, as part of the programme Green Transition of…2024-05-07
Report launch: Evaluation of Nordic Electricity Retail MarketsOn 12 April Nordic Energy Research will launch the Evaluation of Nordic Electricity Retail Markets report. The report analyses the functioning of the retail electricity markets in the Nordic countries…2024-04-12
Webinar: Open call for the Joint Baltic-Nordic Energy Research ProgrammeNordic Energy Research is organizing a webinar on Thursday, 14 March 2024, at 10.00 (CET), on the open call under the Joint Baltic-Nordic Energy Research Programme. All interested parties are…2024-03-14
Call webinars: Nordic Mobility, Exchange, and NetworkingNordic Energy Research is hosting three webinars for applicants interested in the open call within the Nordic Energy Research Mobility Programme. The webinars have specific aims and participants will be…2024-02-02
Join us at COP28Nordic Energy Research is hosting six sessions between 2 and 6 December at COP28 in Dubai. The sessions will be focusing on how we can advance the green transition together through…2023-12-02
Conference: Energy Security and CitizensWelcome to the conference Energy Security and Citizens on 19 October in Reykjavík, Iceland! Join us for a session addressing some of the most pressing energy issues in the Nordic…2023-10-19
The Nordic Hydrogen Conference 2023On 4–5 October, Nordic Energy Research is organizing the Nordic Hydrogen Valleys Conference in Reykjavík, Iceland. The conference will be centred around the five projects supported through the call "Nordic hydrogen valleys as energy hubs…2023-10-04
Joint PhD & Researcher Mobility Conference 2023On 27–28 September 2023, Nordic Energy Research for the first time organizes the Joint PhD & Researcher Mobility Conference in Visby, Gotland, Sweden. More information and sign up here Nordic…2023-09-27
Nordic Energy Research at Arendal Week 2023Nordic Energy Research is arranging two events at this year's Arendalsuka (Arendal Week) – the largest political gathering in Norway where everyone are welcome to explore, debate, and solve the…2023-08-16
Clean Energy Ministerial and Mission Innovation meetingOn 19–22 July, the annual Clean Energy Ministerial and Mission Innovation meeting takes place in Goa, India. The theme for this year's meeting is "Advancing Clean Energy Together." Nordic Energy…2023-07-19
Nordic Energy Research at the People’s Festival 2023Nordic Energy Research participates in this year's People's Festival – Folkemødet – in Bornholm, Denmark. On 15 June and 16 June, Nordic Energy Research is hosting two events, with Adviser…2023-06-15
Preparatory webinars: Nordic Energy Solutions for the Green TransitionTo help potential applicants for the call "Nordic Energy Solutions for the Green Transition" in the Nordic Grand Solutions Programme, Nordic Energy Research has arranged four webinars to increase awareness…2023-05-31
Nordic Energy Challenge 2023 – Energy and SecurityJoin the Nordic Energy Challenge 2023 – Energy and Security. Nordic Energy Research wants to shape innovative research and promote new ideas with exciting perspectives, which, in turn, can bring…2023-05-05
Conference: Nordic Maritime Transport and Energy Research ProgrammeDecarbonization of the Nordic Maritime Industry - based on the Nordic Maritime Transport and Energy Research Programme. Watch the conference online. The aim of the conference is: 1. To give…2023-05-03
Clean energy choices for reaching a resilient and carbon neutral Nordic regionNordic Energy Research is organizing the event Clean energy choices for reaching a resilient and carbon neutral Nordic region at Vaasa Energy Week Nordic Energy Research's CEO Klaus Skytte will…2023-03-22
Making CCS and CCU happen!Nordic Energy Research hosts a workshop focusing on Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS) in Bergen, Norway. What is needed to enhance Nordic collaboration on CCUS? - And how do…2022-12-12
COP27: Nordic Energy Research hosts five eventsNordic Energy Research is organizing five events at COP27 in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, on the following dates. Please note that all hours are CET. 11 November (the Decarbonization Day)11.00–12.00:…2022-11-09
Info Day 2: CETPartnership Joint Call 2022The Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETPartnership) arranges the Info Day 2 on 25 October at 10:00–14:00 (CET), online. Registration for the Info Day 2 is done at the B2match platform, where…2022-10-25
Conference: Joint Baltic-Nordic Energy Research ProgrammeNordic Energy Research invites all those who have participated in The Joint Baltic-Nordic Energy Research Programme to a conference in Riga, Latvia, on October 24 to 25, 2022. Register here - please note…2022-10-24
Webinar in connection with the call “Nordic hydrogen valleys as energy hubs – by 2030 and 2040”Nordic Energy Research is organizing a webinar on Monday, 10 October at 13:00 to address questions you might have towards finalizing your applications for the call “Nordic hydrogen valleys as energy…2022-10-10
Hydrogen workshop in FredericiaNordic Energy Research welcomes you to a hydrogen workshop in Fredericia, Denmark. The aim of workshop is to offer a venue of informal and honest exchange of ideas that will…2022-09-26
Nordic Energy Equality ConferenceOn 14–15 June, the Nordic Energy Equality Conference 2022 takes place as a lunch-to-lunch event in Oslo. Hosted by Nordic Energy Equality Network (NEEN) and funded by Nordic Energy Research, the conference…2022-06-14
‘Negative CO2 Emissions in the Nordic Energy System’ – Final Dissemination Event: Summarizing the projectNew date: 11 June, 15:00 - 16:15 This webinar is organised by the Nordic Energy Research (NER) Flagship Project ‘Negative CO2 Emissions in the Nordic Energy System’ and project partner…2020-06-11
Nordic EV Summit 23-24th April, Oslo2020-04-23
Nordic Energy Day at COP 25, Santiago, ChileNordic Energy Research will once again host an Energy Day in the Nordic Pavillion to be set up at the 25th Conference of Parties to the UN Framework Convention on…2019-12-02
European Utility Week, Paris
Nordic Energy Research Forum 2019Join us in Copenhagen for the Nordic Energy Research Forum, 2019, 12th – 13th November. During the forum we will examine the most cost-effective ways for the Nordic region to carry out…2019-11-12
Nordic Bioenergy Conference4.-6. November, Göteborg “Building a Sustainable European Biofuel Industry” Bio4Fuels Days 2019 will gather key actors to address the main objective of sustainable biofuel implementation prospects in Norway, Sweden and…2019-11-04
Nordic Business Seminar, Addis Ababa 31 October2019-10-31
Nordic Solutions to Global Challenges – Seminar in Addis Ababa 31.OctoberNordic Energy Research in collaboration with the Nordic embassies based in Addis Ababa are delighted to announce the upcoming Nordic Energy Seminar 2019. It will take place at Radisson, Addis…2019-10-31
High Tech Summit30.-31. October, Copenhagen The session focus on dilemmas regarding using “big data” in cities: On the one hand there is a huge potential for improving management of energy and welfare. On the other hand, there are concerns for protection of the…2019-10-30
Report launch at CPH: Nordic Gas To Liquids – synthetic fuel for the Aviation Industry.Nordic Gas To Liquid – a pre-feasibility study on sustainable aviation fuel from biogas, hydrogen and CO2 At Copenhagen Airport 29th October 13-15.00 a new pre-study regarding production of electrofuels…2019-10-29
What about the Climate in the Nordics?HE the Ambassador of Norway Mr Christian Syse and HE Ambassador of Finland Ms Liisa Talonpoika - in cooperation with Nordic Energy Research and SITRA - cordially invite you to…2019-10-23
Baltic Carbon Forum BCF2019The aim of the conference is to share the latest knowledge on CCS technologies and perspectives for CCUS. In addition to Nordic and Baltic research institutions and companies, a broader…2019-10-22
The automotive industry is changing: How can we meet the biggest social challenges?What does the industry need to do now and in the future? How do we work smarter and faster? At this automotive conference, we discuss the most important trends and…2019-10-16
C40 World Mayor SummitCities will require mobility solutions that are sustainable, affordable, secure and inclusive, and integrated with customer-centric infrastructure and services. This transformation rests on the twin pillars of mobility and energy…2019-10-09
Flexibility as enabler for a carbon neutral energy system in the Nordics – CopenhagenThis event will mark the final milestone of the Flex4RES project and provides a forum for the presentation of the final results and outputs of the project with further special…2019-09-30
Official launch of the Nordic Energy Equality Network (NEEN)We are pleased to invite you to the official launch of the Nordic Energy Equality Network (NEEN). NEEN’s objective is to be the Nordic umbrella for the promotion of gender…2019-09-26
Fossilfritt Flyg-dagarna 2045, 25-26 September 2019 Karlstad, SwedenFossilfritt Flyg-dagarna is organised by Fossilfritt Flyg 2045 established in 2018 by; RISA, SAS, and Swedvia The event is sponsored by the Swedish Energy Agency and Region Värmland. Fossilfritt Flyg 2045…2019-09-25
Flexibility as enabler for a carbon neutral energy system in the Nordics – TallinThis event will mark the final milestone of the Flex4RES project and provides a forum for the presentation of the final results and outputs of the project. It will be…2019-09-24
The road to a flexible and climate neutral Nordic energy system – Breakfast seminarHow to decarbonize the Nordic energy sector by 2034-2040? How can the Nordics be a driving force? What are the implications of flexibility? And will people accept more windmills and electric wires? Main organizer: Energi Norge (Energy Norway)…2019-09-24
CONFERENCE Nordic view on the role of new storage technologies in decarbonising energy systems – HydrogenBusiness sector, politicians, researchers, energy experts are invited to join the conference on the 19th September, 2019. The purpose of this conference is to facilitate good exchange of information and…2019-09-19
Nordic status for zero emission busesIn collaboration with Zero, the Norwegian Association for Public Transportation and Ruter, we invite to a two day conference on zero emission buses, including excursions with electric buses and trips…2019-08-28
Nordisk Energiforskning på AlmedalsveckanVilken energiforskning behövs för ett koldioxidneutralt Norden? En deklaration om ett koldioxidneutralt Norden undertecknades vid det nordiska statsministermötet om klimat i Helsingfors den 25 januari 2019. Frågan är hur forskning…2019-07-01
Distributed energy production and self-consumption in the Nordics (invitation only) Distributed electricity production and self-consumption is increasingly an alternative and a supplement to conventional, centralized electricity production. New business models and companies providing support to prosumers are established…2019-03-13
New Nordic Energy Research – Adding Value to National Programs (invitation only)The Nordic energy minister meeting in Lund on 22 May 2018 mandated that Nordic Energy Research to propose roadmaps for creating a 67 MEUR Nordic research and demonstration program promoting…2018-10-25
Welcome to a workshop on Nordic Energy Equality!Date and time: 25 September 12:00 – 26 September 15:00 Venue: Klub, Linnésgade 25, 1361 Copenhagen Conference language: English Nordic Energy Research, together with NordForsk and Nordic Innovation, aim to…2018-09-25
Transport – Nordens største klimautfordring?Møt oss under Arendalsuka 2018! TID: Tirsdag 14.August kl 15:00 - 16:00 STED: Barrique øl og vinstue, Tyholmen Arendal Utslippene knyttet til transport er en av Nordens største klimautfordringer. Heldigvis…2018-08-14
“The Future of Energy – Bridging the Gap” Arendalsuka 2018Organizers: GCE-Node, Nordic Energy Research and Telenor Maritime Day: Monday 13th of august 16:00 – 18:00 Event Type: Seminar Theme: How can expertise from the Norwegian offshore oil and gas industry enable Norway to…2018-08-13
Norden – världens smartaste energisystem. Men kan vi fortsätta flyga? (Almedalsveckan)Arrangör: Nordisk Energiforskning Dag: 5/7 2018 08:00 - 09:30 Evenemangskategori: Seminarium Evenemangstyp: Samtal Ämnesområde: Energi Ämnesområde 2: Forskning Språk: Svenska Plats: Björkanderska, Skeppsbron 24 Beskrivning av samhällsfrågan Klimateffektiva transporter är…2018-07-05
Norden – världens smartaste energisystem. Men hur och när? Fokus på elsystemet (Almedalsveckan)Arrangör: Nordisk Energiforskning Dag: 4/7 2018 08:00 - 09:30 Evenemangskategori: Seminarium Evenemangstyp: Samtal Ämnesområde: Energi Ämnesområde 2: Forskning Språk: Svenska Plats: Björkanderska, Skeppsbron 24 Beskrivning av samhällsfrågan Mer vind- och solel är en utmaning för elsystemet. Hur…2018-07-04
From food waste to biofuels – Nordic resources and solutions for the futurePresentation of an ongoing Nordic study mapping resources are available and how food waste and food by-products currently is utilized. What are the opportunities and challenges for using food waste…2018-06-07
NCEW side event: Sustainable Future Energy Systems – Smarter, Integrated & CO2 NegativeJoin participants and speakers from the public, private and research sectors to discuss the next frontiers in sustainable energy systems. To meet our climate and energy goals we need…2018-05-24
Nordic Clean Energy Week 2018 Malmö/CopenhagenDenmark and Sweden will be co-hosting the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) in May 2018. There will be a week-long energy conference - Nordic Clean Energy Week - where key actors…2018-05-21
Invitasjon til Zerofrokost: Hva må til for å elektrifisere varebilsektoren?Norge er verdensledende i elektrifisering av personbilparken, og har et mål om at 100% av personbilsalget skal være elektrisk i 2025. Norge har det samme målet for lette varebiler, og…2018-04-11
Launching climate-smart mobility – part of the Swedish Presidency of NCM 2018An inclusive, sustainable, innovative, secure and open Nordic region. This is the starting point for when Sweden assumes the Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers in 2018. Digitalisation is…2018-03-08
Nordic EV-Summit 2018, 1-2 February 2018Teknisk Ukeblad, Norwegian EV Association, Electric Mobility Norway and Nordic Energy Research will again team up to organise the most important Nordic Electric Vehicle event. Since we reached…2018-02-01
Nordic energy research conference in Seoul, Rep. of KoreaThe Nordic countries will keep pushing for high ambition in renewable energy and this will be realized by reaching out to leading research hubs globally, like South Korea. NORDIC…2017-12-07
Nordregio Forum 2017: Sustainable and Attractive Cities – The Nordic modelNordregio Forum is the annual meeting place for professionals and policymakers working with urban planning and regional development in the Nordic countries. It is a forum for exchange of ideas…2017-11-29
Regional Electricity Cooperation and Nordic Perspectives on EuropeThe Norwegian chairmanship of the Nordic Council of Ministers invites all relevant participants to a Nordic Conference on the Electricity Market in Oslo. The conference is arranged in…2017-11-22
Ny vår for nordisk samarbeid?Den europeiske energipolitikken har et økende fokus på regionalt samarbeid. Norden har lenge hatt et tett samarbeid på energifeltet, og de nordiske landene var på nittitallet ledende innenfor utviklingen av…2017-11-21
Women in the Nordic energy sector – seminarDate: 21 – 22 November 2017 Time: 11:00 21 November – 13:00 22 November Venue: Stockholm Capacity: 35 people Conference language: English/Scandinavian Coverage: Contributions will be given to travel and accommodation expenses Register for…2017-11-21
X International scientific conference “ENERGETIKA XXI: economy, policy, ecology”“Challenges of De-carbonization and recent price developments for natural gas in Eurasia” ENERGETIKA is a conference regularly held in St. Petersburg in the month of November to address recent developments…2017-11-09
23rd Conference of Parties UNFCCC (COP23) – BonnThe Pacific Island State of Fiji holds the Presidency of COP23. Fiji’s vision for COP23 is: To advance the work of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and preserve…2017-11-06
Nordic Council 69th sessionCEO of Nordic Energy Research will be attending the Nordic Council 69th session. The agenda for the session can be found here (in Danish). Follow the session via the app, by…2017-10-31
Workshop: EU Bioenergy sustainability criteriaThe EU Commission has put forward a proposal for a revised renewable energy directive for the period 2021-2030 (published 30.11.2016). The proposal is currently under negotiation. In this workshop the results…2017-10-26
IICEC 8th International Energy and Climate ForumIICEC is a future-oriented independent research and policy center designed to conduct objective, high-quality economic and policy studies in energy and climate. IICEC efforts will help the development of solutions…2017-10-12
Nordic leadership in aviation emissions reductionsDate/Time: 10th October 2017, 9:30 – 16:00 Venue: Copenhagen Airport, Denmark Capacity: 100 people. Free-of-Charge. Conference Language: English Programme here. Why this Conference? The aviation industry aims to stabilise CO2 emissions at 2020 levels and…2017-10-10
2017 Arctic Energy SummitThe Institute of the North is excited that the next Arctic Energy Summit (AES) will be held September 18-20, 2017 in Helsinki, Finland. The AES is a multi-disciplinary event expected to draw…2017-09-18
Nordic Energy Commissions – compared: Where are the energy policies of the Nordic countries heading?Date/Time: 28th of August 2017, 10:00 – 20:00 Venue: Nordens Hus, Ved Stranden 18, Copenhagen Capacity: 100 people. Free-of-Charge. Conference Language: English Sign up here! Aim: To deepen the exchange…2017-08-28
Seminar: Energy efficiency policies and strategies of the NordicsA side event seminar within the EU Sustainable Energy Week hosted by the Nordic Council of Ministers and the 2017 Norwegian chairmanship on June 22, 2017 in Brussels. In the…2017-06-22
Negative CO2 – Making Sweden carbon negative by 2045This Nordic Energy Research (NER) event, organised by Bellona and the Moderate Party of Sweden, will give the opportunity to discuss policies and technologies needed to develop and implement carbon…2017-06-15
Strategy workshop, the NER BoardNordic Energy Research is hosting a strategy workshop with the Nordic Energy Research Board2017-06-12
World Circular Economy Forum 2017Presenting world's best circular economy solutions The ground-breaking event of the year gathers together the most recognised experts and decision makers in the field and presents the world’s best circular…2017-06-05
Nordic workshop on sustainable jetfuels (Invitation only)Nordic Energy Research and the Nordic Initiative for Sustainable Aviation will host a workshop on sustainable jetfuels. The workshop will bring together relevant experts/specialists from; aviation industry, fuel producers/suppliers, and…2017-06-01
Strategy workshop, DenmarkNordic Energy Research is hosting a strategy workshop with Danish participants2017-05-31
Workshop on Bioenergy Sustainability PolicyThe Working Group for Renewable Energy will host a workshop in Helsinki. The purpose is to present and discuss the preliminary results of an ongoing Nordic analysis of the proposed…2017-05-31
Strategy workshop, FinlandNordic Energy Research is hosting a strategy workshop with Finnish participants2017-05-30
Strategy workshop, SwedenNordic Energy Research is hosting a strategy workshop with Swedish participants2017-05-29
Energiforskningskonferansen 2017Forskningsrådet inviterer til Energiforskningskonferansen - årets viktigste konferanse om forskning på miljøvennlig energi for næringsliv, forskningsmiljø og forvaltningen. Kom og bli oppdatert på forskningsfronten innen miljøvennlig energi og utviklingen av lavutslippssamfunnet. Delta…2017-05-23
Strategy workshop, IcelandNordic Energy Research is hosting a strategy workshop with Icelandic participants2017-05-19
Strategy workshop, NorwayNordic Energy Research is hosting a strategy workshop with Norwegian participants2017-05-12
Strategy workshop, Nordic CenterNordic Energy Research is hosting a strategy workshop with its sister organisations in Oslo, Nordic Innovation and NordForsk2017-05-11
Verneombudets dagNordic Energy Research will be present at this year's HMS-Tinget. Tema: Hvordan skaper vi en god HMS-kultur? PROGRAM 08.00 Registrering / Besøk hos utstillere 09.00 Åpning Hva er kultur? Og…2017-05-09
Nordic-Baltic Energy Conference 2017Nordic Energy Research will be present and speaking at the Nordic-Baltic Energy Conference 2017 in Tallinn, Estonia. The conference is focusing on the question: "How shall Nordic and Baltic countries…2017-05-03
Strategy workshop, Baltic participationNordic Energy Research is hosting a strategy workshop with Baltic participation2017-05-02
DTU Commemoration PartyNordic Energy Research will be present at the DTU Commemoration Party2017-04-28
Riga Energy Security conference19th April, 2017 Moderator Reinis Aboltins, tbc 9:00-9:30 Coffee & registration 9:30-10:00 WELCOME NOTES Christer Haglund, Acting Director, Nordic Council of Ministers' Office in Latvia, tbc Arvils Aseradens, Minister of…2017-04-19
Nordic Contact GroupMeeting for the Nordic Contact Group2017-04-07
High level IEA workshopBy invitation only2017-03-27
Temafrokost om tiltak mot NOxNOx er en giftig gass som dannes ved forbrenning av fossilt brensel. I flere norske byer overstiges grenseverdien hver vinter. Fremtidig utbygging og fortetting i urbane strøk vil kreve større arealer…2017-03-07
Mini MBA New Energy RealitiesFor information visit:
Nordic EV Summit 2017Join us - save the date! Don’t miss the opportunity to get insight in the successful Norwegian electric vehicle (EV) policy and market and meet key actors from all the…2017-02-07
Afternoon seminar with Daniel KammenNorwegian Energy Partners and Nordic Energy Research invite you attend an afternoon seminar with Daniel Kammen, professor at Berkeley University and Climate Science Envoy for the US State Department. Kronprinsens…2017-02-07
Seminar on Nordic Bioeconomy StrategyThe bioeconomy is growing rapidly in these years, due to many potential solutions that the bioeconomic sectors can offer in terms of creating a sustainable and circular economy, enable rural…2017-01-19
FIBE 2017Creating value in changing landscapes The FIBE conference has established itself as the key meeting place for the Norwegian business administration research and higher education community. It raises topical research…2017-01-05
Nordregio Forum 2016, Helsinki 22-23 NovemberFrom Fossil to Bio-based and Sustainable Economy -Innovation and Policy for Green Transition in the Nordic Region Nordregio Forum 2016 is all about green transition: How to make it happen?…2016-11-22
UNFCCC – COP-22 MarrakeshSterkt Nordisk nærvær også på COP-22 De nordiske land vil følge opp suksessen fra klimatoppmøtet i Paris 2015 med egne møter og seminarer i Nordic Pavilion under det 22. klimatoppmøtet…2016-11-07
Macedonia2025 SummitThe MK2025 Summit is an annual event of the organization which servers as a premier platform of knowledge transfer. Key Topics: Global economic and financial trends Key drivers of economic…2016-10-20
Norges energidagerEnergisektoren står ovenfor store endringer i framtiden når bransjen skal legge om til mer bærekraftige energikilder. Norden blir ansett å ligge i front når det kommer til fornybar energi, og…2016-10-13
Nordic-Baltic CooperationSeminar on Nordic-Baltic cooperation Representatives from the departments and office directors from the NCM Baltic State offices including the St. Petersburg office will present sector and country priorities and modes…2016-10-12
EUFORES IPM16The 16th Inter-Parliamentary Meeting (IPM16) is organised in close cooperation with the Parliament of Denmark. The EU Energy Union implies huge potentials in terms of energy security - both when…2016-10-07
Nordic Council meeting2016-10-06
Baltic Development Forum: Energy Dialogue: Financing Energy EfficiencyWith the ambition of setting the agenda for further discussions on how to finance energy efficiency, BDF arranges a roundtable discussion 29th September in Stockholm. The roundtable will be organised…2016-09-29
Renewable Energy Summit 100by2030On the 70th anniversary of the Faroese national energy provider SEV, you can attend the 100by2030 Renewable Energy Summit. 2 days in breathtaking surroundings to experience how a 100% green…2016-09-27
Nordisk Råd Oppfølgingskonferanse COP 21I forbindelse med Nordisk Råds parlamentarikermøte i Stockholm skal medlemmer af Nordisk Råds miljøkomite og medlemmer fra alle de nordiske parlamenter’s klima og miljøutvalg samles for å undersøke hvordan det…2016-09-27
Seminar on Sustainable Jet Fuels for AviationNordic Energy Research invites you to attend the seminar on sustainable jetfuels for aviation, September 1st 2016. The subject of the seminar is the NIRAS study "Nordic perspectives on the use of advanced…2016-09-01
Connecting Energy Challenges with Energy Research in the Baltic statesConnecting Energy Challenges with Energy Research - Baltic opportunities in Nordic Energy Research Join us in Kaunas, Lithuania for a unique blend of short presentations on Baltic energy opportunities and challenges…2016-06-17
Finnish Launch of Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives 2016Programme The International Energy Agency (IEA) and Nordic Energy Research launch Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives 2016 in Finland. The report presents a comprehensive analysis of the Nordic energy system, tying directly…2016-06-16
Baltic Green Innovation Forum 2016Investment and Development Agency of Latvia and Innovation Norway invite entrepreneurs and companies to participate in Baltic Green Innovation Forum! "Green" innovation is not just a fashion slogan, but one…2016-06-15
Board meetingBoard meeting for the board of Nordic Energy Research Closed to the public2016-06-14
Icelandic Launch of Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives 2016Programme The International Energy Agency (IEA) and Nordic Energy Research launch Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives 2016 in Iceland. The report presents a comprehensive analysis of the Nordic energy system, tying…2016-06-13
Danish launch of Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives 2016Sign up here Preliminary programme here The International Energy Agency (IEA) and Nordic Energy Research launch Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives 2016 in Denmark. The report presents a comprehensive analysis of the…2016-06-10
Energiforskningskonferansen 2016This year the conference for Energy Research will take place on May 26 at the Radisson Blu Plaza Hotell in Oslo, Norway. You can find more information here2016-05-26
Norwegian Launch of Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives 2016 (Energiforskningskonferansen)Conference Programme Detailed NETP Session Programme The International Energy Agency (IEA) and Nordic Energy Research launch Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives 2016 in Finland. The report presents a comprehensive analysis of the…2016-05-26
Swedish Launch of Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives 2016Programme The official launch of the Nordic ETP will take place in Stockholm on the 23rd of May. Swedish Energy Minister Ibrahim Baylan will be joined by Kamel Ben Naceur…2016-05-23
Nordic Electric Bus Initiatives II, Helsinki 11-12 MayA follow-up conference to NEBI I intended to promote the deployment of electric buses in the Nordic cities by sharing information on technical and commercial aspects. NEBI II FINAL PROGRAMME…2016-05-11
The Outlook for Energy by ExxonMobilExxonMobil has the pleasure of inviting you to attend a presentation of our latest issue of The Outlook for Energy. The report provides a wide-ranging analysis of long term development…2016-04-27
Nordic Energy CooperationJorma Ollila, former CEO of Nokia, is conducting a strategic analysis of the Nordic energy cooperation on behalf of the Nordic Council of Ministers. On that occasion Nordic Council, the…2016-04-20
Hull Performance & Insight Conference (HullPIC) 2016The first Hull Performance & Insight Conference (HullPIC) which will be held in the grand setting of Castello di Pavone, Turin, Italy, 13-15 April 2016. “Proper hull and propeller performance monitoring on…2016-04-13
Board meetingBoard meeting for the board of Nordic Energy Research Closed to the public2016-03-30
IEA Renewable Energy workshopInvitation-only Workshop hosted by IEA Renewable Energy Working Party (REWP) This workshop, organised by the IEA’s Renewable Energy Working Party and with the active participation of members of its Renewable…2016-03-14
Energiforum Danmark 2016Energiforum Danmark is hosting its annual conference at Hotel Nyborg Strand on 8-9 March, 2016. Energiforum 2016 is the event of the year for anyone interested in responsible energy use. The theme this…2016-03-09
Global Utmaning seminar: BioeconomicsPlease find more information about the seminar and registration HERE (in Swedish only)2016-02-05
Interreg Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak green energy seminarLearn more about funding opportunities for Scandinavian energy cooperation through the European Regional Development Fund Our friends over at Interreg Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak are holding a seminar on December 1 in Oslo about the possibilities of…2015-12-01
Towards a Nordic New Climate EconomySeminar and dinner reception Hosted by Ambassador Kai Eide The global New Climate Economy (NCE) report "Better Growth, Better Climate", demonstrated how climate action can be combined with better economic…2015-11-26
Statoil Høstkonferansen 2015IEAs World Energy Outlook is perhaps the world's most recognized source of reference where development in the global energy market is concerned. This year's edition was published on November 10…2015-11-23
Nordic Smart Electric Transportation conferenceNordic Energy Research has for years worked with electric vehicles, electric buses and alternative fuels in transport. We look forward to work with others at the Nordic Electric Vehicle conference…2015-11-19
Achieving the Energy Union? Member States & the power sector in the spotlightEURELECTRIC is organising a Conference, co-hosted by Polish Electricity Association (PKEE), at the Albert Hall in Brussels on 19 November immediately after the publication of the State of the Energy…2015-11-19
The role of Nordic municipalities and regions in the green transitionThe chair of the Nordic Council of Ministers invites to a conference “The role of Nordic municipalities and regions in the green transition” 10-11 November 2015. There will be inspiring presentations…2015-11-10
Challenges and opportunities for the future Nordic electricity marketThe chair of the Nordic Council of Ministers invites to a conference on “Challenges and opportunities for the future Nordic electricity market” 10th November 2015. This year the Nordic countries…2015-11-10
NORDICCS – Final ConferenceAfter four years in operation, the NORDICCS project – in its present form – comes to an end in November 2015. The main intention with the Conference is to display…2015-11-10
Baltic Carbon Forum 2015The third Baltic Carbon Forum will be held in Warsaw October 29-30th 2015, focusing on visions and barriers for CCS in the Baltic Sea Region. There will be a number…2015-10-29
Zerokonferansen 201527. oktober åpner dørene til den tiende Zerokonferansen på Folketeateret i Oslo. På disse ti årene har Zerokonferansen blitt en av Nord-Europas viktigste konferanser om klimaløsninger, og den viktigste møteplassen…2015-10-27
Final seminars for Sustainable Energy Systems 2050Nordic Energy Research's 4-year research programme "Sustainable Energy Systems 2050" has come to an end and Nordic Energy Research will be marking this by hosting a final seminar on October…2015-10-21
Energipolitisk Åbningsdebat 2015I dagene 7. og 8. oktober 2015 – umiddelbart efter åbningen af det danske Folketinget – åbnes der, vanen tro for energipolitisk dialog. Nordisk Energiforsknings administrerende direktør Hans Jørgen Koch giver…2015-10-07
Board meetingBoard meeting for the board of Nordic Energy Research Closed to the public2015-09-15
Årskonferencen Det frie Energimarked 2015Årskonferencen Det frie Energimarked 2015 den 10. og 11. september ajourfører dig med rammebetingelser, vilkår og udviklingstrends på energimarkedet - i såvel nationalt som internationalt perspektiv. Du kan møde: Energi-, Forsynings- og…2015-09-10
Intpow – Renewable Energy Forum 2015Population growth, demographic and climate change considerations boost demand for renewable power solutions both in the developed and developing regions of the world. What are the industrial implications? Markets are changing fast…2015-09-07
Nordic Electric Bus Initiatives eventNordic Energy Research, under the umbrella of the Nordic Energy Transport Platform, and The Swedish Forum for Transport Innovation are co-arranging a seminar on Nordic Electric Bus Initiatives at Lindholmen…2015-09-01
Board MeetingBoard meeting for the board of Nordic Energy Research Closed to the public2015-06-22
Breakthrough for Electric vehicles!International Conference - Learnings from a European full-scale laboratory Electric vehicles (EVs) are a hot issue in Europe among transport policy makers, manufacturers and users. In Norway generous incentives have…2015-06-11
Global Opportunity PanelThe Global Opportunity Panel is a key source of insights and content to the Global Opportunity Report - an annual report demonstrating that in every risk there is opportunity, and…2015-06-05
Energiforskningskonferansen 2015 – Grønn vekst og læringTorsdag 21. mai inviterer Forskningsrådet til årets viktigste konferanse om forskning på miljøvennlig energi for næringsliv, forskningsmiljø og forvaltningen. Kom for å oppdatere deg om den internasjonale forskningsfronten…2015-05-21
Klimavennlig infrastruktur – veien til lavutslipp samfunnetEnergi Norge inviterer til rapportlansering, politisk debatt og sommerfest på Oslos tak. Skal Norge være et lavutslippssamfunn i 2050 må vi legge om energiforbruket vårt - større deler av samfunnet…2015-05-20
Energy Dialogue for the Baltic Sea RegionThe conference will adress the challenges related to energy security and energy efficiency in the Baltic Sea Region, taking into account international commitments on sustainable development and challenges of low…2015-05-06
Industrikonferansen 2015Industrikonferansen er en av Norsk Industris viktigste møteplasser gjennom året. Til årets konferanse kommer statsminister Erna Solberg, partileder Jonas Gahr Støre (Ap), konsernsjef i Norsk Hydro, Svein Richard Brandtzæg, og…2015-05-05
Power Circle SummitPower Circle Summit brings together periodically the country's key decision makers, influencers and guides to share their thoughts on innovation, technology and strategy. See the programme here (in Swedish):
Metabolic Innovations and Novel Materials for BiofuelsAquaFEED - A biofuel program funded by Nordic Energy Research The conference will bring together researchers and viewpoints from both chemical and biological sides of biofuel research. The main topics of…2015-04-24
Info-meeting WebinarThe meeting will take place at 13:00 CET, Thursday 15th January 2015. LINK TO JOIN THE WEBINAR (Pre-registration is not required) Please join 10 minutes in advance to allow time…2015-01-15
Board MeetingBoard meeting for the board of Nordic Energy Reserach and the committee of senior officials on energy from the Nordic Council of Ministers. NOT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC2014-12-02
Nordic Top-level Research Initiative – The Flagship conferenceDownload the programme! The Top-level Research Initiative was launched in 2009 as a major Nordic venture for climate, energy and the environment and promotes research and innovation in order to…2014-11-18
Steering Committe MeetingProject Steering Committe meeting on Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives II. NOT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC2014-11-07
Scandinavian Cleantech workshopMore to come shortly! Stay tuned2014-11-04
Steering group workshopNot open to the public. Project Steering Group Workshop of the project Norstrat under the research programme Sustainable Energy Systems 20502014-10-28
Nordic Council 66th SessionHow can Nordic co-operation in education, integration and the labour market be lifted to the next level? The summit for parliamentarians and the prime ministers that opens the Session of…2014-10-28
IEA Nordic Energy Technology Perspectiv workshopNot open to the public2014-10-28
FRAMTIDENS NORGE. Framtidens bærekraftNorge har vært en pioner på miljøfeltet, men fremstår i dag som en sinke på flere områder. Hvordan gjenvinne lederposisjonen? Innledere: Auke Lont, konsernsjef i Statnett: Fremtiden er elektrisk Anne Marit…2014-10-21
Energy Quality Management ConferenceThe purpose of the workshop is to demonstrate cases where EQM has been successfully used in the Nordic countries and internationally. To invite researchers and developers to put forward new…2014-08-27
Renewable Energy Research Conference 2014The Centre for Renewable Energy (SFFE) is proud to announce that the 3rd Renewable Energy Research Conference will be held in Oslo, Norway, June 16-18 2014 at the University of…2014-06-16
EnergiutblickBeyond 2020 - a sustainable energy is the theme of Energy Outlook 2014. We are currently creating a conference for decision makers in energy Sweden to have the opportunity for…2014-05-13
ENERGY STORAGE: THE HOLY GRAIL OF RENEWABLE ENERGYThe Canadian Embassey in Oslo is hosting the event "Energy Storage: The holy grail of renewable energy" in Oslo, at Forskningsparkens Conference Center 29th April 2014. 10:00-10:25 Registration with refreshments…2014-04-29
Energy & Transport programme`s final conferenceThe purpose of the conference is to disseminate the projects’ results, facilitate knowledge-sharing and strengthen the network among the participants and share results from the entire programme. The outcome of…2014-02-06
BiogasTinget 20132013-12-04
Board Meeting (closed event)2013-12-03
ERA-NET Plus2013-12-02
Seminar on user-driven research and innovation in the field of nanotechnology and wind powerThe Nordic Top-level Research Initiative sub-programmes “Energy efficiency with nanotechnology” and “Integration of large-scale wind power” invites you to a seminar on commercialization of technology. The seminar is held in…2013-11-21
COP19: Reducing emissions and growing the economy – the Nordic waySide event at the United Nations Climate Change Conference - Conference of the Parties (COP 19) in Warsaw. The Nordic countries are often seen as green in respect of both a good…2013-11-15
Baltic Energy SummitBuilding on the success of the 2012 edition that attracted over 170 attendees from more than 20 countries, BES 2013 will unite international and regional experts. These will include participants…2013-11-13
Nordic ETP 2 Denmark WorkshopDanish stakeholders from government, academia and industry are invited to a workshop to discuss a potential second edition of the NETP publication. This is the final of five national workshops…2013-11-13
Nordic ETP 2 Norway workshopNorwegian stakeholders from government, academia and industry are invited to a workshop to discuss a potential second edition of the NETP publication. This is the final of five national workshops…2013-11-08
Information seminar – Working Group for Sparsely Populated AreasInvitation to the Working Group for Sparsely Populated Areas’ Information seminar The Nordic Working Group for Sparsely Populated Areas (TBO) under The Nordic Council of Ministers has the pleasure to…2013-10-31
Launch of magazineNordic Energy Research is happy to invite you to the launch of the magazine Cases from the Nordic Energy Way Arena Research to pave the way towards carbon-neutrality in 2050…2013-10-29
Climate from the nordic-baltic perspective: Science, policy, economy 2013This Nordic-Baltic climate conference in Tallinn, will look at the future of the region and our options in the global context. The organizers wish to open up the complex climate…2013-10-23
Offwind global expert meetingThis Workshop will present the Offwind platform in its various components: climatology database, CFD wake modelling, development of a wave/wake model, and other avenues of research such as wind…2013-10-22
From strategies to activitiesThe International Conference "From strategies to activities – Good practice examples of regional bioenergy promotion" will be organised in parallel with the 9th International exhibition „Environment and Energy 2013” in…2013-10-18
The role of the Nordic Power Sector in the energy transition after 2020What will be the EU’s energy and climate change framework beyond 2020? NEPP and THEMA, together with Elforsk, Energy Norway, Nordic Energy Research and Icelandic Energy and Utilities, hereby invite you…2013-10-16
Nordic ETP 2 Sweden workshopSwedish stakeholders from government, academia and industry are invited to a workshop to discuss a potential second edition of the NETP publication. This is the third of five national workshops…2013-09-18
Nordic ETP 2 Finland workshopFinnish stakeholders from government, academia and industry are invited to a workshop to discuss a potential second edition of the NETP publication. This is the second of 5 national workshops…2013-09-17
Sustainable Energy Systems 2050The Sustainable Energy Systems 2050 conference will be held at the Nordic Light Hotel in Stockholm from 12 - 13 September 20132013-09-12
Baltic Wind Power 2013The Baltic Wind Power 2013 conference and exhibition will take place on 09-10 September 2013 in Stockholm. The conference will focus on further wind energy market development (both onshore and offshore) in Sweden…2013-09-10
Nordic ETP 2 Iceland workshopIcelandic stakeholders from government, academia and industry are invited to a workshop to discuss a potential second edition of the NETP publication. This is the first of 5 national workshops…2013-08-27
Energy Europe 2013The most essential energy system issues today are: Reduction of CO2, becoming independent of oil and gas, avoiding nuclear power, saving nature, being environmentally friendly and acting sustainable. It is common…2013-05-23
The Nordic Baltic Bioenergy conferenceNordic Baltic Bioenergy 2013 is the 10th Nordic bioenergy conference since 1990. Until now, the conference has been a Nordic event but when identifying key players in the North European…2013-05-21
Offshore wind farms as joint projectsVenue: Nordic Sea Hotel, close to Stockholm central station The Nordic Working Group for Renewable Energy has the pleasure to invite you to a Workshop on Offshore Wind Farms as…2013-04-16
Icelandic Launch of Nordic Energy Technology PerspectivesThe National Energy Authority of Iceland (Orkustofnun) and Nordic Energy Research invite you to the launch of the International Energy Agency’s new report on the future of the Nordic energy…2013-02-12
Swedish Launch of Nordic Energy Technology PerspectivesNäringsdepartementet inbjuder härmed tillsammans med den internationella energiorganisationen IEA, Nordisk Energiforskning och Statens energimyndighet till presentationen av studien Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives (NETP). IEA har tillsammans med Nordisk energiforskning och…2013-02-11
Norwegian Launch of Nordic Energy Technology PerspectivesThe Research Council of Norway and Nordic Energy Research invite you to the launch of the International Energy Agency’s new report on the future of the Nordic energy system. Confirmed…2013-02-08
Danish Launch of Nordic Energy Technology PerspectivesThe Danish Energy Agency, the Danish Energy Association and Nordic Energy Research invite you to the launch of the International Energy Agency’s new report on the future of the Nordic energy system…2013-02-07
Enovakonferansen Det Grønne Gullet 2013I Europa investeres det mer enn noensinne i fornybar kraft og energieffektivisering. Vi ser konturene av en grønn revolusjon som innebærer nye muligheter og økt lønnsomhet med effektive energi- og…2013-01-29
Finnish Launch of Nordic Energy Technology PerspectivesVTT, Tekes and Nordic Energy Research invite you to the launch of the International Energy Agency’s new report on the future of the Nordic energy system. Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives provides scenarios…2013-01-22
Nordic ETP presented at CenSES Annual ConferenceNordic Energy Research will present the results from the forthcoming IEA report Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives at the CenSES annual conference. The Centre for Sustainable Energy Studies (CenSES) is a virtual…2012-11-29
Nordic ETP presented at RENERGI ConferenceThe IEA and Nordic Energy Research will present the results from the forthcoming Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives report at the closing conference for the RENERGI research programme of the Research…2012-11-20
Annual Session of the Nordic CouncilProgram for the Session can be found on Nordic Energy Research will exhibit publications in connection with the Session2012-10-30
Annual Conference Top Level Research InitiativeThis year the annual conference for the Top Level Research Initiative will be held in Helsinki, Finland Day 1: Policy-day The day focuses on an overall debate on expected results…2012-10-29
Midt Term ConferenceAll the Energy & Transport projects will be invited to present their projects and expected or final results. The Board of the programme will also be present. More information on…2012-10-17
Project Conference in Bioenergy PromotionProject Conference in Skaraborg, Sweden 17-19 October 20122012-10-17
Innovation within renewable energyPlace: Oslo Location: The Oslo Opera and Ballet Date: 16. Oct. 2012 Time: 09:00 – 15:30 Number of delegates is only 200 people, so do not miss out on the…2012-10-16
First Annual Seminar for Technology Opportunities in Nordic Energy System Transitions, October 2012Throughout the project's duration, TOP-NESt will arrange annual seminars realted to the project themes and aims. The first is set for 11-12 October, in Espoo. A number of meetings and…2012-10-11
Skogbränsle och bioenergisystemNordisk energiforskning finansierar ett fyraårigt (2011-2014) forskningsprogram ENERWOODS (Wood based energy systems from Nordic forests) kring förbättrad råvaruförsörjning och biomassaproduktion för energiändamål från de nordiska skogarna. Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet och Skogforsk…2012-08-28
Midnight Sun Seminar 2012Norut Narvik research institute is hosting two days of new knowledge, new acquaintances and new cooperation possibilities within solar energy. The seminar aims at gathering representatives from the research sector…2012-08-23
New challenges for sustainable forestrySNS 40-years jubilee conference Mr. Palle Madsen, University of Copenhagen, will give a pressentation on High productive forestry for a sustainable future, whcih is part of the Research Programmes - Sustainable Energy…2012-07-03
Energy Technology Perspectives 2012Pathways to a Clean Energy System Time: 10:00 – 11:40, 19 June 2012 Place: City Conference Centre (Norra Latin), Stockholm Welcome to a presentation of the International Energy Agency…2012-06-19
Technoport Talks Zero RallyTechnoport, together with Zero, The Green Highway and SINTEF, welcome business leaders, researchers, public decision makers and students to Technoport Talks Zero Rally, 15 June in Trondheim. The Talks will…2012-06-15
Teknologisk møteplass: Biodrivstoff og annen bioraffineringTeknologisk møteplass fortsetter med dette sin seminarserie der hovedhensikten er å etablere arenaer der forskningsmiljøer og næringsaktører kan møtes for innsikt i hverandres forskningsresultater teknologiske utfordringer teknologiske løsninger kommersielle ambisjoner…2012-06-14
EURELECTRIC – annual convention & conferenceThe energy challenges confronting Europe and the world today require urgent and ambitious decisions by politicians and industry alike. Read more..2012-06-04
Nationella Vindkraftkonferensen 2012Konferensen är en källa till kunskap och inspiration, en mötesplats och kontaktforum för alla aktörer i branschen, såväl befintliga som potentiella – Från projektörer, tillverkare och underleverantörer, konsulter, entreprenörer, intresse-…2012-05-23
Icewind project meeting in ReykjavikIcewind project meeting, one of the Top Level Research Initiative projects, in Reykjavik, Iceland2012-05-22
Grønn bil-konferanseDeltagelse av projekter under forskningsprogrammet Energi & Transport2012-05-22
Panel meetings in BrusselsLise Jørstad is acting as an expert for the European Commission and evaluating proposals for energy research projects in the 7th Framework Programme. She will be taking part at panel…2012-05-21
TransnovakonferansenFor første gang inviterer Transnova til en heldags konferanse med fokus på innovative, bærekraftige mobilitetsløsninger. Påfølgende dag vil det også bli holdt et søkerseminar med veiledning for de som vurderer…2012-05-09
26th International Electric Vechicle SymposiumThe research programme Energy & Transport will be present with a poster dialog session at 26TH INTERNATIONAL ELECTRIC VEHICLE SYMPOSIUM the worlds largest EV conference. Visit EVS262012-05-06
Technoport 2012Technoport 2012 - Sharing Possibilities is an international conference on climate solutions. The conference gathers some of the brightest minds in research, industry, and politics for lectures, discussions and debates…2012-04-16
Nordisk Råd TemasessionTemaet er Arktis når Nordisk Råd samles til sin første årlige temasession den 23. marts på Island. Plenardebatten, som kommer til at handle om arktiske spørgsmål i forbindelse med blandt…2012-03-23
EnergiUtblick 2012Energiutblick vänder sig till företag, myndigheter, forskare och andra offentliga och privata aktörer för vilka energifrågan har en viktig roll. Konferensen vänder sig också till universitet, högskolor och intresseorganisationer inom både energibranschen…2012-03-13
Bioenergy Promotion – Kick-offThe work, started during the Bioenergy Promotion-project, will be continued in the framework of the “extension stage” instrument of the Baltic Sea Region Programme. The objective of the project activities…2012-03-07
Seminar: Wind power in cold climateNordic Energy Research is hosting a seminar, in Copenhagen, Denmark, on wind power in cold climates2011-12-01
2nd Annual Conference Top Level Research InitiativeWhat results has the Nordic Top-level Research Initiative (TRI) achieved? This and more will be discussed at the second annual conference of the Top-level Research Initiative, to be held in…2011-11-28
Nordic Council’s Session 2011Folketinget, the Danish Parliament, in Copenhagen will be the arena for the Nordic Council Session which takes place 1 - 3 November. Nordic parliamentarians will spend three days discussing Nordic…2011-11-01
CanNord 2011- Canada and Nordics Sustainable Solutions for Future CitiesA two day conference about green opportunities and solutions in Canada and the Nordic region will take place in Toronto 23rd to 24th of March 2011. The CanNord Sustainable Days…2011-03-23
Conference on Nordic Energy Cooperation – building a stronger Nordic cooperation in renewable energy and electricity market developmentThe Nordic Council of Ministers working groups for the electricity market and renewable energy hereby invite you to discuss the development of the Nordic electricity market, and the development of…2010-12-02
Information meeting for Sustainable Energy Systems 2050 callAn information meeting will be held on the 8th of November in Stockholm for Nordic Energy Research‘s new call for proposals. The call is entitled Sustainable Energy Systems 2050 and…2010-11-08
25-year Anniversary ConferenceIn 2010 Nordic Energy Research celebrates 25 years as a major Nordic player in the energy field. This will be celebrated with a lunch to lunch conference 25th to 26th…2010-10-25
Nordic-Chinese Energy & Climate DayBringing together ministers, business leaders, researchers and other key stakeholders from China and the Nordic region. The event will focus on how greater Chinese-Nordic cooperation and interaction can contribute to…2010-06-25
Future Climate and Renewable Energy: Impacts, Risks and AdaptationDid you know that Climate Change will increase the potential for production of renewable energy? Find out more at this conference organized by the Nordic Energy Research funded project: Climate…2010-05-31
Nordic Energy PerspectivesNordic Energy Perspectives invites you to a conference in Stockholm on the theme: Towards a Sustainable Nordic energy system. Nordic Energy Perspectives (NEP) is an interdisciplinary Nordic energy research project…2010-04-27