Seminar on Nordic Bioeconomy Strategy

The bioeconomy is growing rapidly in these years, due to many potential solutions that the bioeconomic sectors can offer in terms of creating a sustainable and circular economy, enable rural development and green growth, and tackle environmental challenges and mitigating climate change.

The Nordic countries are in many areas among the frontrunners in the development of bioeconomy. This position may, however, be strengthened even further by a closer collaboration between Nordic companies, research institutions, regulators and other organizations and contribute to smarter and more sustainable societies.

Thus, The Nordic Council of Ministers has decided to establish a Nordic Bioeconomy Panel, and has asked the panel to prepare a proposition for a new, Nordic Bioeconomy Strategy. The strategy shall include the areas which are agreed upon to be of Nordic use to supplement the national and local polices and initiatives.

The secretariat of the Nordic Council has asked Rambøll Management Consulting to assist in the process of preparing the new Nordic Bioeconomy Strategy. As part of this preparation, an analysis of the current state of the national bioeconomy policies and initiatives in the Nordic region as a means to identifying possible areas of Nordic collaboration is currently being conducted.

As a conclusion to this analysis and as a step in the preparation of the strategy, a one-day conference on the Nordic Bioeconomy Strategy will be held in Copenhagen on January 19th.


One main part of the conference – which will be attended by stake holders from industry, organizations, research communities, civil societies and regulators – will consist of a presentation of the findings of the ongoing analysis.

The second main part of the conference will be a workshop discussing these two important questions:

  • In which bioeconomic sectors do the Nordic countries have competitive strongholds that may be further enhanced by a Nordic Bioeconomy Strategy?
  • Which types of collaboration would supply most added value in addition to the national efforts – such as research and development, marketing of new products, partnerships and knowledge sharing?
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Location: Nordic Council of Ministers, Ved Stranden 18, Copenhagen, Denmark