Open call: Research projects within the Joint Baltic-Nordic Energy Research Programme
Nordic Energy Research is pleased to announce a new call for proposals within the framework of the Joint Baltic-Nordic Energy Research Programme, in partnership with the Ministry of Energy of the…
Nordic Energy Research is pleased to announce a new call for proposals within the framework of the Joint Baltic-Nordic Energy Research Programme, in partnership with the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania. The call hopes to fund up to three research consortia with Nordic and Lithuanian partners devoted to key energy challenges facing the entire Baltic and Nordic regions.
Deadline for applications is 3 April 2024. The projects selected for funding are planned to start on 1 June 2024.
Read more and apply for the call here

Photo credit: Dominika Kukułka via Pixabay.
Background and aim of the call
The aims of the Joint Baltic-Nordic Energy Research Programme is to promote energy research and analysis in the Baltic states and inspire intra-Baltic and Baltic-Nordic collaboration.
The Baltic and Nordic region face several similar challenges regarding the future of their energy systems. The European Green Deal, with the EU’s goal of 55% less net greenhouse gas emissions compared to 1990 levels, as well as the Energy Trilemma set an international context in which further cooperation can thrive.
After a successful three rounds of calls within the framework of the Joint Baltic-Nordic Energy Research Programme, Nordic Energy Research and the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania have decided to renew their cooperation with a new open call for proposals. The new period for cooperation is 2024-2027.
For information on previous activities within the Joint Baltic-Nordic Energy Research Programme and other funded activities can be found on this page.
Thematic Scope
Within the framework of the Joint Baltic-Nordic Energy Research Programme, key clean energy technologies (CET’s) have been outlined where both the Baltics and the Nordics will have most to gain from collaboration. These areas for joint development of CET’s are highlighted in the 2022 report of this Programme “Baltic-Nordic Roadmap for Co-operation on Clean Energy Technologies”.
The thematic scope of this call is limited to one (or more) of the following areas of key interest:
- The renewable hydrogen economy (including electrolysers and storage technologies), other E-fuels and gases (including ammonia, e-methanol and synthetic methane);
- Regional energy infrastructure and digitalisation;
- Carbon capture;
- On- and off-shore wind power development and renewable energy production;
- Storage solutions, including batteries.
The scope of the call covers technical/natural sciences and social science-based research on energy. These projects should aim to address research questions from a Baltic-Nordic perspective, and to focus on regional perspectives or to solve questions that will result in added Baltic-Nordic knowledge. The research questions should support the Nordic Vision 2030 to become the most sustainable and integrated region in the world, and the Baltic objectives 2030 based on their National Energy and Climate Plan documents (NECPs). The outcomes of the projects should indicate which actions are suggested to be taken by the Baltic-Nordic region as a whole, to solve the common challenges in energy.
The energy transition requires solutions that can be applied to the national and regional energy systems. Projects are therefore encouraged to deliver research-based policy recommendations as part of their projects.
Financial Framework
This call of 8,2 million NOK aims to support 3 projects. Each project can be eligible for funding up to 2,72 MNOK for the project period (up to 2 years).
Research consortia partners based in Lithuania and the Nordics (the Nordic countries are defined here as Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and the autonomous areas of Greenland, the Faroe Islands and the Åland Islands) are eligible for funding. Lithuanian research institutions are encouraged to apply for the role as host institution (Project Owner). Other Baltic states and Partners outside the Baltic and Nordic states may participate in the research consortium but are not eligible for funding from this call.
Researchers and research groups must be based at institutions of higher education, other research institutions, public or private enterprises or other organisations with a strong research focus. Grants to partners outside this definition are limited to the equivalent of 200 000 EUR (approximately 2,2 MNOK) per partner per 3 fiscal year period in accordance with EU/EFTA regulations on de minimis aid.
Co-financing is encouraged but is not required. 100 % of project costs are eligible for funding for research organisations as defined above, having in mind that EU/EFTA regulations on de minimis aid might apply.
Call webinar
Nordic Energy Research is organizing a webinar on Thursday, 14 March 2024, at 10.00 (CET), on the open call under the Joint Baltic-Nordic Energy Research Programme. All interested parties are encouraged to attend.
The webinar will provide an overview of:
- The aims of the open call
- The thematic scope of the open call
- The eligibility requirements
- The application process
There will be set time aside for questions.