EnerDigit Joint Call 2023
The EnerDigit Joint Call 2023 on digital transformation for green energy transition is now open for applications. Nordic Energy Research acts as Call Management for the EnerDigit Joint Call 2023…
The EnerDigit Joint Call 2023 on digital transformation for green energy transition is now open for applications. Nordic Energy Research acts as Call Management for the EnerDigit Joint Call 2023 and invites all interested to apply.
Projects answering to this call are expected to address key challenges and opportunities relating to one or more of the objectives of the call, which include aspects related to social sustainability, energy- and ICT infrastructure or energy marketplaces, business models, and communication.
Deadline for project proposals is 12 September 2023, at 14:00 (CEST).
Read more and apply for the call here

ERA-Net Smart Energy Systems launched the additional joint call on 13 June. Read ERA-Net’s announcement of the call here and the full call text here.
This EnerDigit additional joint call is designed to encourage short and impactful projects, focusing on creating value based on how well that new product or service will allow consumers and businesses to participate in supporting the EU clean energy goals.
As Call Management for the EnerDigit Joint Call 2023, Nordic Energy Research is happy to answer questions related to the call and application procedure. We strongly encourage applicants to contact their national contact points from the involved funding agencies, to make sure that all national requirements are followed. Further information for applicants is available at the application portal Insight.
Nordic organizations can participate in proposals, but will have to secure their own funding, which will count as in-kind for the project budget. Nordic countries will also not count towards the eligibility requirement of two different nations represented in the consortium.
For further information, please contact Senior Adviser Lise Nielson at lise.nielson@nordicenergy.org.