Joint call of €40 million for transnational smart grids projects (CLOSED)
ERA-Net Smart Grids Plus launches a call for proposals for European transnational projects on smart grids. European research consortia are invited to submit Project Outlines by 8 April 2015. Nordic…
ERA-Net Smart Grids Plus launches a call for proposals for European transnational projects on smart grids. European research consortia are invited to submit Project Outlines by 8 April 2015.
Nordic Energy Research, in cooperation with NordForsk, is facilitating the call process on behalf of the ERA-Net Smart Grids Plus partners.
This initiative will, beyond the funding made available for projects, also implement advanced and innovative follow-up, monitoring and transfer activities to create an ERA-Net Smart Grids Plus Knowledge Community that contributes to smart grids development scaling-up and replication on a European level.
Call aim
ERA-Net Smart Grids Plus is an initiative of funding programmes from 20 European countries and regions, co-funded by the European Commission under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (topic LCE-18-2014, ERA-Net Co-fund). The overall goal of ERA-Net Smart Grids Plus is to support deep knowledge-sharing between European smart grids initiatives by promoting and financing joint projects. This document is an invitation to respond to the 2015 joint transnational call for smart grids projects in Europe. The total available budget is approximately €40 million.