Call for proposals: Research projects within the joint Baltic-Nordic Energy Research Program for 2022-2023
Nordic Energy Research is issuing a call for proposals for research projects within the joint Baltic-Nordic Energy Research Program. The thematic scope of the call is limited to one (or…
Nordic Energy Research is issuing a call for proposals for research projects within the joint Baltic-Nordic Energy Research Program.
The thematic scope of the call is limited to one (or more) of the following four areas:
- Decarbonization of the transport sector
- Energy efficiency in buildings and industry
- Energy system analysis
- Challenges and opportunities for regional electricity grids
The scope of the call covers technical/natural sciences and social science-based research on energy. These projects should aim at addressing research questions from a Baltic-Nordic perspective that adds new Baltic-Nordic knowledge. The research questions should support the Nordic Vision 2030, to become the most sustainable and integrated region in the world, and the Baltic 2030 objectives 2030 based on National energy and climate plans (NECP documents). The outcomes of the projects should indicate the measures proposed by the Baltic-Nordic region as a whole, to address the common future energy challenges.
Financial framework
This call of 5,25 million NOK aims to support three research projects of up to two years in length.
Each project can be eligible for funding of up to 1,75 MNOK for the project period (up to 2 years).
Read the full call text and apply.
NERs standard contract can be found here.