Call for proposals involving Nordic or Nordic-Baltic PhD and Researcher mobility and Networking activities
Introduction The Nordic countries have a unique and long-standing cooperation on energy, which has created a solid foundation for the development of a sustainable and secure energy supply in the…
The Nordic countries have a unique and long-standing cooperation on energy, which has created a solid foundation for the development of a sustainable and secure energy supply in the region. Now it is time to take the next step and further the Nordic energy cooperation with the green transition as the new framework.
The green transition is a process of changing our production, our way of thought, our investments, and our institutions for a sustainable future. In that future, the Nordic countries aim at being decarbonized, while still being competitive and socially sustainable. Energy research cooperation within the Nordic region can facilitate and create the knowledge base needed for a fast and optimal green transition. Nordic Energy Research wants to shape innovative research and promote research collaborations with exciting perspectives which, in turn, can bring added value to the Nordic region. In addition, Nordic Energy Research works actively to establish energy research cooperation between Baltic and Nordic countries. To follow up on this, we include Nordic-Baltic cooperation in the PhD and researcher mobility and network activities.
Read the full call text and submit your proposal in the application form.
Aim of the call
The call is being launched to promote collaboration and coordination of energy research in the Nordic and Nordic-Baltic regions through mobility and networking grants for PhD students and researchers.
The aims and objectives of PhD and researcher mobility projects are:
- to develop, facilitate and create frameworks for collaboration and cooperation between research groups at higher education institutions, research institutions or industry in the Nordic and Nordic-Baltic regions;
- to offer mobility support to PhD students and/or researchers and to facilitate the creation of useful networks which bring added Nordic/Nordic-Baltic value to national research work.
The key areas of research should be within one or more of the following:
- Digitalisation;
- Energy markets;
- Energy storage;
- Green transport;
- Bioenergy; or
- Carbon capture, use and storage.
We welcome cooperation in all academic approaches, e.g., engineering, natural science, social science, economics, or law; as well as interdisciplinary approaches.
Financial framework
Under this call, there is a total of NOK 6 million available for projects coordinated by Nordic or Nordic-Baltic constellations. Of this, NOK 1 million is specifically reserved for partners in Nordic-Baltic projects.
Applicants should note that Nordic Energy Research’s purpose is to support projects with a duration of approximately two-three years, with an ending at 31.12.2024 at the latest. A maximum of NOK 1 million is available per project for the entire project period.
Eligible project partners and eligible costs
In this call, Nordic Energy Research will fund PhD student and researcher mobility projects that are targeted towards research groups at higher education institutions (HEIs) in the Nordic countries, their autonomous areas and in the Baltic countries. The projects must be led by HEIs that are formally recognised by national authorities and must offer research-based education at PhD level. Where relevant, applicants are encouraged to include industrial and other partners.
It is a prerequisite that the PhD student or researcher receiving mobility grants have existing funding in the form of salaries or scholarships.
The financial support from Nordic Energy Research can be used for the following:
- Planning, preparatory measures and salaries while setting up and managing a Nordic or Nordic-Baltic network;
- Accommodation, travel costs and speaker allowance for physical/digital summer schools and courses, seminars, or similar activities;
- Accommodation and travel costs for supporting mobility for PhD students;
- Accommodation and travel costs for supporting mobility for researchers.
Please note that it is possible to seek funding for projects involving one, all or any combination of mobility/networking activities.
Submission of proposals & timing of the call
Proposals must be submitted electronically through the Application Portal accessible via www.nordicenergy.org by 28.10.2021. Deadline for submitting proposals is 13:00 CEST.
Nordic Energy Research will take the final funding decision based on the ranking of the external experts and grant awards are tentatively planned to be announced within three months after the submission deadline.
Important milestones
- 16 August 2021 – Opening of call
- 4 October 2021 – Informative webinar
- 28 October 2021 – Deadline for submissions
- 29 October – 10 December 2021 – Eligibility and evaluation period
- 17 December 2021 – Decision of funding is conveyed
- 28 February 2022 – Expected project start at the latest
Read the full call text and submit your proposal in the application form.
Management roles in the project
Project Owner:
The legal entity (e.g., university, university college, research centre, or other research organization) having the overall responsibility of the project.
The formal applicant (Project Owner) must be a Research Performing Organisation (RPO).
Project Manager:
The person who, on behalf of the Project Owner, is responsible for the professional implementation, progress, and completion of the Project
Project Partners:
The entities which participate in the Project having committed themselves contractually to contribute with professional and/ or with financial resources to the Project Owner for the implementation of the Project.
The entities which participate in the Project having voluntarily committed themselves to contribute with resources. Not eligible for funding. The Project should not be dependent on professional or other contributions from Observers.