After a record-breaking expression of interest with 96 applicants requesting a total of 2,15 billion NOK, Nordic Energy Research selected three projects to serve as ”Flagships” for Nordic research cooperation in energy for the coming 4-year period.

The selected projects represent 87 million NOK in funding and will develop knowledge in areas critical to further steps in Nordic energy system transition:

  • Flexibility for integrating variable renewable energy through enhanced interaction of markets for electricity, heat, gas, and transport.
  • Achieving an energy-efficient and low-carbon transport system which contributes to a broader clean energy system
  • Enabling negative CO₂emissions through the use of Chemical-Looping Combustion of biomass (Bio-CLC)

The projects have an impressive range of partners including top-level research institutions, industry as well as civil society. This range will enable a rigorous scientific basis applied to practical industrial challenges. The inclusion of NGOs in the project teams and ambitious dissemination plans will assist in achieving effective communication to both policymakers and non-specialist audiences.

We are convinced that the new insights emanating from these projects as they progress will assist stakeholders and decision-makers in creating a better foundation for effective policies to meet or achieve the ambitious climate and energy goals set by the Nordic countries”, says Hans Jørgen Koch, CEO at Nordic Energy Research.



Flex4RES will demonstrate how the challenge of integrating high shares of variable renewable energy in the energy system can be handled efficiently through a stronger coupling of energy markets across the Nordic region, thereby facilitating a zero-carbon energy transition.

Pathways towards coherent, flexible Nordic energy systems encompassing the electricity, heat, gas, and transport sectors are identified by combining technical analysis of flexibility potentials, economic analysis of markets and regulatory frameworks, as well as energy system modelling quantifying impacts.

A presentation of key features of the project can be downloaded HERE.

On Monday, Klaus Skytte from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) on behalf of the Flex4RES consortium signed the flagships contract with Hans Jørgen Koch, CEO of Nordic Energy Research.



Transforming transport is the next big energy challenge in the Nordic region – not least because the changes needed will critically affect the entire energy system. Shift will develop and apply tools that integrate poorly understood factors – modal shifts, fuel options, new business models and consumer behaviour – into scenario modelling, and carry out in-depth analysis of two key areas: long-haul freight and urban passenger transport. Shift will inform smarter transport and energy policy.

A presentation of key features of the project can be downloaded HERE.

On Wednesday, Markus Wråke from the Swedish Environmental Research Institute (IVL) on behalf of the Shift consortium signed the flagship contract with Hans Jørgen Koch, CEO of Nordic Energy Research.


Negative CO

The Nordic countries have ambitious targets for reductions of their COemissions. This is an enormous technical, economic and political challenge. Heavy industries (metallurgical, cement, chemicals, mining, pulp, paper) are vital to our societies and we also extract fossil fuels.

To make these emission targets attainable, it is clear that affordable technologies for achieving negative COemissions is crucial. Ground-breaking technologies will evolve from the Negative COproject.

A presentation of key features of the project can be downloaded HERE.

On Friday, Anders Lyngfelt and Henrik Thunman from Chalmers University of Technology on behalf of the Negative CO₂consortium signed the flagships contract with Hans Jørgen Koch, CEO of Nordic Energy Research.