Successful final seminar for WP1 in the NEOs programme
Friday the 18th of February marked the day when the final report for WP1 - Bioenergy and links to agriculture & LULUCF in a Nordic context was presented to the…
Friday the 18th of February marked the day when the final report for WP1 – Bioenergy and links to agriculture & LULUCF in a Nordic context was presented to the public. Read the report here.
The report for WP1 is the first of a series of results in the Nordic Energy Outlooks – The Nordic Energy systems programme (NEOs).

Ove Wolfgang, Project Manager from SINTEF Energy Research, opened the seminar, while Kevin Johnsen, Senior Adviser at Nordic Energy Research and administrator of the NEOs programme commented on why Nordic Energy Research initiated the programme:
«Through our work on the Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives reports, we noticed that there was an opportunity for a closer Nordic collaboration within the field of energy system analysis. It has been inspiring to be able to follow this programme from idea, to execution, and now the first results. We trust that this programme will be a success, and contribute to strengthen Nordic cooperation, facilitate syntheses, and bring together national research groups”
About 40 participants from the researcher community and other interested parties took part in the seminar that focused on six presentations:
- Nordic Energy Outlooks – Introduction to the programme presented by Kevin Johnsen, Nordic Energy Research
- Introduction to Work Package 1 presented by Siri Mathisen, SINTEF Energy Research
- Spatial distribution of biogas production potential in the Nordic countries and its impact on land, water, energy, and climate systems presented by Dilip Khatiwada, KTH
- Improving the ON-TIMES model by including factors affecting agricultural biomass potential and their environmental assessments, presented by Pavinee Nojpanya, Akram Sandvall and Elvira Molin, IVL
- Biomass and bioenergy in energy system models for Norway – Status and improvement possibilities presented by Øyvind Skreiberg, Elisa Magnanelli and Sarah Schmidt, SINTEF Energy Research, Ignacio Sevillano, NIBIO
- Learn, share, develop: Danish experience from Work Package 1 presented by Kristoffer Steen Andersen, DEA
The presentations were followed by a lively Q&A-session covering various topics of interest, e.g., how to incorporate results from LCA studies on agricultural residues into general energy system models, while at the same time avoiding double accounting of emissions. Generally, the need for better documentation and more open datasets was emphasised:
“There is a need for better documentation on basically every type of data out there” – Sarah Schmidt, SINTEF.
Read more about the Nordic Energy Outlooks Programme on the programme page.