Success for webinar on Nordic Flagship Projects
In total more than 140 attendees from all the Nordic countries as well as most of the Baltic countries took part in the webinar 15th January 2015 on how to…
In total more than 140 attendees from all the Nordic countries as well as most of the Baltic countries took part in the webinar 15th January 2015 on how to apply for pre-proposals for Nordic Flagship Projects from Nordic Energy Reserach.
The webinar was conducted by senior advisers Benjamin Smith and Leif Christian Jensen, who gave a presentation of the formal requirements and evaluations criteria for applications for pre-proposals for Nordic Flagship Projects. You may download the PowerPoint presentation including notes, as well as see the entire webinar by clicking the links below:
- PowerPoint incl. speaking notes
- Recording of webinare (Running time is 1 hour)
- Questions and answers
The call for Nordic Flagship Projects
If you wish to familiarize yourself with the call text and supporting documentation we invite you to visit the call homepage.
For more information on the call contact senior advisers Benjamin Donald Smith and Leif Christian Jensen