Substantial interest in smart grid issues
The 3rd call under ERA-NET for the issues on smart grids yielded an impressive interest from all participating countries. In total 16 projects applied for funding, reaching a total of…
The 3rd call under ERA-NET for the issues on smart grids yielded an impressive interest from all participating countries. In total 16 projects applied for funding, reaching a total of 16 million EURO.
The aim of the call is to fund research projects, which support joint European research on smart grid issues. At least three partners from three different participating countries must participate in each project. The following countries took part in the call: Croatia, Denmark, Poland, Norway, Sweden and Turkey. The total funding budget was set at € 3 200 000.
What is SmartGrids ERA-Net?
The SmartGrids ERA-Net (2008-2012) is an EU initiative that aims at contributing to European research cooperation in the area of smart grids. It provides co-ordination of related research activities within national public (co)funded research and development schemes. The initiative creates a network of programme managers, closely connected to policy makers and industry that undertakes joint activities.
The SmartGrids ERA-Net is actively cooperating with existing smart grid activities organised under the SET-plan/EU Electricity Grid Initiative (EEGI) and the European Technology Platform (ETP). In addition, an alignment with the existing FP7 ongoing research projects will be sought.
Areas under the call were
Focus areas of the 3rd SmartGrids ERA-Net call were:
- Efficient operation of active distribution networks
- Smart retail and consumer technologies and services, including smart metering hereunder costs & benefits, customer aspects, user behaviour, and flexible demand and energy management strategies in an energy market environment
- Information and communication technology (ICT) tools for smart grids
- Interface between the grid and the end-users, including aspects related to security, privacy, regulation and business cases
- Storage and balancing.