Workshop: Nordic Carbon Neutrality – from words to action
Nordic Energy Research and the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Stockholm have the pleasure of inviting you to a lunch seminar
Nordic Energy Research and the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Stockholm have the pleasure of inviting you to a lunch seminar.

At the seminar the report “Hydrogen, electrofuels and CCUS in a Nordic context” is presented – a report prepared by COWI on the initiative of the Danish Energy Agency and the Swedish Energy Agency.
Register here and join the seminar in Stockholm, Friday March, 25th.
The report provides an overview of Nordic activities in the field of hydrogen, electrofuels and CCUS and presents a number of recommendations for how the Nordic countries individually and together at international level can contribute to increased production, distribution and use of hydrogen, electrofuels and CCUS.
Program 11.30 – 13.30:
11.30 – 12.15:
Registration and light lunch
12.15 – 13.30:
Welcome by Ambassador Aud Kolberg
Introduction by
Robert Andrén, Director General, Swedish Energy Agency
Kristoffer Böttzauw, Director General, Danish Energy Agency
Two panels followed by debate:
1) Sectors with challenges
Energy: Ulf Wikström, hållbarhetchef, Stockholm Exergi
Steel: H2 Green Steel
Concrete: Per Brevik, CEO, Norcem Brevik
2) Sectors with solutions
Carbon capture: Representative from CarbFix on video from Iceland
E-fuels: Åsa Håkansson, Preem
Carbon transportation and storage: Kim Bye Bruun, Myndighetskontakt, Northern Lights, Norway
E-fuels: Peter Markussen, Senior Director, Energy Islands, Denmark
The seminar will be conducted in the Nordic languages.
Early registration is recommended. Seats are limited.
Please note, that the event takes place at the Norwegian embassy in Stockholm. The event will not be live streamed, but it will later be possible to watch an edited recording of the event at www.nordicenergy.org.
Register here and join the seminar in Stockholm, Friday March, 25th.