See the presentations from the Agent-GIS 5GDHC workshop
On 17 January, Tallinn University of Technology, the project owner of the Agent-GIS-5GDHC project, invited interested stakeholders to take part in Agent-GIS 5GDHC (5th generation district heating and cooling) project…
On 17 January, Tallinn University of Technology, the project owner of the Agent-GIS-5GDHC project, invited interested stakeholders to take part in Agent-GIS 5GDHC (5th generation district heating and cooling) project dissemination workshop. The workshop was organised on Teams.

The project manager, Anna Volkova, professor at Tallinn University of Technology, opened the workshop by giving a welcome and an introduction to the Agent-GIS 5GDHC project. Other project participants followed with detailed presentations on “Technical performance analysis of 5GDHC”, “GIS map of 5GDHC agents and potential for the Baltic region”, “Barriers and drivers for 5GDHC implementation” and “Business models for 5GDHC”. At the end, Professor Gert Moermans from VITO, Belgium, had been invited to give good practice examples from 5GDHC projects outside the Baltic-Nordic region.
With well over 100 participants, with a strong presence from the private sector as well as academia, the workshop can be regarded as a success!
Access the presentations: