Secretary General of The Nordic Council Kristina Háfoss visits Nordic Energy Research
On 16 May, Nordic Energy Research was delighted to have Kristina Háfoss, Secretary General of The Nordic Council, as a guest at the Nordic Center in Oslo. During her visit, Háfoss…
On 16 May, Nordic Energy Research was delighted to have Kristina Háfoss, Secretary General of The Nordic Council, as a guest at the Nordic Center in Oslo. During her visit, Háfoss became more acquainted with the many activities that Nordic Energy Research carry out.

In company with NordForsk and Nordic Innovation, Nordic Energy Research got to talk about past and ongoing contributions to the Nordic co-operation. Senior Adviser Kevin Johnsen gave Háfoss an introductory overview to Nordic Energy Research’s work, which was followed by presentations of projects exemplifying achievements and aims in the energy sector, namely the Clean Energy Transition Partnership, the Joint Nordic Hydrogen Research Programme, the Joint Baltic-Nordic Energy Research Programme, the Nordic Energy Trilemma, and Nordsyn.
The highlighted activities piqued Háfoss’ interest, giving her greater insight into who we are and what we do. Nordic Energy Research is pleased to be part of and strengthen the close collaboration with the Nordic Council, and would like to thank the Secretary General for a valuable meeting and fruitful discussions!