Roadmap for reaching the 2030 Vision
The second and final session of the Nordic Electricity Market Forum was held Friday 19th of March. As usual the forum was organized by the Nordic Electricity Market Group and…
The second and final session of the Nordic Electricity Market Forum was held Friday 19th of March. As usual the forum was organized by the Nordic Electricity Market Group and ended with a lot of good suggestions on how to improve the Nordic electricity markets in the future. The suggested ideas and proposals will be integrated into an updated Roadmap to meet the vision of the Nordic electricity markets for 2030.

“We are fortunate to have such committed people in the Nordic electricity sector, who eagerly contribute to a common Nordic vision. Let’s get started, there’s work to be done,” says Tatu Pahkala, chair of the Electricity Market Group.
An online forum in two sessions
The first session was held in February with an overall theme of flexibility. Catharina Sikow-Magny, Director of the European Commission gave a presentation on European regulatory developments, and Afry provided Nordic analysis and then the participants could let their ideas flow in breakout sessions discussing three different aspects of flexibility.
The Nordic Electricity Market Forum 2021 started in February with the first online session under the heading Flexibility. Catharina Sikow-Magny, Director of the European Commission was invited to give a speech focusing on European regulatory developments. After this, the consulting firm Afry delivered a Nordic analysis and the first online session ended with the participants discussing various aspects of flexibility in breakout sessions.
The second online session, however, used the material from the first breakout sessions and written contributions by several stakeholders to form an updated roadmap for the Electricity Market Group. During the second online session, the participants suggested specific action points for the Electricity Market Group, NordREG and the Nordic TSOs.
The final roadmap will be presented for the Ministerial Council in September and is decisive for how the stakeholders will work to improve the Nordic electricity market in the years to come.