Reply: Conclusions on biofuels too generalizing
Researchers at Chalmers claim that biofuels are more harmful to the climate than fossil diesel fuels. Shift researcher Julia Hansson and Shift partner Jacob Lagercrantz both disagree
“Searchinger and Wirsenius neglects several important aspects in their opinion piece in Dagens Nyheter in December 13th. They have not justly evaluated future possibilities for biofuels and their conclusions on climate performance are totally misleading. We strongly emphasize that biofuels has an important role to play in the transport sector climate”, Shift project manager Julia Hansson writes in a reply with 13 researchers on DN Debatt December 14.
Shift partner 2030-sekretariatet also replies in Dagens Nyheter together with 11 partner companies: “Searchingers och Wirsenius’ methodology is dishonest since it draws from the worst examples of biofuel production and much unlikely alternative scenarios. It’s an absurd methodology.”