Oslo conference concludes the NETP 2016 tour
The launching of the Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives 2016 report was rounded off at Litteraturhuset in Oslo on Monday at a combined event with the launch of the IEA’s global…
The launching of the Nordic Energy Technology Perspectives 2016 report was rounded off at Litteraturhuset in Oslo on Monday at a combined event with the launch of the IEA’s global Energy Technology Perspectives. The Norwegian Minister of Oil and Energy, Tord Lien, opened proceedings with a presentation emphasising the need for continued collaboration between the Nordic countries, and the value of reports like the NETP and the ETP.
I believe it’s fair to say that, for a decade or so, Energy Technology Perspectives of the IEA has provided people like me – ministers, members of parliament, and also members of the academic community – with up to date and profound analysis of the global energy systems. Through this, decision makers like us have a better understanding of what kind of decisions should be made today in order reach our energy and climate goals of tomorrow.
Tord Lien
Mr. Lien went on to say that while many European countries struggle with the question of how to become more energy independent, the Nordic countries have benefitted from the fact that they “are really neither dependant or independent, but inter-dependant.”
The Minister’s remarks were followed by a presentation of the report’s findings by Kamel Ben Naceur (IEA), Hans Jørgen Koch (NER) and Markus Wråke (IVL). The floor was then given over to stakeholders to comment on the findings: Auke Lont, Director at Statnett; Line Almelund Hagen, Managing Director at Intpow; Lasse Fridstrøm, Senior Research Economist at the Institute of Transport Economics; and Ole Løfsæs of Norwegian Industry.
Pernille Aga, project leader for Ruter’s Fossilfri 2020, presented a case for a fully renewable public transport system in Oslo by 2020. Finally, Terje Breivik of Venstre, Geir Lippestad of Arbeiderpartitet/City of Oslo, and Janne Stene of Miljøpartiet De Grønne discussed the what the next steps should be following the report. The event was moderated by Siri Lill Mannes.
Nordic Energy Research and the International Energy Agency have held launch events for NETP 2016 across the Nordic region over the past four weeks. The reception of the report was overwhelmingly positive for each event, with a high level of engagement and discussion of the findings from the speakers, panellists, and audience members.
More information, including a free download of the report, can be found here.