The Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETPartnership) just finished its second annual joint call, where applicants from around the world submit proposals addressing various energy-related challenges. In the first CETPartnership call in 2022, we saw a strong Nordic participation among the projects selected. Now, for the Joint Call 2023, we are pleased to announce an even larger representation by the Nordic countries. In the Joint Call 2023, 62 out of 90 proposals were selected for funding. Notably, 38 (61.2%) of the selected proposals featured at least one Nordic participant.

The Nordic activity supports the region’s strong commitment to energy research and development, as well as its dedication to transnational cooperation as a vital driver of progress in the energy transition.

Claus Meineche, Head of the EUDP secretariat and Danish board member of Nordic Energy Research, elaborates on Denmark’s role in the Nordic involvement in the CETPartnership.

“The Nordic strength in the CETPartnership promotes technology development, research, and innovation, where Denmark plays a central part. We are proud to see many Danish participants taking a leading position, ensuring that we can drive pioneering solutions that set the standard for sustainable energy in Europe and create growth and competitiveness in Danish business,” says Meineche.

We would like to wish all 135 Nordic participants congratulations with their succesful projects!

Claus Meineche, Head of the EUDP secretariat and member of the board of Nordic Energy Research.

Increased project funding through partnership

By participating in the CETPartnership, the Nordic countries are able fund more projects than they could independently. Since the partnership is co-funded by the EU, an additional 30% is added to the overall budget, significantly increasing the number of projects that can be supported. For the Nordic region, this has resulted in an additional € 7 346 433 to finance selected projects, allowing the Nordic countries to fund 32% more projects.

Nordic Energy Research’s role

Nordic Energy Research serves as Call Management in the CETPartnership, and are responsible for administrating and coordinating the funding of calls. This includes managing the application process, ensuring compliance with guidelines, and facilitating independent evaluation of the proposals.

Read more about Nordic Energy Research’s role in the CETPartnership here.