Nordic networks funded within the Top-level Research Initiative
The call for Nordic networks within the sub-programme “Integration of Large-scale Wind Power” closed April 30th 2011. The Programme Committee received a total of 5 applications, and decided to fund three…
The call for Nordic networks within the sub-programme “Integration of Large-scale Wind Power” closed April 30th 2011. The Programme Committee received a total of 5 applications, and decided to fund three projects:
Project name: Integration of wind energy into off and onshore grids
Project leader: DNV Research and Innovation, NO
TFI funding: 725 000 NOK
Project name: Nordic Windpower Operation and Maintenance Network
Project leader: Energi Norge, NO
TFI funding: 900 000 NOK
Project name: Nordic Wind Integration Research Network
Project leader: Elforsk, AB, SE
TFI funding: 815 000 NOK