Nordic Leadership in Sustainable Aviation Fuels ? Policies – Technology options, research needs and markets
Making Nordic aviation sustainable
On 20th November 2018, Nordic Energy Research (NER), Nordic Initiative for Sustainable Aviation (NISA) and Danish Technical University (DTU) organised a workshop at Nordens Hus in Copenhagen to explore policies, technology needs and market development. 60 people from the aviation industry (airline, fuel producers and airports), Nordic aviation administrators and researchers shared their perspectives. This is the last Nordic aviation meeting co-organised by NISA and NER. The point of departure for this program was a meta-study entitled; “Sustainable jet fuel for aviation” (NCM 2016), which was followed by several workshops and conferences.
Workshop Statement
The director of Nordic Energy Research – Mr. Hans Jørgen Koch noted upon the conclusion of the workshop;
“The Nordic countries have a unique opportunity to become a beacon for the aviation industry in their quest to deliver on the Paris agreement. We have access to sustainable biomass, producers that are prepared to ramp up production, aviation administrations and national governments determined to increase the mix of sustainable aviation fuel and also investigate new production routes, including electrification of short-range aviation.”
A comprehensive summary of presentations and discussions at the workshop can be found here.
Programme (link to presentations)
Welcome by Svend Søyland NER, Nordic Energy Research
The Nordic Sustainable Aviation Fuel Outlook, by Martin Porsgaard, NISA
Introduction to Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) , by Hariklia Gavala, Associate Professor, DTU
Aviation and climate challenges – Danish perspectives, Per Henriksen, Danish Aviation
Icelandic Views regarding SAF possibilities by Jón Bernódusson, Islandic Transport Authority
Swedish SAF investigation process and plan by Maria Wetterstrand (appointed by Swedish Government)
Global SAF initiatives: EU RED II, CORSIA, Airbus and Boeing by Frederic Eychenne + Claire H. Guilhot (no presentation available)
Facing the challenge: Decisions, visions and projects in Norway, by Olav Mosvold Larsen, Avinor
Part II Pilot projects & Initiatives – Moderator Anker Degn Jensen, DTU
Sustainable Biorefining Platform, by Lasse Rosendahl Aalborg University
SAS/PREEM Sustainable Aviation Fuel agreement and project by Sören Eriksson, PREEM
Catalytic Pressureless depolymerization by Karl Magnus Mattsson, Swestep
Production- and delivery-solutions from Neste, Finland by Virpi Kröger
Production- and delivery-solutions from AirBP by Thorbjörn Larsson (no presentation available)
Haldor Topsøe views on SAF by Jostein Gabrielsen + Sylvain Verdiér, DTU
Part III SAF technology solutions – Moderator Thomas Petersen, Aalborg University
Catalytic hydro pyrolysis for SAF by Anker Degn Jensen DTU
Biomass gasification as a pathway for SAF, by Jesper Ahrenfeldt DTU
Electrofuels/RE- Fuels/Power to X by Peter Holtappels, DTU
Bio-refining with focus on Biomanufacturing for SAF by Hariklia Gavala DTU
Biobutanol as production pathway by Krist Gernaey/Helena Junicke DTU
CERE Computer Aided Design by Georgios Kontogeorgis + Philip L. Fosbøl DTU
Discussion and questions on presented solutions, – by the moderators
Considerations/inputs from producers, buyers and investors, moderated by Erik Wormslev
Today’s Highlights, wrap up and recommendations by Erik Wormslev, NIRAS and Robert Arendal
Workshop summary NIRAS