Nordic Flagship Event Tour
As the three Nordic flagship projects come to a close they will be presenting their results at various conferences and events across the Nordic and Baltic regions. The projects each…
As the three Nordic flagship projects come to a close they will be presenting their results at various conferences and events across the Nordic and Baltic regions. The projects each address a major challenge for achieving a carbon-neutral Nordic region:
- Flex4RES: How to ensure flexibility in the energy system
- NegativeCO2: Technology for capturing CO2 in combustion of biomass
- Shift: Solutions for urban mobility and for long distance/heavy duty transport
Below is an overview of the “Nordic Flagship Tour.”
Delivering a Carbon-Free Nordic Energy System in 2050 – Outcomes of the Flex4RES Nordic Flagship Project
16. September, Helsinki
This event, led by Professor Peter Lund, and featuring top international experts, will present the results of the Nordic flagship Flex4RES project, which focused on the challenge of how to integrate high shares of variable renewable energy across the Nordic region.
The project demonstrates that this challenge can be handled through a stronger coupling of energy markets across the Nordic region, thus facilitating a zero-carbon energy transition.
Find more information about the event and register here.
Flexibility as enabler for a carbon neutral energy system in the Nordics (Flex4RES)
24. September, Tallin
This event will mark the final milestone of the Flex4RES project and provides a forum for the presentation of the final results and outputs of the project. It will be a further opportunity to continue the exchange and discussions with key stakeholders around the topic of flexibility in a carbon neutral Nordic energy system.
Further details and registration here.
The road to a flexible and climate neutral Nordic energy system – Breakfast seminar (Flex4RES)
24. September, Oslo
How to decarbonize the Nordic energy sector by 2034-2040? How can the Nordics be a driving force? What are the implications of flexibility? And will people accept more windmills and electric wires?
Main organizer: Energi Norge (Energy Norway)
Find more information about the event and register here.
Flexibility as enabler for a carbon neutral energy system in the Nordics (Flex4RES)
30. September, Copenhagen
This event will mark the final milestone of the Flex4RES project and provides a forum for the presentation of the final results and outputs of the project with further special insights from Energistyrelsen. It will be an opportunity to continue the exchange and discussions with key stakeholders around the topic of flexibility in a carbon neutral Nordic energy system.
Find more information about the event and register here.
C40 World Mayor Summit (Shift)
9. October, Copenhagen
Cities will require mobility solutions that are sustainable, affordable, secure and inclusive, and integrated with customer-centric infrastructure and services. This transformation rests on the twin pillars of mobility and energy, which both will require radical adaptation to meet demographic and a low carbon economy without increasing congestion and pollution.
The DTU International Energy Report 2019 will be launched during the summit, with focus on sustainable mobility and transport systems in cities, alternative fuels and active transport models, among other transport related issues. The program will include presentations of the report, international keynote speakers from C40 and big cities. From NEF’s Shift flagship project, Raffaele Salvucci from DTU will present “Global outlook on the transport sector”.
Find more information about the event and register here.
The automotive industry is changing: How can we meet the biggest social challenges? (Shift)
16. October, Göteborg
What does the industry need to do now and in the future? How do we work smarter and faster? At this automotive conference, we discuss the most important trends and take the opportunity to be inspired by projects that actively contribute to the change that the automotive industry needs to make.
The conference focuses on issues and trends that have an impact on the industry.
Find more information about the event and register here.
Baltic Carbon Forum BCF2019 (Negative CO2)
22.-23. October, Tallin
The aim of the conference is to share the latest knowledge on CCS technologies andperspectives for CCUS. In addition to Nordic and Baltic research institutions and companies, a broader view on the matter is presented by the Global CCS Institute.
Main organizer: BASRECCS.
Find more information about the event and register here.
High Tech Summit (Flex4RES)
30.-31. October, Copenhagen
The session focus on dilemmas regarding using “big data” in cities:
On the one hand there is a huge potential for improving management of energy and welfare. On the other hand, there are concerns for protection of the individuals and securing privacy energy efficiency and benefits for the climate.
Based upon the Flex4RES research on energy efficiency there will be presented reflections on this dilemma.
Find more information about the event and register here.
Nordic Bioenergy Conference (Shift)
4.-6. November, Göteborg
“Building a Sustainable European Biofuel Industry”
Bio4Fuels Days 2019 will gather key actors to address the main objective of sustainable biofuel implementation prospects in Norway, Sweden and the UK.
Can the Nordics become CO2 negative by 2040? The role of biomass. This is one of the presentations at the conference, based upon research on Nordic studies of transport, flexibility in heat and power systems, and on bio-based carbon capture. Kenneth Karlson.
6th of November after lunch: Workshops on sustainable biofuels – time to discuss!
Track A: industry and end users
Track B: sustainability throughout the value chain
Find more information about the event and register here.
Nordic Energy Research Forum (Flex4RES, Negative CO2, Shift)
12-13. November, Copenhagen
During the forum we will examine the most cost-effective ways for the Nordic region to carry out the renewable energy transition, and present state-of-the-art joint Nordic research on energy. We will also look at how far the Nordics have come in relation to achieving their ambitious energy and climate objectives.
Main organizer: Nordic Energy Research
Find more information about the event and register here.
Mobility 2020 (Shift)
4.-5. February 2020, Oslo
Mobility 2020 is the Norwegian meeting point for researchers, politicians, private and public sector to discuss important questions regarding mobility, infrastructure with special focus on the climate challenges.
Main organizer: Transportøkonomisk institutt and Opplysningsrådet for veitrafikk
Find more information about the event and register here.
Nordic EV-Summit (Shift)
23.-24th April 2020, Oslo.
Nordic EV Summit has developed to include also European and other international participants involved in the forefront of the electric transport evolution
Find more information about the event and register here.
The 2nd International Conference on negative CO2 emissions (Negative CO2)
12.-15. May 2020, Göteborg
The purpose of this conference series is to bring together a wide range of scientists, experts and stakeholders, in order to engage in various aspects of research relating to negative CO2 emissions. This will include various negative emission technologies, climate modelling, climate policies and incentives.
Find more information about the event and register here.