Nordic EV barometer 2021
Twice as many car buyers in the Nordic region plan to buy an electric car within the next 12 months shows the figures from this year’s EV barometer. The EV…
Twice as many car buyers in the Nordic region plan to buy an electric car within the next 12 months shows the figures from this year’s EV barometer.

The EV barometer 2021 shows that the number of car buyers who consider buying an electric car is increasing in all the Nordic countries. The number of car buyers who want to buy a new electric car has increased from 8 to 16 percentage points since 2019, and the number of car buyers who want a second hand electric car has also increased from 4 to 6 percentage points during the same period.
Norway leads
The demand for electric cars is greatest in Norway. 30 percent of the Norwegians confirm that their next car will be an electric car. As the only country in the Nordic region the demand for electric cars is greater than the demand for cars that run on fossil fuels.
Iceland is number two. 21 percent of the Icelanders say that their next car will be an electric car. In third place is Denmark, where 13 percent of the Danes express that the next car will be an electric car.
With the exception of Iceland and Sweden, the purchase share of cars running on fossil fuels is declining in the Nordic region. Among Icelanders 39 percent say that the next car purchase will be a petrol or diesel car. A small increase compared to the last EV barometer. In Sweden the demand for fossil fuel cars is stable at 34 percent in the years 2020 and 2021.
The market for hybrid cars is largest in Denmark and Iceland, where 25 and 27 percent of the respondents respectively, will prefer a hybrid car as their next car.
The price is an issue
Not surprisingly, it is the price that prevents the Nordic car buyers from choosing green. Among the respondents there are most Finns who express that the price is the reason why the electric car is deselected, while the price has least significance in Iceland.
About the Nordic EV barometer 2021
The Nordic EV barometer 2021 has been carried out by Opinion for the Norwegian Electric Car Association and Nordic Energy Research.
This year’s survey was conducted in April 2021 among a representative sample of the adult population of around 1,000 people in each of the Nordic countries.
Every year, the Nordic EV barometer maps the electric car market and the barriers to buying an electric car in the Nordic countries. This is the fourth time the survey is conducted by Opinion for the Norwegian Electric Car Association and Nordic Energy Research.
The survey is conducted as an online questionnaire, where respondents are asked about next car purchase and the main reason, if the next car purchase is not an electric car.