Nordic Energy Research gathers insights on study trip to Denmark
On 29–31 August, Nordic Energy Research travelled to Denmark for a study trip. The aim of the trip was to gather insights and exchange knowledge with experts in the energy…
On 29–31 August, Nordic Energy Research travelled to Denmark for a study trip. The aim of the trip was to gather insights and exchange knowledge with experts in the energy sector. Additionally, Nordic Energy Research worked together on the priorities for the next strategic period, 2025–2030.

The first stop on the trip was a visit to Aalborg Portland A/S, Denmark’s cement factory. Under the lead of Søren Konstmann Lausen, Technical and Special Projects Business Partner, Nordic Energy Research got an introduction to the company’s climate work and a tour of the plant. The plant produces over 2,650,00 mt of grey and white cement a year and is Denmark’s largest emitter of CO2. On the plant site, Aalborg Portland has constructed a carbon capture pilot with the goal of establishing Denmark’s first large-scale industrial carbon capture facility. By 2030, the goal is to capture at least 400,00 tonnes of CO2, the equivalent of 18 percent of current emissions.

The second study visit went to the Østerild National Test Centre in Thisted, Europe’s largest test centre for large scale wind power. Allan Vesth, Test Centre Manager at DTU Wind Turbine Design Division, welcomed Nordic Energy Research and gave a presentation of the work on the test site. He also shared experiences on acceptance issues gained from the test centre’s close dialogue with the surrounding community. At the centre Nordic Energy Research got the opportunity to see the largest wind turbine up close. Measuring an impressive 280 metres from the foundation to the tip, and with a 15 MW output, it can provide electricity for more than 15 000 Danish houses.

Klaus Skytte, CEO of Nordic Energy Research, summarizes his thoughts after the visits.
“It’s vital for Nordic Energy Research to exchange views and experiences with energy experts in the field. We value the input we have received during this trip on how we can help to enable solutions to shared energy concerns in the Nordic region. To realize Our Vision 2030 of the Nordics as the world’s most sustainable and integrated energy region, it will be essential to assist in resolving these difficulties.”
Klaus Skytte
Nordic Energy Research would like to thank the energy experts for hosting the study trip visits and for sharing important input, which forms a valuable part of the Nordic co-operation in pursuit of a just and green energy transition.
Read more about Nordic Energy Research’s activities in relation to wind power and acceptance here