Nordic Energy Outlooks holds its first webinar
The Nordic Energy Outlooks – Nordic energy system research programme (NEOs) has held its first webinar on 25 February 2021. The purpose of the webinar was to prepare interested applicants…
The Nordic Energy Outlooks – Nordic energy system research programme (NEOs) has held its first webinar on 25 February 2021. The purpose of the webinar was to prepare interested applicants for the application process.

More than 30 interested applicants from several Nordic countries participated in the webinar.
Kevin Johnsen, senior adviser at Nordic Energy Research, presented the background of the call, its aims, and the specific application procedures. The presentation was followed by an active Q&A from the participants.
Download the presentation here.
Join the next webinar
Please join the next webinar on 24 March 2021 – click here and register for free.
Nordic Energy Systems
The aim of the call is to create a forum for collaboration between different groups and institutions researching Nordic energy systems. Any Research Performing Organisation (RPO) with expertise in energy system modelling and that is based in one of the Nordic countries is welcome to apply.
Both individual organisations and consortia of organisations from the same country are welcome to apply.