Nordic Energy Day at COP23
Nordic Energy Research, in collaboration with various partners, presented 5 talks at the Nordic Pavilion in Bonn for COP23. The talks were part of the "Nordic Energy Day" which highlights…
Nordic Energy Research, in collaboration with various partners, presented 5 talks at the Nordic Pavilion in Bonn for COP23. The talks were part of the “Nordic Energy Day” which highlights the work being done in the Nordic region on clean and renewable energy across a number of sectors. Below you will find a short summary of each of the talks, and links to the presentation slides.
“From Vision to Reality: Sahara Forest Project in Jordan – an integrated approach to Water-Energy-Food production and revegetating of desert areas”
This event highlights the public-private partnership between Jordan, Norway, EU, USAID and business stakeholders behind the realization of the operational Sahara Forest Project facility in Aqaba, Jordan. Sahara Forest Project offers integrated solutions and concepts solving Water-Energy-Food Nexus challenges in dry regions of the world by exploring and implementing new ways of farming that curb emissions, restore the land, combat desertification and protect forests.
Sahara Forest Project (Joakim Hauge)
“Tracking progress in the development and deployment of clean energy technology”
The IEA’s annual Tracking Clean Energy Progress (TCEP) report highlights the overall status and recent progress in developing and deploying key clean-energy technologies. Speakers will discuss the value of tracking frameworks for domestic and international action, as well as future challenges.
IEA: Tracking clean energy deployment and development (Peter Janoska)
NDCs implementation and longer-term pathways within the Chinas New Normal (Fu Sha)
UK: Tracking Progress – Measuring Impact (Paul Durrant)
“Electric Maritime Transportation”
Nordic countries – Norway in particular- have during the last three years experienced a surge in new-builds and orders for ships powered by batteries. This session explains how policy frameworks and green procurement practices have fostered the establishment of maritime battery production and a massive electrification of ferries.
Taking the electric revolution to the seas (Jan Kjetil Paulsen)
Yara: Zero Emission Shipping – Dream or Reality? (Berhard Stormyr). Video
PBES Norway: The New Oil – Rapid Marine Evolution in Norway (Brent Perry)
Wartsila: (Egil Hystad)
“China Renewable Outlook 2017”
China Renewable Energy Outlook (CREO 2017) is the China National Renewable Energy Centres (CNREC) outlook for the development of renewable energy in China. The outlook describes the need for energy transition in China, energy system scenarios from 2017 to 2030, and policy measures to implement ambitious targets for renewable energy. This publication is supported by IEA, IRENA, GIZ, CIFF and the Danish Energy Agency.
Executive Summary: China Renewable Energy Outlook
Nordic Clean Energy Progress – Examples from the Nordic cooperation (Hans Jørgen Koch)
“The role of Renewable Energy in Industry”
Reducing long-term greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of the industry sector is one of the toughest challenges of the energy transition. Combustion and process emissions from cement manufacturing, iron and steel-making, and chemical production are particularly problematic. The main finding of this report is that the recent rapid cost reductions in solar photovoltaics (PV) and wind power may enable new options for greening the industry, either directly from electricity or through the production of hydrogen (H)-rich chemicals and fuels.
IEA: Renewable Energy for Industry (Cedric Philibert)
CO2-to-methanol – Nordic technology with global application (Benedikt Stefansson)
Yara Renewable Energy in Industry – ammonia – (Eystein Leren)
HYBRIT – Hydrogen in Steel production (Mårten Görnerup)
Nov 16 “World Energy Outlook 2017”
Selected clips from Fatih Birol’s presentation of the IEA’s World Energy Outlook (closed captions available).