Meet our new colleague and Head of Department, Elvar Valsson. Elvar originates from Akureyri, Iceland, but has lived with his family in Copenhagen the last decade, working for the Nordic Council of Ministers. With his professional knowledge gained there, in addition to many other relevant experiences, he brings valuable experiences to Nordic Energy Research. 

A strategic doer

Elvar describes himself in three words: ambitious, constructive, and positive. He also considers himself a strategic doer that thrives in a dynamic environment and enjoys taking on new challenges.

“These characteristics have been shaped in previous roles, ranging from the Nordic Council of Ministers, the Icelandic Ministry for Business and Industry and the Icelandic innovation environment,” says Elvar.

Outside of work, Elvar has a passion for basketball, outdoor activities, and metal and grunge.

“And – of course – I enjoy spending time with his family. As a father of three boys, the family calendar is quite busy with various activities,” he says.

Elvar Valsson, Head of Department at Nordic Energy Research. 

“It is difficult not to be interested in energy”

Why energy is interesting seems rather obvious to Elvar:

“Fundamentally, energy plays such a vital role in a modern society, with so many aspects to it. From my point of view, it is difficult not to be interested in energy,” he says.

This categorical perspective is however nuanced. Elvar explains that energy is an ever relevant subject of discussion in Iceland, which has made an impact on him.

“Looking back, growing up in Iceland, energy issues have always been a topic of conversation at the kitchen table or in the broader societal debate. As a student in junior college, I had a summer job at the National Power Company (Landsvirkjun) where I had the pleasure of serving different functions and working in the company’s hydro- and geothermal power plants. That did ignite my interest. However, I’m also appealed by how important energy has been in the economic and industrial development in Iceland. Therefore, energy has also been a big issue in the political debate”, says Elvar.

With this in mind, it seems only natural that Elvar’s interest in energy expanded from an Icelandic context into a Nordic one, after his resettlement in Denmark.

“After moving to Denmark in 2016 and learning more about energy in a Nordic context, my interest only grew. This is due to the differences in the national energy systems, but also the potential for increased energy cooperation in the Nordic region, in the form of joint research, transfer of knowledge, and technology development,” says Elvar.

The emphasis Elvar puts on Nordic cooperation, especially regarding energy, is evident. Because of factors such as geopolitical tensions, energy security and technological advancements, the collaboration between the Nordic countries only increases.

“In recent years, regional cooperation has become even more important and energy has become one of the most central issues to address. It is also clear that energy plays a crucial role in the green transition and that it is a key element for implementing the Nordic Vision 2030,” he says.

“Nordic energy cooperation has perhaps never been as important as today”

With Elvar’s experience and profound interest in the Nordics as well as energy, he was naturally inclined to enter Nordic Energy Research. This was amplified by the fact that he’s previously collaborated with Nordic Energy Research during his position at the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Secretariat.

“I’ve been following Nordic Energy Research from a distance since 2011 when I got engaged in the Nordic cooperation, working at the Ministry of Industries and Innovation of Iceland. When I continued to the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Secretariat in 2016, energy policy was a part of my portfolio. I have always found Nordic Energy Research to be a very interesting and competent organisation, in which I could see myself if the opportunity would arise,” Elvar says.

As our Head of Department, Elvar will focus on managing internal processes, overseeing strategic initiatives, and leading engagement with stakeholders – ranging from national ministries and institutions, the Nordic Council of Ministers, and actors involved in Nordic Energy Research’s programmes and projects.

“Of course, these tasks can only be done through collective efforts in Nordic Energy Research, which I am looking forward to. We have a unique position to support and facilitate Nordic energy cooperation, which perhaps has never been as important as today,” says Elvar.

Elvar’s focus contributes to progress and impact

Important as the vision of Nordic Energy Research may be, being new at work always comes with it’s challanges.

“I am still learning and observing as I am only a month into my job at Nordic Energy Research. The main challenge is currently to get the full picture of the organisation’s activities, to understand how these are interrelated, and creating unique contributions of value to the Nordic countries,” says Elvar.

Being the strategic doer that he is, Elvar will undoubtedly tackle these challenges effectively. His constructive and positive character shines through, as he puts focus on the gratifying features.

“The best part of my work is contributing to progress and creating impact. However, during my first few weeks at Nordic Energy Research, the most rewarding part was getting to know my new colleagues and see them in action. I am joining a dynamic organisation, staffed with a very good group of people – both personally and professionally,” he concludes.

  • Name: Elvar Knútur Valsson  
  • Nationality: Icelandic
  • Education: Master’s (M.Sc.) in strategy and management and Executive diploma in public administration
  • Leisure: Basketball, running, outdoor activities, hunting, concerts, enjoying good food and basically whatever family members are up to at any given time