NordGrid call is open – The Nordic TSOs are looking for co-operation
Thursday the 11th of March marks a milestone for the NordGrid Program as the first call opens. Nordic Energy Research is pleased to announce that the Nordic TSOs have shown…
Thursday the 11th of March marks a milestone for the NordGrid Program as the first call opens.

Nordic Energy Research is pleased to announce that the Nordic TSOs have shown a strong support for the program and are open to contributing and collaborating with project applicants.
In this first call, applicants are invited to investigate how to; “Decrease the future digital vulnerability of the Nordic Transmission system”. Later calls within the program will investigate other important challenges.
The NordGrid Program is established by the national financiers together with Nordic Energy Research, and supported by the Nordic TSOs, in order to promote development and demonstration in the field of smart electricity transmission.
Nordic co-operation to develop the electricity infrastructure of the future will reduce overall research and investment costs and increase the speed of innovation. The long Nordic tradition of co-operation on the development and operation of infrastructure and marketplaces is based on common challenges and solutions.
The high level of trust and openness in Nordic societies promotes co-operation and efficiency even when dealing with critical infrastructure such as electricity transmission systems, says Klaus Skytte, CEO, Nordic Energy Research.
Read the full call text and apply here
Co-operation with the Nordic Transmission System Operators (TSOs)
Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact the Nordic TSOs for possible consortium co-operation before applying for funding from one of the National Financiers and Nordic Energy Research.
During the design of the program, Nordic Energy Research and the national financiers have been in dialogue with the Nordic Transmission System Operators (TSOs) to ensure that the program is relevant and have significant impact.
The Nordic TSOs will consider providing to projects either by funding or in-kind contributions.
Financing of and co-operation on a Nordic program for R&D in this field is important for the future Nordic co-operation on the transmission system. We hope that interested research organisations, institutes or businesses will contact our research directors and propose their ideas, states the R&D group of the Nordic TSOs
The call will be presented to interested applicants at a webinar, Monday the 22. of March. At the webinar the Nordic TSOs will also present their own prioritised research topics. Register here
Read more and apply:
All information regarding the call can be found here
Contact and questions:
For questions regarding the call, please contact:
- Kevin Johnsen, Senior Adviser, Mail: kevin.johnsen@nordicenergy.org
- Svend Søyland, Senior Adviser, Mail: svend.søyland@nordicenergy.org
For questions and proposals for co-operation with the TSOs, please contact:
- Energinet, Nicolaj Nørgaard Peulicke, Mail: nnp@energinet.dk
- Fingrid, Jussi Matilainen, Mail: Jussi.Matilainen@fingrid.fi
- Statnett, Anders Granum, Mail: Anders.Granum@statnett.no
- Svenska Kraftnät, Robert Eriksson, Mail: Robert.Eriksson@svk.se