New Nordic Ways to Green Growth (NOWAGG)
This is one 6 projects supported by the Nordic Green Growth Research and Innovation Programme
New Nordic Ways to Green Growth (NOWAGG)
Strengthening the foundation for technological green growth innovation policy.
How to upscale and finance innovative low-carbon and resource-efficient technologies is essential to green growth. Nordic countries are early adopters of novel environmental technologies, and as such serving as a unique laboratory.
This research project will improve the basic understanding needed for policy-making related to promote technological green growth innovations. New types of cooperation between private and public actors could be a key enabler. The project will aim to identify key bottlenecks and options for improvement in existing governance arrangements. The availability of venture capital is essential for
investments in new technologies. Reducing risk will be illustrated by experiences from a range of case studies of recent Nordic environmental technologies.
Green growth may offer an opportunity for otherwise disadvantaged regions to revitalise their trades and industries by switching to more low-carbon bio-based resources, creating a potential for offering novel, high-value commodities.
The output from this project can be used in both the Nordic countries and globally to promote green growth. Experiences from Nordic countries are much needed for a timely de-carbonisation internationally.
Project partners:
* Project leader: Mikael Skou Andersen, Aarhus University, Denmark
* Annica Kronsell, Lund University, Sweden
* Jon Birger Skjærseth, Fridtjof Nansen Institute, Norway
* Patrick Søderholm, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
* Tuula Teräväinen-Litardo, University of Eastern Finland, Finland