What better way to showcase Nordic energy efforts than at the heart of European policymaking, in the City of Brussels? On 11–13 June, the city is hosting the European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) – the biggest annual event dedicated to renewables and efficient energy use in Europe – and Nordic Energy Research will participate together with the Call Management team from the Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETPartnership).

During EUSEW, we will be hosting a stand at the Energy Fair, thereby facilitating opportunities to network and reach out to the community and professionals working in the fields of energy efficiency and renewable energy.

Part of Nordic Energy Research’s stand will be dedicated to promoting the Clean Energy Transition Partnership’s upcoming Joint Call 2024. The CETPartnership pools together regional and national actors from over 30 different countries, to fund a wide range of technologies and system solutions necessary for the energy transition. The Energy Fair serves as a great opportunity to connect with European networks to promote the Joint Call 2024 opening in September.


EUSEW brings attention to the efforts made to accelerate the clean energy transition and achieving climate neutrality by 2050. Nordic Energy Research recognises that reaching net zero is a shared target and endeavour that goes beyond the Nordic region. With many of Nordic Energy Research’s research programmes and calls encouraging consortium building and collaborative efforts across borders, we believe participating at EUSEW will align our work and the global aim to which we contribute.

We hope you come by our stand to say hello and learn more about our activities. See you there!