Kick-off for ”Sustainable Energy Systems 2050”
Project managers from the 10 projects attended the kick-off for the new research portfolio Sustainable Energy Systems 2050, a research portfolio managed by Nordic Energy Research.The event was a good…
Project managers from the 10 projects attended the kick-off for the new research portfolio Sustainable Energy Systems 2050, a research portfolio managed by Nordic Energy Research.The event was a good opportunity for networking; between project managers and Nordic Energy Research, and between the project managers themselves.
The aim of the event was twofold, as it aimed at introducing the 10 very different – yet linked – projects and to allow project members to network and exchange ideas and setup meetings to join and support each other.The 10 projects cover a wide range of innovative research schemes for biomass, solar energy, wind energy and policy advise on the future infrastructure in energy demand and supply.
Breakout Sessions
In the first session the project managers presented their projects. In another session “communicating science” was in focus. The participants were divided into groups discussing how Nordic Energy Research can support the projects in this aspect. The kick-off began with a dinner and introductory words of welcome from director Anne Cathrine Gjærde. The ten funded projects under Sustainable Energy Systems 2050 are:
1. Sustainable transport fuels based on renewable energy and innovative CO2 electrolysis (CO2 electrofuel), project leader: Haldor Topsøe A/S
2. Solar Parks in the North (Northsol), project leader: Norut Narvik
3. Conversion of solar energy to infrastructure-ready transport fuels using aquatic photobiological organisms as the hydrocarbon feedstock producer (Aquafeed), project leader: University of Turku
4. Wood based energy systems from Nordic forests (ENERWOODS), project leader: University of Copenhagen
5. Technology Opportunities in Nordic Energy System Transitions (TOP-NEST), project leader: NIFU
6. High Efficiency Integrated Solar Energy Converter (HEISEC), project leader: VTT
7. Nordic Initiative for Solar Fuel Development (N-I-S-F-D), project leader: Chalmers University of Technology
8. Nordic power road map 2050: Strategic choices towards carbon neutrality (NORSTRAT), project leader: SINTEF
9. Prediction Tools for Offshore Wind Energy Generation (OffWind), project leader: IRIS
10. Smart Transmission Grid Operation and Control (STRONgrid), project leader: NTNU
Visit the programme page to find out more about the projects.