Proceedings from Hydrogen conference on 19th September 2019, Copenhagen
Nordic views on the role of new storage technologies in decarbonising energy systems. The purpose of this seminar was to facilitate good exchange of information and views among governments and…
Nordic views on the role of new storage technologies in decarbonising energy systems.
The purpose of this seminar was to facilitate good exchange of information and views among governments and business stakeholders in the Nordic region. Business leaders highlighted current possibilities and challenges of establishing sustainable new value chains. A special focus throughout the conference was to identify common research and development interests in order to explore opportunities for further Nordic cooperation and research activities in the field.
Experts provided up-to-date insight on the energy transition and the potential role storage technologies like power to x and hydrogen can play in it. Questions such as; What is needed to achieve scale? What are the most promising future fuels and storage options?
The conference was organized by DI Energy, the Danish Energy Association and Nordic Energy Research.
Date: 19th September 2019 Venue: Industriens Hus
Welcome by Troels Ranis CEO, DI Energy and Hans Jørgen Koch, CEO Nordic Energy Research
Moderator Bo Diczfalusy, Senior Adviser, Nordic Energy Research
Opening Keynotes
- “The role of Energy Storage in the European Energy Transition”, Mr Mark van Stiphout, Deputy Head of Unit C2 European Commission (no slides)
- “The Future of Hydrogen.” Dr Uwe Remme, Energy Modeller, Energy Technology Policy Division, International Energy Agency
Country session – Nordic perspectives on storage technologies. Representatives from each country presented their views on the current and future role of hydrogen and other storage technologies.
- Norway: Sveinung Rotevatn State Secretary, Ministry of Climate and Environment Norway (no slides)
- Sweden: Tomas Kåberger, InnoEnergy
- Finland: Timo Ritonummi, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
Policy session – This session provided an overview of the current state and pace of the energy transition. How are Europe and the Nordic region progressing? What role can hydrogen and other storage technologies play in decarbonising various sectors?
- Norway: Steffen Møller-Holst, SINTEF Industry, Sustainable Energy Technology
- Sweden: Anders Lundell, Sandviken Kommune
- Finland: Pia Salokoski, Smart Energy, Business Finland
- Sweden: Anders Lundell, Swedish Hydrogen Association
Topics covered:
- Why do we need hydrogen and power to x? The nexus of energy, climate and industry development.
- Technology update. Mature technologies ready to scale.
- Emerging value chains and markets in the Nordic region.
Business session I – Production Current opportunities and bottlenecks.
Business leaders from various sectors present their activities in the field of hydrogen and other storage technologies, their view on near-term business opportunities in the Nordic region and Europe and provide feedback to policymakers on existing bottlenecks.
- Hydrogen production: Steinar Eikaas, Equinor
- Ammonia production from wind power: Kasper Roed Jensen, Vestas
- Hydrogen production: Bjørn Simonsen, Nel Hydrogen
- Regulatory Affairs: Lykke Mulvad Jeppesen, Ørsted
Business session II –Usage Current opportunities and bottlenecks.
- Energy storage: Claus Møller, Siemens Denmark
- Hydrogen: Tejs Laustsen Jensen, Hydrogen Denmark
- Fuel cells on ships: Johan Burgren, PowerCell
- Fuel cells in aviation: Julian Renz, Zeroavia
Concluding remarks by Sveinung Rotevatn, State Secretary, Ministry of Climate and Environment Norway