Here are the three finalists of Nordic Energy Challenge
This year's edition of the Nordic Energy Challenge – Energy in the Arctic – is drawing to a close. On May 31st, seven applicants qualified for stage two of the…
This year’s edition of the Nordic Energy Challenge – Energy in the Arctic – is drawing to a close. On May 31st, seven applicants qualified for stage two of the Challenge. Now, three finalists have been chosen for the third and final round. We are excited to see which of the remaining candidates will win, which all hold a lot of promise and high quality.
The top three challengers are:
- The Arctic Hydrogen Strategy submitted by Alfred Arnborg
- RESTORING: Renewables and Energy STORage for Isolated Networks’ Greenification submitted by Elisabetta Tedeschi, NTNU
- Renewable energy-hydrogen based microgrid for sustainable Arctic communities submitted by Qianwen Xu and Mengfan Zhang, KTH

The competition has been of high standard, with many creative suggestions. The three finalists demonstrate a very good understanding of challenges and opportunities for energy in the Arctic. Klaus Skytte, CEO of Nordic Energy Research as well as member of this year’s jury, is impressed with the contributions.
“All contributions display a high level of relevance and completeness throughout the process. The candidates’ submissions are coherent and thoroughly worked through, thus demonstrating an overall comprehensiveness in their work. The innovative thinking relates to what is feasible and developable, and regards Nordic added value by not only enhancing Nordic strengths and co-operation, but also addressing Nordic challenges and how the results of their ideas would impact the Nordic region,” Klaus says.
The final participants will be awarded at the conference The Future of Maritime Fuels on the 5–6th of October in Nuuk, Greenland. The best contribution will be awarded with an honorarium of 50,000 NOK, the second best with 20,000 NOK, and the third best with 10,000 NOK.
The conference in Nuuk is open to stakeholders, researchers, and others interested. You are welcome to register for the event here.