FasTen model
FasTen (Fast, flexible, and secure decarbonization of the Baltic states – possible progress in the next Ten years) project investigates the prospects of speeding up the journey towards a decarbonized…
FasTen (Fast, flexible, and secure decarbonization of the Baltic states – possible progress in the next Ten years) project investigates the prospects of speeding up the journey towards a decarbonized Baltic region in the next ten years. Open Baltic Backbone model has been created in the project, covering electricity, district heating, buildings and personal transport of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Please take a look at our files or clone the repository to your local computer to run it.
The two-year project by VTT, RTU and LEI is financed by Nordic Energy Research. The project is ending Dec 2021 and a follow-up project Amber will continue the work.
Here you find the FasTen model and data
Please find the inputdata files in \data-folder. Documentation for the inputdata is available in documentation.xls and results from the 2017 and 2030 reference run are available in results_2017_2030ref.xlsm in graphs and numbers.