Extensive experience with transport research
As a prelude to Nordic Energy Challenge 2021, Nordic Energy Research presents the five selected participants in a portrait series. Meet Mikkel Bosack Simonsen and Rasmus Bramstoft. How have you…
As a prelude to Nordic Energy Challenge 2021, Nordic Energy Research presents the five selected participants in a portrait series. Meet Mikkel Bosack Simonsen and Rasmus Bramstoft.

How have you previously worked with sustainable transport?
We have worked with sustainable transport previously in various research projects. Among these are the projects COMETS, SHIFT and NCES2020, where the role of the transport sector in the energy system has been studied using TIMES models for Denmark and the Nordics. Furthermore, different pathways for the transport sector in the Nordic countries were analysed in the TopNest project using the STREAM energy system model. These projects have explored current and future barriers for transportation as well as the necessary renewable fuel, power production and the infrastructure needed to supply the ever-increasing demand for transportation. Furthermore, in the FutureGas project, the production of renewable transport fuels was carefully studied, and the synergies between the energy infrastructures (transport of energy, power, heat, gas) were also analysed.
What is your idea about?
The idea is to show decision-makers how a coordinated and coherent infrastructure (transport, power, gas, district heating) plan for the Nordic region could speed up the energy transition and minimise the total costs. The idea illustrates the potential benefits for the Nordic region when utilising their combined expertise, well-functioning markets, and unique energy resources, for example, in relation to PtX facilities for aviation and shipping fuels, where the combined infrastructure planning is essential and could include coordination between power, district heating, gas, biogenic and transport infrastructures. The coordinated infrastructures also offer potential benefits; for example, PtX facilities can support the balancing of an electricity grid with high levels of intermittent renewables, as well as supply excess heat to local district heating networks.
How did you get the idea?
Since we worked together at Technical University of Denmark (DTU), we have been interested in continuing our work together on new innovative ideas to achieve a sustainable future. We have both worked with energy system analyses, but from slightly different perspectives and during our collaboration we have had fruitful discussions about barriers and limitations in each of our approaches and how we could benefit from each other. Our Nordic Energy Challenge 2021 idea is the result of our long discussions. with the idea, we show the benefits of combining our approaches to energy system analysis in an attempt to cover the energy chain from production through infrastructure to requirements – from coherent and coordinated policy frameworks.
How does your idea contribute to the Nordic region becoming CO2 neutral?
We believe our idea can speed up the energy transition and reduce the overall costs. The various sectors – energy, land use, financial and transport can no longer be seen as silos and treated separately; now they need to be analysed using a holistic approach.
Why is an event as the Nordic Energy Challenge important?
We believe that it gives a voice to researchers, consultants, and people with an interest in the energy sector and GHG neutrality, and it facilitates the opportunity to come up with new and innovative ideas. This is very important, as we need new and innovative ideas to push policy and decision makers and inform our society about current and future solutions to one of the world’s most pressing challenges; achieving a sustainable and cost-efficient energy system in the future and mitigate climate change.
Personal information
Name: Mikkel Bosack Simonsen
Age: 29
Education: Master’s degree in Energy technology from University of Southern Denmark (SDU)
Job: Partner in Energy Modelling Lab
Name: Rasmus Bramstoft
Age: 32
Education: PhD in Energy System Modelling and Analysis
Job: Post-doctoral researcher in the Energy Economic and System Analysis section at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU)