ENERWOODS at Skog og Tre 2017 conference.
ENERWOODS is a project that focuses on increased utilization of wood-based bioenergy
Rebecka Mc Carthy of NEPCon presented the ENERWOODS project at the Skog og Tre 2017 (Forrest and Tree 2017) conference in Oslo today. The project was presented at a session focusing on biofuels, specifically on the question “How can Norwegian forestry contribute to developing an industry on Norwegion biofuels?”
ENERWOODS is a project funded by Nordic Energy Research under the programme Sustainable Energy Systems 2050. It aims at strengthening the role of Nordic forestry as a significant contributor to the development of competitive, efficient and renewable energy systems. The project objectives and dissemination strategies involve two temporal scopes:
- Short term (2011-2020), with focus on increased utilization of wood based bioenergy from today’s Nordic forest, building on the current energy infrastructure and use of fossil resources.
- Long term (2020-2050+), where fossil resources will be reduced to a minimum from the energy supply and forestry exhibits an increase in productivity.
The ENERWOODS chapter of the SES2050 report can be downloaded here.
Visit the ENERWOODS homepage here, for more information.

Hybrid aspen used as a “help tree” for Douglas firs, in Sweden. These hybrids help increase the productivity of the plantation.