DNV wins aggregator study
Nordic Energy Research is pleased to announce that the Electricity Markets Group has selected DNV to carry out the study Regulation of Independent Aggregators, with a focus on compensation mechanisms…
Nordic Energy Research is pleased to announce that the Electricity Markets Group has selected DNV to carry out the study Regulation of Independent Aggregators, with a focus on compensation mechanisms.

The co-operation has started, and the Electricity Markets Group looks forward to an interesting report supporting the Nordic work on the regulation of independent aggregators.
“With this study, we gain insight into which regulations work, and which do not work in other European countries. Based on this mapping we will be able to support the national regulatory authorities and Tranmission System Operators in developing well-functioning and appropriate regulation of the Nordics,” explains Andrea Stengel, who is Senior Adviser at Nordic Energy Research and responsible for the secretarial services of the Nordic Electricity Markets Group.