Conference: The Joint Baltic-Nordic Energy Research Programme
The Joint Baltic-Nordic Energy Research Programme invites you to a conference in Riga, Latvia

The Joint Baltic-Nordic Energy Research Programme invites you to a conference in Riga, Latvia. The conference, which takes place from 24-25 October 2022, addresses everyone who has participated in the programme and other interested parties.
To register, please click the link and sign up for the conference.
For four years, the Joint Baltic-Nordic Energy Research Programme has successfully brought together researchers, teams and universities across the Baltic-Nordic region. In total, the research programme has resulted in nine joint research projects and four mobility actions, involving more than 100 scientists.
The aim of the conference is to:
- Gather all participants from the Joint Baltic-Nordic Energy Research Programme to strengthen research collaboration and create networks and dialogue for further collaboration.
- Establish a thorough dialogue between the participants of the programme and the funding Baltic-Nordic countries to look at two major issues:
- What have the participants of the programme achieved?
- What have the funding parties and countries gained from the programme? And, are we getting the short-term/long-term results and the policy recommendations that we need/want?
To register, please click the link and sign up for the conference.
Download the program here.