Cleaner City Freight Transport project on track
The joint Nordic analysis project SAFE Urban Logistics is now just over halfway through its process, and project manager Jens Christian Lodberg Høj from Insero E-Mobility can therefore make an…
The joint Nordic analysis project SAFE Urban Logistics is now just over halfway through its process, and project manager Jens Christian Lodberg Høj from Insero E-Mobility can therefore make an initial assessment. The project is well on track and has recently spawned a number of ideas, some of which will develop into a demonstration project.
Recently, the project participants met in the Swedish capital Stockholm, where the project participant City of Stockholm hosted the project‘s second workshop. In addition to the involved project members this involved outside personalities from e.g. Sweden’s Gröna Bilister and Vattenfall. The Stockholm workshop aimed to develop the best of the more than 150 ideas generated at the project‘s first workshop in Horsens, Denmark. Project leader Jens Christian Lodberg Høj from Insero E-Mobility says about the status of the project: “The SAFE project is well on track. The project participants have each provided valuable input during the analysis and have actively and inventively contributed at the two workshops. After the Stockholm workshop we had an internal project meeting about the progress so far and going forward, and here the mood was very positive about what we have achieved and must still achieve. We are all looking forward to presenting the main points at conferences in Denmark, Norway and Sweden in the spring.”
Demonstration project in the pipeline
Already before its completion SAFE has caused one really exiting result, as the project has generated an upcoming and large EU application for a demonstration project based on a combination of several of the ideas generated in Horsens and further developed in Stockholm. This demonstration project is aiming to examine the possibility of combining existing public transportation with electric vehicles in the distribution in major European cities in practice. Thus the SAFE project can also literally end up on tracks when the demonstration project is planned to be rolled out in the second half of 2012.
What is SAFE about?
SAFE Urban Logistics, which is funded by the Nordic Energy and Transport Program, aims to explore the potential of implementing electric transport in the distribution in major urban areas in the Nordic countries. The analysis project will identify whether and how an integration of electric vehicles can help reduce pollution nuisances such as CO2 emissions and noise in densely populated urban areas where the distribution and logistics generally represent a large share of the traffic. The SAFE project has participation of Arla Foods, ECOmove, ECTunes, Grönn Bil, Post Danmark, City of Stockholm and Insero E-Mobility. The latter is responsible for the overall project management.
For further information please contact Insero E-Mobility A/S:
Jens Christian Lodberg Høj
Project manager
Phone: +45 4112 5558
E-mail: jclh@insero.dk