Clean energy expert calls for increased Nordic energy cooperation
A lot has been happening in relation to energy policy in the Nordics lately. Last year Jorma Ollila - the former CEO of NOKIA - presented his findings in; Nordic…
A lot has been happening in relation to energy policy in the Nordics lately. Last year Jorma Ollila – the former CEO of NOKIA – presented his findings in; Nordic Energy Co-operation: Stronger today – stronger tomorrow, after extensive conversations with politicians, businesspersons and bureaucrats and travels in the Nordic countries. His recommendations have formed the basis for a renewed discussion on energy in the Nordic region. In addition, the Nordic countries have in recent years conducted their own major energy and climate policy reviews.
Nordic Energy Research is encouraged to see that these activities have been meet with considerable interest, and would like to draw the attention to an opinion piece written by Ivar Slengesol. You can read Mr. Slengesol’s piece – featured on the Export Credit Norway website – by clicking the image below.