CIRCit -project to be presented at WCEF 2017
In 2016, Nordic Innovation, NordForsk and Nordic Energy Research joined forces and launched a call for proposals on green growth to accelerate the transition towards a sustainable Nordic society. The Nordic…
In 2016, Nordic Innovation, NordForsk and Nordic Energy Research joined forces and launched a call for proposals on green growth to accelerate the transition towards a sustainable Nordic society. The Nordic Green Growth Research and Innovation Programme had more than 100 applicants of which 6 projects were selected.
One of the six projects – CIRCit – will be featured at the upcoming World Circular Economy Forum in Helsinki 4-6th June.
Increased articulation of the Nordic Industry towards Circular Economy
The project will provide a better understanding to the Nordic Industry, of the potential benefits to be reaped and challenges to be faced, when transitioning to Circular Economy. Through an industry-wide readiness assessment, we will gain a unique understanding of the readiness of the industry to transition to Circular Economy, which will be organized and clustered according to location, industrial sector, company size, etc. Read more.
Sustainability benefits: enhanced energy and material efficiency
The sustainability benefits from the CIRCit project will be numerous. Three areas are of particular interest to note, as key results from the project. Firstly, the sustainability benefits gained from creating closed loops of materials across several life cycles will be an important insight gained from the project, which will enable significant gains from an energy efficiency perspective. Read more.
Increased competitiveness of the Nordic Industry in the short, medium and long-terms
Ultimately, the CIRCit project will guide companies in the Nordic Industry as to how to create new revenue sources based on service, product/service-system offerings and circularity. Read more.
Nordic Industry as a demonstrator of the Circular Economy potential
By successfully making the transition to Circular Economy, the Nordic Industry has the opportunity to become a role model and a benchmark, to be followed by other countries in Europe and the rest of the world. The demonstration of the benefits obtained with Circular Economy in the Nordic Industry will spark the interest in other regions, which will have a synergetic and complementary benefit to the Nordic Industry, in the form of new business opportunities. Furthermore, benefits will come to society at large, in the form of a more sustainable environment and effective use of resources.