CEO Klaus Skytte in “The Power of Water”
Klaus Skytte, CEO of Nordic Energy Research, recently made an appearance in the episode "The Power of Water" (Kraften fra vandet), in the new series Kai's Climate Journey (Kais klimarejse)…
Klaus Skytte, CEO of Nordic Energy Research, recently made an appearance in the episode “The Power of Water” (Kraften fra vandet), in the new series Kai’s Climate Journey (Kais klimarejse), produced by the Danish television station TV Midtvest.

In the TV series, journalist Kai Hartmeyer visits a number of inspiring and groundbreaking climate projects across the Nordic region. The second episode, “The Power of Water”, takes the viewer to the Faroe Islands, where the first battery-powered catamaran vessel is launched and Klaus Skytte gives his input on Nordic co-operation.
Hartmeyer asks Klaus if the Nordic Council of Ministers’ vision of being the most sustainable region in the world is realistic.
“I believe we will achieve this goal. We will work hard and we have all the prerequisites to reach very far in the Nordics in many different areas. There are challenging areas too, where we haven’t come as far, but the Nordic region is a pioneer that shows how our co-operation will take us a long way together,” says Klaus.
Watch the episode with Klaus Skytte here.
TV Midtvest is a regional TV station (with headquarters in Holstebro) under TV 2 and broadcasts regional news and current affairs programmes.
Please note that the program is in Danish.
The Board aboard the Faroese electric catamaran
The episode “The Power of Water” features the Board of Nordic Energy Research making an excursion in the Faroe Islands. This occasion is part of the Board’s visits to several energy projects related to the Nordic Council of Ministers energy funding.

The mini excursion started off with a scenic tour of the Tórshavn harbour with Grønarók (“Green Smoke”) – the brand new electric catamaran and the Faroe Islands’ first electric work boat.
The contractor MEST Skipyard was selected from four companies who tendered for the contract in a competition organized as part of a larger project by the Nordic Council of Ministers and the Government of the Faroe Islands. The winning concept was a catamaran workboat, solely powered by electricity from batteries, which produces less noise and pollution and requires less maintenance than comparable vessels.