Biofuel from Nordic resources
Research on biofuel is high on the agenda for Nordic co-operation. This includes jet fuel for aviation, biofuel from wood waste from Nordic forests, and methanol as fuel in marine…
Research on biofuel is high on the agenda for Nordic co-operation. This includes jet fuel for aviation, biofuel from wood waste from Nordic forests, and methanol as fuel in marine transport.
At present, there is an ongoing study of sustainable jet fuel for aviation. Focus is on the commercial potential for initiating and scaling up production at a Nordic level, making use of Nordic know-how, feedstock and production facilities, and identify barriers and steps to take to remove the barriers. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has high expectations for sustainable jet fuel for the purpose of reaching the climate targets for 2020 and 2050.
Read more: Nordic perspectives on the use of advanced sustainable jet fuels for aviation
Please contact Senior Adviser Marie Kjellén for further information
Nordic forests can supply biofuel from waste products (bark, sawdust, chips, low-grade parts of the timber). Finland, Sweden and the Baltic countries are already processing biofuel from woody biomass, which is being used in the transport sector. This technology, with the sufficient infrastructure, can provide biofuel to reach CO2 neutrality by 2050. In Finland, the forest owner business is already producing biofuel, which is used/blended in diesel.
Read more: Developing more competitive bioenergy systems
Please contact Senior Adviser Inger Karni for further information
Marine fuel opportunities. By choosing methanol as a fuel instead of heavy fuel oils, new opportunities arise on how to effectively reduce sulphur oxide (SOx) emission and nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions in the short to medium-term as well as CO2 emissions in the long term. New restrictions that will be introduced for the Baltic sea from 2015 (?) has been a driver to gather expertise from the Nordic region, to tackle the challenge and provide for a more environmentally friendly marine shipping industry in the future.
Read more in chapter 3.3 in Energy and Transport report
Please contact Senior Adviser Svend Søyland for further information
Further, Nordic Energy Research finance R&D on a serial of studies on environmentally sustainable energy solutions for the transport sector, including electric vehicles, battery technology, infrastructure for supply of sustainable electricity, busses, heavy duty transport lorries, cargo and passenger ships.
Publication: Energy and Transport report
Please contact Senior Adviser Svend Søyland for further information
Photo: Aerial view of Nordic forests